Yeh, but its not just "flat" ... he simply said no and did not elaborate whereas I have elaborated in the full text!
Do you actually believe it's a globe? Or how do you see it?
Fren I disagree, Q drops specifically discuss the "Earth is not flat", which is true and in this article I explain how its more complex than just flat as there are also hollow and multi dimensional aspects. I have never had an issues posting flat earth content hear before and it is definitely a great awakening subject. Q did not focus on it as its too much for people to wrap their head around.
The Freemasons Know It's Flat, But Do You?
🔍💊 "The Earth Is Flat & Stationary: Destroying The Freemasonic Luciferian Globalist "Globe" Lie"
LMAO you got your shit removed for being a shill... I LOVE IT HERE
Yes, the air, with 🔍💊 "Geoengineering: Chemtrails, Cloud Seeding & H.A.A.R.P. Weather Modification"
LOL all I know is her name is Dana Horochowski and she still has this video up on her YT from 2009
The Secret Covenant: Luciferian Blood Oath Pact
Provided by Dana Horochowski back on October 9, 2009. This oath puts the Freemason's & Jesuit's allegiance to their Luciferian secret society above all else while committing to their plan for worldwide control, deception, division, enslavement, fear mongering, depopulation and poisoning of the masses.
🔍💊 "X-Factor Winner Reveals Worldwide Freemasonry Secretly Cloaks It's True Religion: Luciferianism"
Freemasonic Child Bride Ritual
As you may or may not already know, the Freemasons are after your children for however many sadistic homosexual pedophiliac reasons they may have. The following demonstrates what looks like child brides and grown Freemason men having a wedding ceremony. This ritual is allegedly for the purpose of ensuring these children will be "looked after" in the event their masonic parents die. The following ritual takes place at Cayrú Masonic Lodge N°762 In Brazil.
🔍💊 "X-Factor Winner Reveals Worldwide Freemasonry Secretly Cloaks It's True Religion: Luciferianism"
I'm with you all the way, in my full article I have collected the evidence all along from the beginning of the depopulation and sterilization death campaign. Now we have statistical evidence to justify our claims and vindicate us officially.
BMJ's Journal of Medical Ethics published a risk benefit assessment on COVID-19 vaccine boosters for young adults in relation to university mandate policies on December 5, 2022. The study concluded that for a single COVID-19 hospitalization averted by mRNA vax-boosting a net harm was realized/is anticipated for young healthy adults including 18.5 sever adverse events (SAEs) and between 1430-4626 disruptions of daily activities. They urge policymakers to repeal COVID-19 vaccine mandates for young adults immediately.
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🔍💊 "The Adverse Effects of Experimental Messenger RNA (mRNA) "Vaccines" a.k.a. Injections For COVID-19"
lol that's fine, but his was fake. There could be a real moon in addition to the holographic projection. I have included the patents in the full article.
Astronaut Runs When Confronted About Landing On The Moon
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The following clip comes from a 2009 documentary known as "Apollo Zero" John Young is a famous astronaut known for his involvement in Apollo 10 and Apollo 16. John was confronted by ABC's Bart Sibrel regarding the forging of footage from the Apollo 11 mission that was forged in a similar fashion to what John had done during the Apollo 10 mission. When John was offered the chance to swear on the Bible that he did in fact walk on the moon he immediately began to run followed by making threatening remarks to punch or knock out the news host.
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🔍💊"The Earth Is Flat & Stationary: Destroying The Freemasonic Luciferian Globalist "Globe" Lie"
Michael LaVaughan Robinson Registered With Chicago Board of Elections Commissioners As Male Until 2008
Proof in official government fillings have surfaced proving that Michael registered to vote as a male with the Chicago Board of Elections Commissioners. Michael's official Illinois voter registration card from 1994 indicated that he signed up as a male ("M" selected under sex) and after 14 years of voting as a male, Michael changed his sex status on July 14, 2008 from male to female as the Democrats elected Obama to run for the presidency.
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🔍"Michael LaVaughn Robinson: Deep State Satanic NWO Tranny, Also Known As Michelle Obama"
Bro just do yourself a favour and watch the 1+ hour video we uploaded into the article so you can hear it from him directly.
You must not understand optics. He has a much greater role than just how the mainstream labeled him for January 6.
German KBV Insurance Association Sudden Death ICD-10 Code Data 2016-2022 Q1
As of December 12, 2022 what is considered to be the "The Most Important Dataset of The Pandemic" was released which highlights compelling statistical data from the German KBV, confirming the phenomenon that is a drastic increase in sudden deaths following the depopulative mRNA injection roll-out in 2021 and onwards. Making this the largest dataset available, it was obtained by AFD's FOIA request (ICD-10 international codes from 2016 to 2022 Q1) to the KBV which represents 175,000 physicians and 72 million patients (90% of Germans) with statutory health insurance.
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🔍💊 "The Adverse Effects of Experimental Messenger RNA (mRNA) "Vaccines" a.k.a. Injections For COVID-19"
4070% Increase In Miscarriages & Stillbirths Since mRNA Roll-Out
The following graphs derived from official VAERS data up to December 9, 2022 demonstrate a 4070% increase in miscarriages and stillbirths since the mRNA roll-out. As observed on the "Reports of Miscarriage/Stillbirths by Year" graph we can see a detrimental jump in miscarriages and stillbirths commencing in 2021 (with 3379 miscarriages/stillbirths) followed by 2022 (with 1445 miscarriages/stillbirths). In comparison to the most recent year prior to the mRNA roll-out, being 2020 (with only 64 miscarriages/stillbirths) thus demonstrating an undeniable correlation between the introduction of mRNA injections and a preposterous increase in miscarriages/stillbirths. The peak of these miscarriages can be observed on the "Reports of Miscarriage Post Covid Vaccine" graph wherein July 2021 single-handedly had 464 miscarriages which is a 725% increase to the total amount of miscarriages in the entirety of 2020. Lastly, analyzation of the "All Deaths Reported to VAERS by Year" graph identified 21,959 deaths in 2021, followed by 11,829 deaths in 2022, in comparison to only 420 deaths in 2020, meaning there was a 5229% in deaths reported to VAERS from 2020 to 2021.
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🔍💊 "The Adverse Effects of Experimental Messenger RNA (mRNA) "Vaccines" a.k.a. Injections For COVID-19"
Elon White Hat Double Caught Wearing Skinmask
In the following video clip at the FIFA World Cup Finals 2022 we can observe Elon Musk's white hat controlled double (also known as #QElon) clearly wearing a skinmask that connects his neck to his torso. It is believed that Elon Musk was executed for his involvement in crimes against humanity and child trafficking via Neuarlink, resulting in all his assets being seized by the white hat military alliance. If we look closer it appears this may even possibly be a CGI edited production as Elon does not appear exactly the same on the phone recording within the video as he appears in the stadium.
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🔍💊"The Executed: Clones, Doubles, & Vril Lizard Reptilian Parasites"
🔍💊"MK-Ultra Victim Exposes International Money Laundering System That Funds Terrorism & Trafficking"
FDA Medicare Study Confirms Blood Clotting & Heart Attacks
As of December 1, 2022 via the Vaccine Journal the FDA has gone on to vindicate "anti-vaccine conspiracy theorists" by statistically confirming their injections have in fact caused and continue to cause the following life threatening occurrences with a growing minimum relative risk of 1.4:
1️⃣Acute Myocardial Infarction (Heart Attack): Blood flow decreases or stops flowing to the coronary artery of the heart
2️⃣Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation: Blood clotting throughout the body
3️⃣Immune Thrombocytopenia: A blood platelet disorder leading to easy or excessive bruising and bleeding
4️⃣Pulmonary Embolisms: Blood clotting in the lungs
The study utilized real-time vaccination monitoring data administered among 30.7 million adults aged 65 years and older who were enrolled in Medicare between December 11, 2020 to January 15, 2022. The FDA said it was not taking any action on the study results because they believe they do not prove the vaccines cause any of the four outcomes, and because the findings “are still under investigation and require a more robust study.”
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🔍💊 "The Adverse Effects of Experimental Messenger RNA (mRNA) "Vaccines" a.k.a. Injections For COVID-19"
Even though Wikipedia and the globalist owned and funded fact checkers would tell you that Dinesh D'Souza's 2022 full length feature documentary known as "2000 Mules" is a debunked American election conspiracy theory, we are intentionally publishing this to ensure that you still sit down and watch this compelling compilation of blatant election fraud. Specifically the documentary sets out to prove widespread, coordinated voter fraud in the 2020 election, sufficient enough to change the overall outcome.
Using cellphone geo-tracking data, the documentary purports to show evidence of thousands of discrete cellphone users who allegedly made dozens of trips each to multiple drop boxes where they deposited mail-in ballots in key swing states such as Pennsylvania, Arizona, Georgia, Wisconsin and Michigan.
🔍 Q Drop 4966: Your DNA Is Being Suppressed & Manipulated
They are not waiting, they are at war with the cabal as you can see hence people are dying. It had to be this way to force the people to wake up who are so brainwashed and addicted to their enslavement. Everything must be done legally by the military code books. Stuff is being done behind the scenes and it shows. Those in the know can see it clearly, those who have been paying attention for years. They have to show the masses. It has to feel real, it is, although partially controlled and planned.
Freemasonic Slave Collar Shackles
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🔍💊 "X-Factor Winner Reveals Worldwide Freemasonry Secretly Cloaks It's True Religion: Luciferianism"
Introducing Supporting Roles Actor Struan Rodger
In addition or on the contrary to the Joe Bidan double wearing a high production silicone skinmask he could also plain and simply just be an actor that looks like the real Joe Biden would if he were still alive today. Due to the shocking facial similarities between Joe Biden and Struan Rodger (September 18, 1946) it becomes hard to ignore the possibility that the mainly supporting roles actor from Manchester, England would pass on the opportunity of a lifetime to play POTUS, even as as the most hated clown that Bidan has been made out to be during the White Hat controlled shadow presidency.
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🔍💊We Are Watching A White Hat Movie: The 2021 USA Inc. Joe Biden Shadow Presidency
H.A.A.R.P. High Frequency Transmitter Used To Radiate ELF/VLF Wave Generation Via Modulated Heating Can Cause Earthquakes, Cyclones & Strong Localized Heating
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There are powerful military grade microwave devices known as H.A.A.R.P. High Frequency (HF) Transmitters which are used to radiate extremely low frequency (ELF) and very low frequency (VLF) wave generation via modulated heating into the ionosphere / magnetosphere. These transmitters produce low frequency wave radiation by modulating a beam of high powered energy with extremely low frequencies. The high frequency heating modulates the electrons’ temperature in the D region of the ionosphere and leads to modulated conductivity and a time-varying current which then radiates at the desired modulation frequency. The physics department at Maranhao State University of Brazil concluded that high-power extremely low frequency radiation generated by high frequency ionospheric heaters like this one can cause earthquakes, cyclones and strong localized heating.
🔍 What Is Geoengineering: Chemtrails, Cloud Seeding & H.A.A.R.P. Weather Modification
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