Shill_Patrol now posts with the fishes.
Can confirm. We are working on it.
Make sure you hit that deport button.
I am awoke.
Can you show me some working? I want to spread these numbers around but I can't defend myself without the math. Rough as you've got is fine.
Someone give me a statistical liklihood of this!
Dont want to proverbially rip their tongue out as if we're afraid of what they have to say. We're not. Theyre just wrong and the community is doing a good job of rejecting their ideas on their own.
Some yeah (with the heavy qualifier that there is no evidence in the Q drops), but not that Biden is JFK Jr
Not a chance, I linked to an archive. No way do I want to encourage their bullshit with clicks.
This isn't the place to relieve your boredom.
You need to know the password to get to the super secret Q forums where we talk about lizard time travellers controlling Kamala Harris via her pearls and cons.
It's fine that this kind of stuff exists on the fringe, as there is naturally a large conspiracy crossover. But even if you personally have come to those conclusions, I'm sure you would agree it isnt a central part of the movement of worthy of being presented front and centre as "this is what these guys believe".
You. I've got no problem with u/sisterinChrist 's initial comment, but I'm not a fan of a bunch of users piling on.
No need for consistent dooming. This forum is for Q supporters.
This is childish. Keep it respectful please.
Just a friendly warning that you are welcome to your opinions, but there's no need to be disrespectful or antagonistic.
Keep it respectful.
No need for this, follow your own advice.
Thanks for trying.
She's right you know...
As you wish
Run Silent. Run Deep.
No worries, you're welcome.
Replying to your top comment rather than further down the chain where the actual problem is, but please keep it respectful. I can see that you have a strong opinion, but please try to express it without the personal attacks as per our sidebar rules.
Username is a lie.