Seph 7 points ago +7 / -0

Thank you very much! I've been on the job hunt for a month now, and as a media editor/producer it hasn't been easy to find content to work on thats center, let alone right leaning.

Seph 2 points ago +2 / -0

If standing up for God, Trump, and America weren't enough reason I ask myself what else am I going to do?

This was a pyyrhic victory, they had to run media interference for four years, demonize anyone who spoke up for Trump, blatantly cheat and swear in of all people an incompetent, bumbling old man. Their tech platforms are bleeding users, principled alternatives such as bitchute and mewe never needed to exist if these platforms could just clamp up and let the audiences decide for themselves but they couldn't help it.

Id love to wake up tomorrow and find out the military swept in overnight and at last, these four years of suffering can bring me some peace but I dont know if I could be so lucky, or even deserve it frankly.

I have a great job that could give two shits what I believe in, a gf who's come to agree with my views and a long life ahead. In one sense we should be grateful to have a battle that can last years from now, a chance to do God's bidding even in the smallest of ways is an honor immeasurable.

Not going anywhere, in fact I'm ready to get started. Happy to be here, WWG1WGA.