Anons and Patriots of The Great Awakening,
The hour of retribution and tribulation draws near. A day is coming very soon when the fog of war shall be lifted, the veil pulled back, the curtains felled, and the truth let loose upon the world. Perhapse some of you have sensed it. There has been a quickening in the narrative. We have entered that twilight zone wherein narrative turns have fleeting hours to take hold before they are discombobulated by the arrival of another turn in the great game.
These past few months we have seen a myriad of narrative turns take shape in the grand tapestry of The Great Awakening; from the confirmation of the lab leak of Sars-Cov-2, to the derailment and collisions on our nation's highways and rail ways, the failure of numerous Cabal banks, the burning of our food factories, and now the indictment and possible arrest of President Donald J. Trump. The dam of the normie reality is set to burst forth very soon in an unstoppable torrent that shall mark the beginning of the Storm of Storms, and the End of the Endless.
The Cabalists and Deep Staters are doing everything in their power to stop We the People from waking up. They have deployed numerous powerful psychological weapons against the people of The United States and the world to great effect. Among these psychological weapons are the confusion of the genders, the fear of climate, the heightening of racial tensions, the so called 'insurrection', the insecurity of our nation's food and water supplies, and now the indictment of President Donald J Trump.
The Cabalists and Deep Staters believe that these psychological operations grant them power and leverage over We the People. For thousands of years the Cabal have dominated the people of the world by exploiting these points of weakness in societies across the world. What they fail to realize is that their weapons of leverage and control are also powerful catalysts for not only The Great Awakening, but also the ultimate downfall of the Cabal's stranglehold upon humanity. Their arsenal of psychological weapons has been turned against them, and for the first time in their lives the Cabalists and Deep Staters are experiencing true existential dread. Their leverage on humanity is running out, as is their time upon this Earth.
Washington D.C., the Deep States of the world, and their Cabalist overlords, operate their entire dominion atop the practice of leverage in its differing forms. Leverage, in various contexts, refers to the ability to influence or exert control or domination over a situation, an individual, or people in order to achieve a desired outcome. We can categorize leverage into two diverging fields for the purpose of this discussion: Political Leverage, and Criminal Leverage. As we will discover, the line between these diverging paths has been blurred and obscured of late.
POLITICAL LEVERAGE: In the field of politics, leverage can be referred to as the power or influence that one party, organization, or individual possesses over another in order to achieve a specific goal or desired outcome. This can involve the use of resources, connections, or strategic advantages to persuade, pressure, or negotiate with other parties. Political leverage can manifest in various forms, such as economic sanctions, diplomatic negotiations, military alliances, or public opinion campaigns. The ultimate goal is to shape policies, decisions, or actions in a way that favors the party exerting leverage.
CRIMINAL LEVERAGE: In the criminal context, leverage refers to the power or control that a person or group has over another person, typically through the use of threats, coercion, manipulation, or blackmail. This can involve exploiting a person's vulnerabilities, such as their fears, emotions, or personal relationships, to force them into complying with the criminal's demands. Criminal leverage can be used in various situations, such as blackmail, extortion, or hostage-taking, where the person exerting leverage seeks to achieve an illegal or illicit goal by applying pressure on the victims.
Have you ever wondered how it is that the Cabalists and Deep Staters have been able to maintain control, seemingly over all facets of modern-day life for as long as they have, and without an organized resistance until today? How did the government of the United States become so compromised and at so many levels? The control of the Deep State stems from the construction of ring upon ring of bribery, blackmail, and extorsion that is utilized in order to manifest a potent leverage over those who hold power in the leadership positions across the globe. The Deep Staters and Cabalists have become extremely adept at applying pressure to humanity's weak points in order to achieve their goals.
Anons and Patriots of The Great Awakening understand very well that the line between political and criminal leverage does not exist in the reality constructed for us by the Cabal. We are in a 5th Generation War in which all methods of leverage, both political and criminal, are routinely utilized against We the People in the aim to subvert and dominate humanity completely. The Cabal is desperately seeking avenues to regain their control and domain over us. What they fail to comprehend is that The Great Awakening has changed the game forever. The people are waking up at an unprecedented rate, and we are remembering that we are strong, and have powerful leverage of our own!
In these times of great trials, tribulations, and turmoil, it can be all too easy to fall into a bleak depression, lingering under the delusion that there is nothing to be done, and that all hope is lost. Often, we feel as though we are captaining a rudderless vessel through this great storm; being swept this way and that way by the clash of the White Hat and Black Hat titans that do battle in the skies above us.
What we must remember is that we are not mere bystanders to this 5th Generation War. We are a critical component of The Great Awakening. Without Anons, there can be no Great Awakening, and without The Great Awakening, the Cabal can never be felled. We the People also have the power to exert leverage and control of our own against the criminal and political factions that serve the Cabal and who seek to oppress and dominate use. The Cabal will not be felled with a single swift strike of a blade. Their death will come in the form of a million cuts from billions of sovereign peoples across the world!
Anons and Patriots of The Great Awakening, the time has come for us to recognize and acknowledge our own powers of leverage that can be wielded with great affect against our Deep State and Cabalist adversaries here in our Homeland, and in the world at large. We are not helpless bystanders in this fifth-generation war. We are active participants who can shift the very battlefield itself and crumble the foundations on which the Cabalists stand.
I am not referring to violent actions that would play into the psychological operations of the Cabalists, but to the American traditions of unity, civil disobedience, and active participation in one's community and local government. Our leverage comes in many different forms including, but certainly not limited to: raising awareness, grassroots organizing, legal action, voting and political participation, economic power, the building of alliances, nonviolent resistance, and digital warfare.
RAISING AWARENESS: We cannot fight an enemy whom we cannot see. We must ceaselessly raise awareness about the Deep State's oppressive practices, policies, and criminal activities by sharing information through social media, public forums, and local based news outlets and independent journalists. By shedding light on these criminals, we can garner public support and put pressure upon those responsible for our oppression.
GRASSROOTS ORGANIZING: We can organize at the community level to form groups, neighborhood watches, school boards, associations, and coalitions that work together to address specific issues or injustices. By pooling our resources, knowledge, and skills at the local level, we can amplify our collective voice, lobby for policy changes, and hold those in power accountable to We the People.
LEGAL ACTION: We can use the legal system to challenge oppressive policies or actions, either by filing lawsuits or supporting organizations that pursue legal action on our behalf. By doing so, we can bring attention to our grievances and potentially force legislation or policy. Remember! Local Action -> National Impact! Do not make the mistake of aiming for the head of this Cabal Beast. In this case we must adhere to the strategy of aiming small and missing small. Our efforts at the local level to turn the tide in this war will have massive tectonic affects at the national level that will shift the battlefield in our favor.
VOTING AND POLITICAL PARTICIPATION: We can exert leverage by participating in the political process, voting for representatives (both local and national) who support our values, and advocating for policy changes. By engaging with elected officials, attending town hall meetings, and joining political campaigns, we can influence decision-makers. If our local governments are corrupted with voter fraud, we can organize as poll watchers, and get local lawyers involved in order to force a free and fair election.
ECONOMIC POWER: We can use our purchasing power to support ethical and patriotic businesses, and boycott companies with oppressive and woke practices. By making conscious choices about where to spend our money, we can send a powerful message to the woke corporations and government about the importance of ethical and patriotic behavior. Boycotts are highly effective! Do not let the Deep State convince you otherwise. Get Woke, Go Broke is no mere meme. It is a reality that hits the woke corporations on a daily basis.
BUILDING ALLIANCES: We can form alliances with other groups, organizations, or individuals who share our goals and values, both nationally and internationally. By working together and pooling resources, we can increase our leverage and more effectively combat the forces of the Deep State and Cabal. Within these groups we can be ever vigilant to root out FBI and CIA glowie infiltrators who seek to disrupt our peaceful and patriotic assemblies. Our adversaries are willing to fight dirty in order to keep us from organizing and coming together as a unified humanity. We must not let them succeed in their endeavor to sow division and strife among us.
NONVIOLENT RESISTANCE: Perhaps the most important tenet we can follow in this fifth-generation war is that of peaceful and patriotic protests, demonstrations, or acts of civil disobedience. Through these actions we can draw attention to oppressive practices or policies and demand change. We must not be afraid to assemble and show our support for President Donald J. Trump, and our distain for the Cabalists and Deep Staters. January 6th of 2021 was a highly effective psychological operation that scared a great many Patriots into a fear of public assembly. We must bolster our courage and never be ashamed to publicly voice our opinions in peaceful resistance to the tidal wave of woke propaganda washing over our nation.
DIGITAL WARFARE: All who participate in The Great Awakening are already engaged in the Digital Battlefield. It is this battlefield that is perhaps the most important of all. The Cabal is actively seeking to control the digital landscape with their aptly named 'Restrict Act'. They are not merely restricting Tik Tok. They seek to restrict our digital sovereignty, our personal data, our digital communications, and our ability to assemble online peacefully and patriotically. Our enemy understands well the power of the internet, and how instrumental it has been in the ignition of The Great Awakening. Every single Anon of The Great Awakening is a Digital Soldier in this war for our Digital Sovereignty.
LIVE BY THE SIDEBAR: We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here. WE ARE THE PUBLIC FACE OF Q. OUR MISSION IS TO RED-PILL NORMIES.
This is a continuation from PART I →
According to the notes of Dr. James McHenry, a delegate from Maryland who attended the Constitutional Convention, as the delegates were leaving Independence Hall at the end of the convention, a woman named Elizabeth Willing Powel asked Benjamin Franklin this formative question, "Well, Doctor, what have we got, a republic or a monarchy?" To which Franklin is said to have replied, "A republic, madam, if you can keep it."
In order for humanity to truly regain control over our communities, our governments, our reality, and our world, we must shoulder the heavy burden of personal responsibility that comes with attaining our sovereignty and freedom. It does us no good to root out the great evil of the Deep State and Cabal, only to fall back into our complacency and willingness to let others do battle on our behalf in the maintenance of our Republic. In order for us to keep our Republic, as Franklin was rumored to have said, we must be willing to actively fight for it each and every day and in whatever way we can.
We must be ready to not only take back control, but to maintain that control for future generations. We cannot allow for the Deep Staters and Cabalists to ever take root again; not now, not in a hundred years, and not in a thousand years. We must be prepared to do our part at the local level to stand for our Republic and its Constitution bravely, boldly, and patriotically. If we do not steal ourselves for this task, I fear the Cabalists will not be long gone before they take root again and spread their infection once more throughout humanity. I do not believe Q intends for this to be a possibility, hence why humanity must feel the sting and pain of this conflict before we are well and truly rid of the Cabal parasite. Wartime memories transcend time and space and linger on in the memory of humanity for generations to come.
This battle we wage against the Cabal titan is one of cooperation between Anons and the Military personnel of the Q team. While it is true that the Q team are doing much of the heaviest lifting in the greater war; clearing out the underground trafficking tunnels, exposing the Deep State and Cabal networks of human trafficking and money laundering, and preventing a global war from completely annihilating all of us, we cannot forget that Anons have a vital role of our own to play in this Great Awakening.
It is we the Anons who will, in coordination with the Q team, put an end of the endless corruption, the endless lies, the endless perversion of our ethics and values, and the endless stream of woke propaganda that is inundating us every hour of every day. As our numbers grow, so too does our leverage against the apparatuses and mechanisms of the Deep State. When enough of us are awake, aligned in our goals and mission, and brave enough to take local action, the Cabal will stand no chance in the perpetuation of their perversion of our Republic. Together we will exorcise this demon from Lady Liberty and regain equal justice under the law!
Q did not awaken the Anons so that we may sit idly on the sidelines, inactively observing the war between the White Hats and the Black Hats. We were not meant to be mere bystanders in and witnesses of The Great Awakening, but active members participating at the local level so that we may affect true national change. The Cabal has done their best to dishearten us into believing that we cannot affect change on a global level. They want us to believe that we are small, that we are alone, and that we are without the ability to fight back effectively against their machines of propaganda and war.
Alone, the Anons are weak and easily defeated. Together, united as one cohesive Republic of Patriots and Anons, we are invincible! Too many Anons make the mistake of believing the Cabal lie that we are fighting this war alone. This is an intended effect of the Cabal's powerful psychological operations they have waged upon humanity for thousands of years. Today I wish to tell each and every Anon of The Great Awakening that you are not alone. I repeat - YOU ARE NOT ALONE!, You are not weak. You are not without resources and aid! Know that if you seek help and assistance in the community of The Great Awakening, the Anons will answer your call as has been demonstrated time and time again.
In times of darkness and despair we would be wise to remember our nation's heritage. Our founding fathers of our Republic fought a war against the world's most formidable and powerful military force of their time, and they did so all while spending every ounce of their wealth and impoverishing themselves and their families so that we might have a Republic. Many of our founding fathers who signed the Declaration of Independence ended up either dead, or penniless by the end of the war.
Sometimes sacrifices must be made in order to achieve victory on the field of battle. Sometimes we must live through hard times in order for strong men and women to rise to the occasion and rebuild our communities into strong forces to be reckoned with. Nobody ever said that taking down a 6000 year old Death Cult would be easy. Anons have two choices laid out before us. Either we sit idly by on our hands in the belief that the Q team will do all the work for us, or we play the game with them and do our part to bring about the end of the Cabal parasite once and for all!
Make no mistake, the Patriots are indeed in control. There are millions of Patriots fighting every day to bring about The Great Awakening. The Q team is comprised of many high level Military Generals and personnel who are among the most brave of Patriots in our Republic. Every Anon who participates in The Great Awakening is also a Patriot, and this fact should not be forgotten!
YOU are a Patriot. Just as Q can be in control of the greater battlefield of this war, so too can you be in control of your own battlefield. Remember that this war we fight is not contained to some distant battlefield. It is taking place here in our Homeland, in our communities, and in our very minds! YOU can be the master of your own destiny by first mastering your own fears.
"I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain."
- Paul Atreides - Dune
To be the master of your own fear is to be a Patriot in Control. The Cabalists and Deep Staters are unleashing their most potent and powerful of psychological operations and propaganda in order to unsteady your footing and drive you into an uncontrolled state of fear. To succumb to this fear is to allow the Cabalists a victory in this 5th Generation War, and we cannot permit them this happening. By mastering our fear, we can clear our minds and begin to think with logic and not with emotion. We can begin to realize that there are always actions that Anons can take to combat the plots of the Deep State and gain leverage over the Cabal.
Remember well the myriad of ways in which Anons can gain leverage over the Deep State. Raise awareness of the Deep State in your local community. Take legal action to root out Deep State operatives in your hometown. Participate in politics by voting in elections or running for a local office. Make use of your economic power by denying woke companies and corporations your hard-earned dollars. Build alliances in your community and rally together in nonviolent resistance to the practices of the Deep State. Continue to engage in the Digital Battlefield here on The Great Awakening win, and never forget that there is always something you can be doing to turn the tide of the war against the Cabal.
Slowly but surely the Q team and Anons are turning up the heat on the Cabal Parasite. We are bringing this Great Awakening to a fever pitch that shall scorch the infection of the Cabal from the face of the planet. Every day the Cabal and their Deep State puppets are becoming ever more exposed to the light of truth. Truth is the sword that shall slay this hydra we do battle with.
What hurts most for the Cabal is for Anons to speak truth relentlessly and ceaselessly to the myriad of endless lies that flow forth from their tongues. Make no mistake about it Anons, the Deep state and Cabal are most certainly feeling the sting of our sword of truth. That they would dare attempt to pass their aptly named 'Restrict Act' tells us that they are in dire straits and in terrible pain. The Cabal have lost their control and leverage they have held over humanity for thousands of years, and this has brought about a panic that they never imagined they would experience.
For the first time in their history upon this Earth, the Cabalists and Deep Staters are living out a nightmare of true existential dread. Never could the Deep Staters and Cabalists have ever imagined that We the People would rise up against them. They thought themselves in control. They thought their leverage upon this world too great to overcome. They believed humanity to be weakened beyond the ability to rise up and stand against them.
What the Cabal fear most is a united humanity standing as one force against them. For thousands of years the Cabalists and Deep Staters have accrued a tremendous debt of negative Karma. They know that God in heaven is waiting to pass judgement upon them for their great sins, and this has filled them with a primal and uncontrollable fear. The Cabal Beast is nearing its death, but we cannot rejoice just yet.
In a recent post on Twitter, General Flynn gave this dire warning to all Anons: "This is fair warning to everyone. Be aware of your surroundings at all times."
Many Anons have become disheartened by these words, believing them to be an omen that Patriots were not in control. What we must remember is that the closer our Cabal enemy comes to their ultimate demise, the more dangerous they will become. They have nothing left to lose. They are facing total obliteration, annihilation, and extinction. The most dangerous animal in the world is a wounded predator who knows its death is near. In its last moments, such an animal will lash out with an unimaginable and uncontrollable ferocity. This battle against the Cabal Beast should not be taken lightly. We will see the end of this war very soon, but the battle is not over until we have taken all the powers of leverage away from the Cabal and rendered them truly incapacitated and unable to manifest their evils upon this world.
Anons have waited a very long time for the end of this 5th Generation War to come to pass. Some Anons have been waiting a few years, others decades, and still others their whole lives. Always remember that we are living through Biblical times! We few who are awakened to the state of the world have a front row seat to an event that will never be witnessed again. It is not a curse to have lived in such times, it is a blessing. We will tell tales of these times to our children, and grandchildren in time; tales of great heroics, of valor, of bravery, and of how we turned the tables on the Deep State's leverage and regained control over our Republic.