Smurfection 5 points ago +5 / -0

That's exactly what I was thinking. And why would Qanons just happen to march right across the street from a whole bunch of commies? We're not the proud boys. We're not trying to get into street fights.

Edit and what's this bs about "Troops for Trump" When have any of us described ourselves that way?

Edit Again, sorry: a Cantor is saying "We go one" and the groups responds "We go all". It's the lefties who always do those cantor/leader and crowd responses. Also, they got the WWG1WGA wrong.

Smurfection 2 points ago +2 / -0

When I read articles like this, I realize how much I missed all of you when I was banned.

John Durham and his team did not come to the decision to interview Brennan over the course of eight hours for the purpose of “filling in the blanks” on “events that are under review.”

The purpose of the interview was to get Brennan to confirm or deny information that others have provided up to this point about Brennan, and what he instructed others to do.

John Brennan was placed into a perjury trap yesterday because he’s shown himself willing to perjure himself in the past in order to evade scrutiny.

Smurfection 5 points ago +5 / -0

Hello! I just came here from TheDonald.win.

I used to be on a Q subreddit but I got banned years ago.