
Over registration is a prevalent factor in fraudulent activity. Especially with registered voters that never vote.

I expect that all of this has been thought of before and our corrupt congress monkeys will never do it, but it would put an end to the voter roll cleanup problems and seems worthy of consideration.


  1. Any voter registration that goes unused for more than two years is automatically declared dormant and removed from the rolls.

That voter will be notified by electronic and paper mail that re-registration is necessary for them to participate in any upcoming elections.

If a person votes regularly they will not be affected.

  1. All voter registration promotion will be discontinued and made illegal.

If a person wants to vote they must make the specific effort to complete the steps necessary on their own with no influence or other incentive.


Online registration with ID will be quick and easy.

Citizens will be able to register at their driver's license office but any motor-voter automatic registration laws are to be repealed.

Voter registration will be made available at local City Halls, Post Offices and Public Libraries.

Absentee voting with current registration and by specific request will be allowed.


Remember, even though something is promoted as a good thing there is always another agenda behind it.

"Get Out The Vote" etc. benefits the ones doing the promotion or they would not be doing it.

"The welfare of humanity has always been the alibi of tyrants."

Christine Anderson MEP




Hearing on the Manhattan District Attorney's Office


Starts at 1:16:00




"A well meaning, elderly man with a poor memory."

This is not a valid legal defense, and neither should dying be.

The fact that someone does not remember or has left this earth does not change, erase or dismiss their actions while they were alive and well.

Former Head of the CIA, George HW Bush enjoyed a long life of power and luxury without taking responsibility for his actions. As did Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, No Name, and so many others.

It should be clearly known that their actions and choices will follow them to the grave and beyond.

Yes, they will face the Ultimate Justice when they must answer for their actions to a Higher Power.

It must however also weigh on the mind that they, and their legacy cannot escape justice and retribution here on earth simply by being granted the convenience of passing away.

These people pass any law that fits their agenda, now they should pass one that fits ours. The "Posthumous Prosecution Act" would be one that I, and many others would like to see.

Thank you for reading.




In praising "Dr." Fauci in his closing remarks,

"I would like to thank you for your decades of service to our nation. Especially with the HIV Epidemic that our nation suffered through. The Pandemic Flu, Ebola, Zika and COVID 19."

"The Pandemic Flu." Dr. Ruiz D-California

In Committee 2024.06.03



New York Braces for a New Invasion: This Time, Venomous Giant Joro Spiders with 4-Inch Legs Capable of ‘Parachuting’ Through the Air


After grappling with the issues surrounding illegal immigration, the northeastern United States is now preparing for an entirely different kind of invasion.

This summer, states like New Jersey and New York are set to witness an influx of giant Jorō spiders, an invasive species originating from China and other parts of Asia.

The Jorō spiders, which sport a striking black and yellow color pattern, are about four inches long and have legs that span six to eight inches.

While their venom is weak and their fangs aren’t strong enough to penetrate human or pet skin, their sheer size and ability to ‘parachute’ through the air using their webs as makeshift parasails make them a cause for concern.

“Experts say the Jorō spider can fly 50 to 100 miles at a stretch, using their webbing as a parasail to glide in the wind, and it’s now also hitching rides up east coast highways,” according to Daily Mail.

As More Americans Consider Gold For Their Retirement Accounts, One 12-Page Pamphlet Tells the Story of God, Gold and Glory

The Joro spider, native to East Asian countries such as Japan, Korea, Taiwan, and China, is believed to have first docked on U.S. shores around 2013 via cargo ships in Georgia.

“The origins of the Joro spider invasion trace back to the theory that they were unintentionally transported to the United States via human activities. Cargo shipments, international trade, or personal travel could have facilitated their journey across the ocean. While the exact mechanism of their introduction remains unclear, the consequences of their arrival are becoming increasingly evident,” according to NJ Pest Control.

Since their unwelcome introduction, these sizeable arachnids have not only established a firm foothold in Georgia but have also traversed through Tennessee, the Carolinas, Maryland, and as far west as Oklahoma, according to recent studies conducted by Clemson University.

“That’s when we begin to see juveniles disperse,’’ he said. “Spring through the fall is when you start to think about that dispersal,” José R. Ramírez-Garofalo, an ecologist at Rutgers University’s Lockwood Lab told SiLive.

“That’s when they’ll hitch a ride north, spreading and reproducing in Delaware, New Jersey and eventually New York, it is predicted.”






Dr. Ronny Jackson, R-Texas in committee. 2024.06.03

Speaking about the deliberate use of typos and symbols intended to disrupt searches in order to conceal important documents.

"Dr. Morens noted in another email to Dr. Kirsch, quote 'I learned the tricks last year from an old friend Marge Moore who heads our FOIA Office and also hates FOIA's.' It is absolutely amazing to me that Dr. Morens and Marge Moore still have jobs and taxpayers are still paying their salaries."




U.S. — In the hours after being convicted on 34 counts of something or other, Trump issued a reminder to the media that the proper term to describe him is "justice-impacted individual."

The term, commonly used by Democrats and journalists to describe convicted felons, now describes a 2024 presidential candidate, giving Americans an exciting opportunity to vote for someone unfairly targeted by the U.S. justice system.

"I am a justice-impacted individual, possibly the most justice-impacted of any person in history," said Trump in a statement outside the New York courthouse. "This totally fake and phony Democrat witch-hunt conviction by 12 low-IQ haters and losers on the jury has made me a victim of a corrupt and bad system the likes of which the world has never seen before. It's so sad, very sad. Not good."

Trump urged the media to use the more sensitive updated term when referring to him, in solidarity with the millions of powerless American victims of an unjust system.

At publishing time members of the media confirmed they will continue to use their preferred term in Trump's case, which is "dangerous, bad, convicted, illegal felon-criminal with a stinky poopy face."





It has now been shown that President Trump is the only non criminal President in recent years.

We know that it's all a fabricated hoax but let's use the official narrative for a moment...

If they will convict based on something so petty, then it is safe to assume they could not find anything actually serious.

Like running guns or drone strikes on civilians or abandoning our troops, bases and equipment or hiding documents and classified information on illegal servers or stealing billions from the taxpayers or taking away our rights as citizens or the willful and deliberate destruction of America or or or...

President Trump therefore, is the least criminal President that this nation has had in many years.

Thank You President Trump!

Double Barrel Mugshots (media.greatawakening.win)
posted ago by Smellorama ago by Smellorama


Details were still being ironed out, but it was confirmed yesterday that the world could now look forward to another debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden. While Biden's list of conditions to agree to the debate made the rounds on social media, Trump's list of demands was not made public… until now.

The Babylon Bee has obtained the following list of Donald Trump's debate demands:

  1. Benny Hill music must be played whenever Biden wanders around the stage: His aimless shuffling will be much more entertaining to the viewing audience set to "Yakety Sax."

  2. Moderators have to be smoking hot: Not just attractive. They have to be hot. Smoking hot. At least a 9 or a 10. Or even better than 10, maybe. Debates are better with hot moderators. I can't look at a dog for 3 hours. That would be terrible.

  3. Catering provided by McDonald's: Big Macs and Diet Cokes during every commercial break.

  4. Lightning round: Featuring a wheel to be spun for prizes, including Trump Steaks, Trump sneakers, and Trump NFTs.

  5. Sad trombone riff plays following every Biden answer: Wah-wah-wahhhhh!

  6. Whenever Trump drops a savage diss, sunglasses lower from the ceiling and the words "Thug Life" appear onscreen: Don't worry, Biden won't even know it's happening.

  7. The loser gets slimed: It's time to bring the genius of Nickelodeon to presidential debates.

When reached for comment, the White House would neither confirm nor deny that Biden had agreed to Trump's demands.






Is the roof of a Tesla a solar panel?

Why not? If you park your car for day or two, when you come back it should have more of a charge than when you left it. My $20.00 yard lights have them...

Is there a solar panel on the back of your phone?

Why not?

If you set your phone down on your desk for a while, when you pick it up again it should have more of a charge than when you left it. My $2.00 calculator has one...

Bigger question, why has no one brought this up already? They seem like obvious questions to me.




U.S. — A new wave of controversy erupted as 12 women came forward alleging they had been sexually assaulted by whoever Trump's vice presidential pick would end up being.

The damning allegations began to come in despite the fact that Trump has yet to officially name a running mate or even disclose whether the pick is a man or a woman. Sources confirmed at least a dozen highly credible accusers emerged to demand justice against whoever the VP candidate might be.

"Whoever the VP pick is, I am here to tell my story of how I was inappropriately touched by them," claimed one accuser. "As soon as Trump sees fit to announce who his running mate is, I'm going to positively identify him… or her. Whatever. No matter who he picks, they aren't going to get away with what they did. They must be held accountable!"

Other women quickly joined the ranks of accusers, suggesting Trump's eventual VP selection — no matter who it may end up being — has a long history of serious misconduct. "The person Trump picks as his running mate will not get away with the things we all know they did. Once he announces who it is, we'll know who to blame for what happened to all of us."

At publishing time, the DOJ had announced they would be charging Trump's VP pick with serious federal crimes, once they find out who it is.






The Pentagon confirmed on Wednesday that the US secretly sent long-range Army Tactical Missile System to Ukraine as part of the $61 billion dollar package passed by Democrats, RINOs, Speaker Johnson and signed by Joe Biden.

Mike Johnson, RINOs and Democrats obviously are hoping that the War in Ukraine escalates and expands.

These warmongers have no desire for peace. ABC News reported:

The missiles, also known as ATACMS, have a maximum range of 186 miles. Ukraine first used them over the past week, two U.S. officials said.

In October, America provided Ukraine with mid-range versions of the ATACMS, which have a minimum range of 43 miles. But Ukraine continued to press the Biden administration to provide longer-range versions.

The White House’s national security adviser, Jake Sullivan, told reporters on Wednesday afternoon that in February, President Joe Biden directed his team to provide Ukraine with a “significant” number of ATACMS missiles for use inside Ukrainian territory — against Russian invaders.

On Saturday, Steve Bannon and Ben Harnwell discussed this explosive revelation.

Obviously, Americans did not know about these long-range missiles being part of the $61 billion deal. Did Mike Johnson know about this? Did the RINOs? Why did they hide this from American taxpayers? Why would they send these offensive weapons to war-torn Ukraine?

This puts the spotlight on Mike Johnson: What did he know and when did he know it?

Steve Bannon: Ben, I’m very disturbed about Johnson and what he knew and when he knew it about this criminal conspiracy, this report of Jordan. Folks, this is going to blow up over the weekend on Monday. Just work with us on this. It’s got to blow up. But I got another problem about this. I got another very big problem, Harnwell, that only you can help me out with. They’re now saying, and the Biden’s bragging about it, that we gave secretly without notification of guidance, we secretly gave the long-range missiles to the Zelinskyy regime, unbeknownst to the American people, but that can launch and go into Russia.

So the American people are now in a… Actually, we’re now driving a war, a physical kinetic war with the Russian people. We gave long-range missiles silently. Now, my question is, did Johnson know that? Was he briefed on that? If he was briefed on that, why didn’t he tell anybody before we had this vote? And if he wasn’t briefed on it, why was “Polly Pockets?” Why was this information held back from “Polly Pockets?” Get me up to date on this because they’re trying to drive the American people to be in a shooting war with the Russian people.

Ben Harnwell: Steve, good morning to you. Well, this is exactly the question. What did Speaker Mike Johnson know, and when did he know it before signing off this $61 billion? This is a fundamental question.

We’re talking about the ATACMs missiles here, which have a range of around 300 kilometers and can attack deep into Russian territory. This, of course, is against the official administration, the public administration policy.

The public Biden administration policy is that they are encouraging the Ukrainian government to use the munitions and armaments and Patriot defense missiles solely in a defensive capacity. The public position of the Biden administration is that they are not encouraging the Kyiv regime to attack Russia inside Russian territory. This is Absolutely important here – with America’s European partners here. And of course, bringing alongside the American people to support the administration, support which, of course, is dropping by the month.

So the question here for the Speaker is to say what he knew and when he knew it, because as I see it, there are two possibilities here. Either he’s been used as a by the Biden administration, or he knew that the administration was giving these long-range missiles to Ukraine before the $61 billion…

I wonder if this made it into the briefing things that Mike Johnson was apparently had access to before having his road to Damascus moment and swiveling on a dime and saying he’s now going to support the 61 billion.

…Did he know? Then did he know before before he U-turned on this? That the Biden administration is perfectly aware of the fact that the administration realizes that Kyiv doesn’t have a plan on to win this war. So you ask yourself, what is this all about? – What is this all about? Why is this $61 billion so important? And why did Mike Johnson support it? Because this war in Ukraine needs to stay on two legs until November.

Steve, I’ve said this before. This is what it’s about. It’s about stopping Trump. It doesn’t matter how many young Ukrainians they’re going to now be drafting in from Europe, sending them to the front line to die. This war cannot to be allowed to implode before November.

Mike Johnson needs to come clean – What did he know and when did he know it?

And, why did he hide this from the American people?




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