Rhondaher 6 points ago +6 / -0

Charlie Ward for some newer but I spend hours each day on You Tube watching Patroit channels. I'm 70 and not in good health so all I have left to do is absorb info. I've been in this battle since 911 and I sift through tons of info. each day. I'm everywhere on the internet. I can't remember where exactly I heard this discussed. But it was a few sites discussing this. Many attempts have been made on POTUS. So many people who were giving good intel have been taken down from Social Media. I've been on 4chan, 8chan, Great Awakening, Reddit, Voat and so many more. All gone, all taken down because of speaking the truth. The Holy Spirit gives us the gift of discernment and truth rings true in this world of lies.

Rhondaher 5 points ago +6 / -1

My guess is the Pence we see is not the real Pence. Pence best friend when he was Gov. of IN. was a big time Pedo. Also Indianapolis is a hub for child traffecting. It's rumored Pence was involved in two assassination attempts on Trumps life. Once with Paul Ryan early on and July 4th event 2019 when he tried to fly out of DC to New Hampshire and his plane was grounded.

Rhondaher 3 points ago +3 / -0

If ballots cant be produced then they shouldn't be included in the count. That would make the DS crap their pants

Rhondaher 2 points ago +2 / -0

A few You Tubers have been saying Bill Clinton died just before Christmas but the DS will keep him on ice until they need to tie up the news or change the narritive. Charlie Ward in particular

Rhondaher 3 points ago +3 / -0

I thought the same. It was Hillary's brother on that gurney.

Rhondaher 2 points ago +2 / -0

Abraham Lincoln on left and looks like Jefferson on right.

Rhondaher 3 points ago +3 / -0

Thank you for going and God Bless all the Patriots. I've been in this fight since 911 and now I'm 70 and can't stand for more than an hour or so. I don't have the strength to go so you are all going in my place. Will be praying for you all. Maybe you could empty Pelosi's office and put it in a box by the street along with the rest of those treasonous Congress. Maybe they will get the message. Their fired.

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