How is it that Trump was able to win 2016 and not 2020? Did Trumps team block the fraud in 2016 somehow and decide not to in 2020? Or did the DS just get lazy in 2016 because they thought Trump couldn't win and not do as much fraud stuff as 2020?
Like Q says it has to be this way, so Im thinking Trumps team let Biden "win" in 2020. I think Biden will be impeached, the Federal Government is gonna be abolished and there will be elections for new Governors. Desantis is showing citizens how they should expect their state leader to act. I think Trump and his team are working with Desantis. They exposed the Governors power and corruption over this pandemic for a reason.
I am an old fashioned/spiritual dude, I know for a fact silver has real value and so Ive been collecting it for a while, but Im not an investor type, I have no idea what's going on now, reddit is saying don't buy silver and mainstream is pushing it...?
Is silver gonna skyrocket soon? I have a decent stack, should I buy some more at this fairly high price or do we think its gonna go down again before? My hope is that this is the endgame, but I am unsure, what do you guys think?