You are not the only one brother. A revival in Jesus Christ is upon us. God Bless ❤
Gods work indeed ?
Thank you and God Bless you Evspra ?❤✝️
Next weeks ad: "Let's talk about your balls."
"Saved By Christ" That would honestly make my night. Anybody else that's found Jesus through this community should ask for that tag too to show the revival that is happening around the world l.
God is Good ? I'm so thankful God has brought many of us together here. WWG1WGA ❤
My atheism taught me alot about being practical. Now that practicality is showing me how real Jesus can be in my life if I believe in his love. God has a mission for all of us and we all have our lessons to learn and to share with others. God Is Good ?
Yep. Literally the way I would explain it too. Revelation is a hell of a thing, and I cannot be grateful enough for Gods Grace and Jesus's unending love for us all. God Bless anon ❤.
Wasn't there some cult in Asia or Chyna somewhere claiming that the Messiah had returned to them? No one knows when the Lord will return. For all we know 10 more Babylons will rise and fall before his glorious return. We just have to do our part and resist the human agenda. We are the followers of Christ in the Roman times. They want us to Rebuke our Saviour but that will never happen. I found Jesus this Christmas they will never take that gift from me. Jesus is my King of Kings.
You dont think a majority of these rituals are held in their own buildings? Some of these dudes probably own 10 empty warehouses that are all secluded. The only rituals happening in those buildings are local dumbasses killing animals. These luciferians have their own "churches" and torture houses, why would they risk going to some abandoned building in the woods?
I remember when I hated God. Quite a miserable fuck to be around. Now I happily read Psalms to spite my demons. God Bless Y'all
Over my dead body and 80+ million more.
This. This is why. This is why I'm here in the first place. They brainwashed me into being a depressed and hateful atheist (not all are). Well guess what buckaroos I've been reading a Bible since Christmas and I still only have a secular understanding of the Truth in Christ, but even with that I dont plan on stopping learning more. These people want God gone because the story of Jesus and his teachings are the most powerful self righteous affirmations known to man if applied correctly. Jesus allows us to wash the pain of this world onto his words to know we aren't crazy. They could never get my nose out of Psalms no matter how many logical arguments Sam Harris can put together. "Yeah yeah yeah being practical and whatever". Well hows this for practical? Existence can be a bit much at times especially to young men like myself navigating a propaganda filled world designed to destroy us in every way. Maybe me being a blackpilled atheist isn't a great idea? Bu bu but the Bible said stuff like stoning you're kids, surely this cant be good for your mental health right? And surely it wouldn't be that's why Christ came to tell us of good ole millstones and deep seas. Life is what you make it and so is everything within it. I choose to use the Bible as a tool for good and uplifting rather than to point out that men of 2000 years ago may have made a few errors as men do. The Bible is the INSPIRED word of God and I intend to be inspired by its greatest messages rather than hate it because the old testament exists. The Psalms hold all kinds of mental healing power. Why would I run from that?
A phrase I've adopted for a about a week now is I'll say Christ In Heaven in my head instead of cursing even if not in anger just to help rewrite my negative pathways. They really did a number on my generation I got hit with all the bullets I dropped to a knee but kept one up. I'm here and because of my fellow anons you guys have pointed me back to the power of Christ. It also makes me laugh at the "punk" scene which I was in for a little. Nothing is more punk than what we are doing and it doesn't get more punk rock than professing the love of Jesus in this day and age. WWG1WGA TIL THE END!
I've had my KJV next to my bed since about Christmas time when I awoke to the power of Jesus's love. Thank you for the recommendations I will be checking them out. God Bless ❤
Been leaning on Lamb Of God alot lately. Do you know any good Christian metal bands that actually get down hardcore and talk shit to the enemy?
Fucking clown world ?
Thank you ❤ God Bless ✝️
Good ole sheepville Chandler. Wbu?
Life landed me in Arizona for now ?
Jesus Christ Is Lord.