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Prince Andy said he had a medical condition that prevents him from sweating. The accuser said he was a sweaty mess.
I wish I could claim this as original content, but you are right someone made this to mock us. Personally, I thought it was hilarious too.
If alibaba mines data they then embed key words into their product tags and categories. That is SEO
That’s alibaba’s product key words not Google.
It is nearly impossible to eliminate all popular culture. Just thought a spirit cooking show for kids was something to be aware of.
My kids have as well. It wasn’t until the snow days that I was around and saw it.
That is not a Convincing argument. The Greeks have a long history of pedophilia. How do you think boy students made their marks with Plato and Socrates at the Academy?
Use Google translate and remember this guy changed his name.
I read he plans on a speech Weds morning before departing on AF1
Prince Andy said he had a medical condition that prevents him from sweating. The accuser said he was a sweaty mess.