Anons and Patriots of The Great Awakening,
As we all very well know by now we are in the midst of a Fifth Generational Information War. The battlefield of such a war as this is not on some far off distant land, but in the very minds of the people of the world. Fifth Generation warfare is everywhere. It is all around us. Even now, on The Great Awakening board, we are all participants in 5th Gen War. You can see 5th Gen War when you look out your window, or when you turn on your television, or when you venture into a movie theatre. Fifth Generation warfare is everywhere!
Some of you may be asking what a Godzilla post is doing on a Q research board. Allow us to explore this subject together. For those Anons who do not know the origin or history of the Godzilla character, the following summary will give you the basic fundamentals necessary to understand the significance of this post, and the relation to the Q comms that follow:
Godzilla, an iconic behemoth from Japanese cinema, first emerged from the depths in 1954 as a manifestation of post-World War II fears. Conceived by the creative minds at Toho Studios, the monster's inception was heavily influenced by the traumatic memories of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, as well as the Lucky Dragon 5 incident, where a Japanese fishing boat was contaminated by nuclear fallout from a U.S. hydrogen bomb test.
Portrayed as a gigantic, prehistoric sea monster awakened and empowered by nuclear radiation, Godzilla became a symbol of the devastating consequences of nuclear warfare and mankind's interference with nature. Over the decades, this colossal creature has evolved in meaning and interpretation but remains a powerful emblem of the intersection between nature's wrath and human innovation.
I want to pose a question to Anons of this board. Have you noticed that in the last decade there has been a major resurrgence of the Godzilla character in American and Japanese media? Prior to Gareth Edwards' 2014 American release of 'Godzilla,' the last time Godzilla made waves in American media was in 1998 with the release of Roland Emmerich's interpretation.
Since 2014, we have seen the release of a great many high budget films in the Godzilla franchise from both American directors as well as Japanese. In 2016 the Japanese released Shin Godzilla, another reimagining of the character as a creature capable of biological metamorphosis and evolution. In 2019 we saw the release of the American film Godzilla: King of the Monsters, and in 2021 we saw the release of the American film Godzilla vs Kong.
This year, on November 3rd of 2023, on the 69th anniversary of the character, the Japanese will be releasing a Godzilla reboot film called Godzilla Minus One.
Below is a link to a YouTube video covering some early screening reviews of the film:
Godzilla Minus One Is A MASTERPIECE!?
Take note of the general tone and emotional response of critics who reportedly saw the film in early screenings. They reference the sincerity of the film, and its return to the 1954 emotions following the nuclear devastation of Japan. This film appears to not merely be a kaiju monster flick, but a much deeper experience meant to remind humanity of the destructive force of nuclear weapons.
Now that we have a firm foundational understanding of the history of Godzilla, and the character's resurgence in popular culture over the last decade, it is time for us to turn our attention to the purpose of this post. At this stage of the Fifth Generation War we are engaged in, all seasoned veteran Anons should be well aware of terms such as precipice and near death experience. Q warned us time and time again that in order to save humanity, a scare event will be necessary; an event that will bring humanity to the precipice, the very brink of total annihilation.
We have all come to understand the necessity for such an event. Some lessons must be learned the hard way. Some lessons require times of great turmoil, anxiety, and fear. Humanity has slumbered in a deep sleep of contentedness and passivity for far too long. We have allowed the Cabalists and their Deep State puppets to lay plans for our destruction via biological warfare and global thermonuclear war. The purpose of Q's mission was to awaken humanity to these plans, and avert the complete extinction of our civilization.
As we have already established above, Godzilla is a character that was birthed in the aftermath of the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The Godzilla character became a way for the Japanese people to emotionally and culturally express the terrible destruction and devastation they experienced due to the deployment of nuclear weapons on their soil. This connection is absolutely key to understanding the comms that follow.
Let us analyze a set of important numerical values for a moment.
Date: November 3rd of 2023 โ Japanese Release date of Godzilla Minus One Calculation: -1 (Minus One)
To begin with, the date of November the 3rd of 2023 has many significant meanings for Anons who follow the Q posts.
First, November 3rd translates directly into 11.3. The Law of War experts amongst us will know that Chapter 11 of the Law of War manual delves into the subject of Military Occupation and that sub-chapter 3 covers the End of Occupation and Duration of Geneva Conventions Obligations.
To quote from the Law of War manual:
Belligerent occupation ends when the Occupying Power no longer has effectively placed the occupied territory under its control. For example, an uprising by the local population may prevent the Occupying Power from actually enforcing its authority over occupied territory. Similarly, the Occupying Powerโs expulsion or complete withdrawal from the territory would also suffice because the former Occupying Power generally would not be able to control sufficiently the occupied territory.
Let us be absolutely clear about something. Both Japan and America are under belligerent occupation at this very moment. President Trump is the true President of the Republic of the United States of America, while Joe Biden is the usurper. Anons must also not forget that the Cabal struck a blow against the Japanese with the assassination of Shinzo Abe on July 8th of 2022. Both President Trump and Shinzo Abe were moving America and Japan into positions of opposition to the Global Cabal, NATO, and the European Union.
Let us ask an important question then: What happens when the citizens of a belligerently occupied territory rise up against their occupiers (the Cabal) and throw off the chains of oppression? Will the Cabalists and their Deep State puppets go quietly to their Military Tribunals? No Anons are naive enough to believe that such an easy victory will be won. After the biological weapon of mass destruction released upon humanity in 2019, there are only a finite number of cards left in the Cabal's deck that they may play in order to postpone their judgement day. Among these cards is of course the subject matter of this very post: Global Thermonuclear Warfare.
Let us then return back to the important numerical values of this post:
Date: November 3rd of 2023 โ Japanese Release date of Godzilla Minus One Calculation: -1 (Minus One)
As we have already established, November 3rd has direct connections to The Law of War and the End of Occupation. Let us then complete the calculation posed to us in the title of Godzilla Minus One.
November 3rd Minus 1 = November 2nd.
The astute Anons among us already know where I am going with this. Do you believe in coincidences? At this stage in the Information War, I no longer believe such things exist.
Let us then explore the Q posts of November 3rd of 2017. These Q posts are coming up to their 6th year deltas! We cannot possibly cover every post from this day, as this was a momentous day of Q posts, but I want to build the general narrative for you.
Q Post 38 โ This post references not only carriers and escorts in the pacific, but also the threats of Russia, China, and North Korea in the pacific arena. Q asks us to note the false flags, and ends with the well known phrase The Calm Before the Storm.
Q Post 39 โ This post references connections between Barack Obama and North Korea, as well as Iran. The topic of North Korean nuclear weapons is brought up, as well as the technology to miniaturize the payloads for potential attacks on United States soil.
Q Post 41 โ This post references the collapse of North Korea's nuclear weapons testing. Q points out the global news blackout on this event.
Q Post 44 โ This post references the very important message that POTUS will deliver. More on this further down the Q posts! Think 5x5!
Q Post 46 โ This post references Barack Obama's connection to Uranium One and the export approval to Canada and the European Union. For Anons not in the know, Uranium One was a program initiated under Barack Obama's presidency for the sole purpose of constructing and covertly deploying nuclear weapons. The Uranium was smuggled from the American stockpiles to countries abroad. Q tells us that this wormhole goes very deep, and makes key connections between the DNC, CIA, and MSM. Anons should be well aware of the 16 year plan to destroy America. Obama's 8 years were in part about the covert creation of nuclear weapons using the American stockpile of Uranium. Hillary's 8 years that never happened would have involved a Global Thermonuclear War between Russia and America in which both countries would have experienced mutual destruction. Think: THE SUM OF ALL FEARS.
Q Post 47 โ This post references Barack Obama's refusal to allow the military to destroy ISIS. Q leads us into the understanding that Obama was directly involved with the creation and funding of terrorist organizations. What would have happened had Hillary given ISIS untraceable nuclear weapons? What happens when America's border is wide open? Think FALSE FLAG!
Q Post 48 โ This post again makes references to the Uranium One program, as well as the Atomic Energy Act of 1954. Coincidentally, 1954 was the year when the original Godzilla movie was released in Japan. Q points out that the DNC made Russia the enemy of their war narrative, again setting up Hillary's planned Global Thermonuclear War between Russia and America. Q ends the post telling us that they never thought they would lose 2016, and again referencing the well known phrase The Calm Before the Storm.
Q Post 49 โ This post references an FBI informant in the Uranium One deal. We are also introduced to Alice & Wonderland. (Hillary and the Middle East)
Q Post 50 โ This post makes connections between North Korea, Iran, and their obtaining of Uranium, as well as Barack Obama sending billions of dollars to Iran. Again, the clear plan of Obama and Clinton was the initiation of Global Thermonuclear War. They sent the American owned Uranium and the American dollars to fund, finance, and supply this planned war. Q makes references to bread crumbs numerous times in these posts. Follow them! The line they form is crystal clear!
Q Post 55 โ This post references the Twitter post we have all been waiting for in which we will see the words "My Fellow Americans, the Storm is upon us . . ." Note for Anons: 55 is military terminology for LOUD AND CLEAR. In other words, we will know when the precipice arrives, and it will likely involved the instigation of Global Thermonuclear Warfare as the prelude and beginnings of World War III, the scare event that is necessary to bring humanity into The Great Awakening!
There are many more posts from November 2nd of 2017 relating to Uranium One and Nuclear Warfare, but I cannot possibly hope to cover them all in this post. Suffice to say, this was a momentous day for Q and the building of the narrative map of Hillary's timeline that we narrowly avoided, and the 16 year plan to destroy America.
Anons of The Great Awakening,
Now, more than ever before, I believe that we are well and truly in what Q calls the Calm Before the Storm. Many an Anon has questioned what will happen between now and the 2024 election. If we think back to where we were four years ago, we were in the final weeks of 2019 in the lead up to the biological weapons attack upon the world at large that came to be known as COVID-19 and the subsequent Deep State lockdowns of humanity. We are now coming to the end of 2023, and will soon arrive upon another election year in 2024. The Cabalists and Deep Staters are running out of runway. They well and truly believed that Hillary Clinton would win the 2016 election, and that by now humanity would already be in the midst of a Global Thermonuclear War. They believed their 16 year plan to destroy America would prevail. Now, in the final year of their Belligerant Occupation of America, they are attempting to place humanity back on their timeline. The Cabalists and Deep Staters are doing everything in their power to push humanity into World War III. Their only hope of salvation is to bring world wide destruction to all those who oppose them.
This post has analyzed many numerical values as they relate to the release of Godzilla Minus One on November 3rd of 2023. We have delved into the significance of 11.3 and the End of Occupation, as well as the -1 date of 11.2 and the Q comms relating to Nuclear Warfare. There is of course one value that we have yet to take into concideration, and that is the fact that this year is the 69th anniversary of Godzilla. This being the case, I thought it was only fitting to end this post with a quote from Q Post 69:
Dark times may lay ahead for us Anons! Humanity is not yet through with the lessons that Q has in store for us. Just as Godzilla serves as a reminder of the destructive powers of thermonuclear warfare, so too must the times we are living in serve to remind our children, grand-children, and great-grandchildren of the destructive capabilities of the Cabalists and Deep Staters. Never again shall humanity allow these wicked tyrants the ability to control and direct the world stage. Though we walk through these times of darkness, we must never forget that we are not alone! Where We Go One We Go All and with the Lord!
Eyes Open, Anons!
No Fear!