those are just secularists...
dunno what I expected from a user named Pooners
sleeper go back to sleep
I guess that's why Biden went to church...he knows what's coming
on super 8
it took you this long to count them all??
crank it to 11
= /
bet you're lotsa fun at parties
American jews maybe
whaddaya mean, "you people?"
he did it to get the 5 points of extra credit
young men's christian association, duh
he prolly lost his bed betting on biden
they always play it at trump functions
we have the best trolls don't we folks
would be better if you posted bigger dick shemales
lol topkek
chy-na go back to you must
no need for a paragraph...loosing freedoms is always winning
losing freedoms however is not
shemales r cool tho if they got schlong dongers
Red Leader standing by
famous words from lawyer to client: some people just need to come to Jesus
they getting brigaded hard
that's almost a non-sequitor there