You Know Its True (media.greatawakening.win)
posted ago by Oskar64 ago by Oskar64
Pedo PeteSick Bastard (media.greatawakening.win) 🐸 OK, #PedoPete! 🏳️‍⚧️
posted ago by Oskar64 ago by Oskar64
DISGUSTING STUFF IN VAXXED (www.richplanet.net)
posted ago by Oskar64 ago by Oskar64

Well well well looks like things are changing after all. I used Twitter to deliberately troll Demon Rats and fake news. Nothing Heavy but the final straw that got me banned for life was calling Dorsey a Satanic C*** and saying i was looking forward to seeing him with a rope around his neck ( in fairness he had been posting about how he loves dark days and dipping into Satanic things or similar) Well i appealed on Thursday for a laugh and received an email today apologising and saying my account does not violate their rules and is now unlocked. I have to say i am surprised. Now where is that C*** Dorsey...

Blood Clots Anybody? (www.newscientist.com)
posted ago by Oskar64 ago by Oskar64

So we are obviously worrying someone as i am having a lot of trouble accessing the site.It has been slow for the last 2 -3 days. Everything else i am accessing is fine. Anyone Else?


Was reading the brilliant work of Patel patriot re Devolution and noticed this really interesting comment by a patriot regarding the Role that Pence may be playing in this unfolding drama. Thought it was worth posting here (from Comments in DEVOLUTION Part 5)

Something has always stuck with me about Trump’s speech from January 6th. He talks about how himself and Pence had a phone conversation before the speech. Trump talks about how they were discussing the fact that it was constitutional to send the electoral votes back to the states, then he goes on to say that it would take courage for Mike Pence to do NOTHING, I always thought that Trump made a mistake, but as we all believe , everything Trump says has meaning. I see now what Trump meant by that comment. He meant for Pence to do nothing, would take courage because he knew the people would blame Pence. According to Devolution, the electoral votes were already decertified. I cannot believe all this is true. It’s BRILLIANT.



In the UK the government are asking people to Please buy a newspaper everyday as the sales are in the toilet, Scroll to the end of this piece about Idiots re-electing this DS tool as Mayor. Apparently we need a free press. We don't have one you moron that's why nobody is buying them. The sooner they collapse the better.


Remember the Q drop that said dear old Trumpy and his family would be safe and protected when it hits the fan? Maybe this is what it meant>

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