Peach_mintz 2 points ago +2 / -0

Also, I had a EAS test today, on Thursday, specifically said “monthly” and “PA Civil Authority” so take that for what it’s worth

But the one EAS drop (2187) mentioned “TEST [Thursday] by DoD to confirm ‘free-flow’ of direct comms. POTUS SPEC AUTH REQ [think ‘the football’]. NSA monitoring...”

Why would you need to confirm comms if you’re in charge? And both the football and NSA have been in the news...

Peach_mintz 2 points ago +2 / -0

Drop 946 (POTUS tinestamp) is 3 BOOMs

Drop 649 has a delta date of 1/31, where Q highlights an anon mentioning the “capitol dome” and “federal employees committing crimes” when talking about a speech

Drop 648 (has a 9:46 time stamp) also 1/31 delta “Timing is everything. Did you miss the most important line of the entire speech? Activation Code. Q.”