I know nothing about investing. Thinking about using eToro, anybody starting from stupid use eToro? Let me know your experiences. Thanks for the help.
"The problem is that so few of the Lord’s people truly know the scriptures. Consequently, the thing we base our eschatological views on, our “end-time thinking,” is a seven year tribulation period which we suppose to be somewhere out in the future. So people ask us, “Are you post-trib, mid-trib, or pre-trib?” What they mean is, “Is Jesus coming back before the tribulation, during the tribulation, or after the tribulation?” And all of this they ask with great earnestness and with a straight face — as if any of those issues are even presented in the book of Revelation! Lynn Hiles once said, “What we need to do is take the tribulation away from you, then you won’t have a ‘post’ to hang on!” We have all these ideas, notions, concepts, suppositions, and theories borrowed right out of the old-order religious systems, which we take for granted still should have some validity. And when we come to the Revelation usually the big fight is over the “seven year tribulation” and how everything else fits with it!"
Larger study in the link:
"And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him? And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him” (Rev. 13:4,8).
"The question of worship is one which runs very deeply through the book of Revelation. Heaven and earth stand opposed to each other. The four living creatures and the twenty-four elders worship God and the Lamb. Those who dwell on the earth worship the dragon and the beast. John worships an angel, and is reproved. He does it twice. The true worship is first set before us, then the false worship in its various forms. Heaven and earth are set in sharp contrast. Those who dwell in the heavenlies worship God and the Lamb. Those who dwell in the earthlies worship the dragon and the wild beast. Those in the heavenlies joy over the Lamb taking the book and opening the seals. Those who dwell in the earthlies wonder and fear and therefore pay homage to the beast, giving honor unto the beast by saying, “Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him?” These words are similar to the Old Testament words of Israel and the prophets who said, “Who is like the Lord?” (Ex. 15:11; Mic. 7:18). Their exclamation indicates their belief that the beast is invincible. Can we not see by this that these not only worship the beast, they make him their god!"
Larger study in the link:
"The sword of the Lord is the word of God, the living and energetic word, the omnipotent word by which He slays the beast in the sea. When the bestial nature which once brought forth raging waves of the sea is conquered, the sea of man becomes peaceful and serene, expressing the peace of the kingdom of God. In the earth today there are two companies of “sea people” — those of the troubled sea and those of the sea of glass. Thank God, amidst all the trouble, distress, sorrow, problems, and pressures of the world system there is a sea of glass people, a people abiding in the peace of the kingdom of heaven on earth! But the day is coming when the whole great beast shall be slain and all the waters of earth shall become wondrously calm and tranquil before the majesty of the Lord! Oh, yes! When the beast is dead all men will be willing subjects of the Lordship of the indwelling Spirit. The whole earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord and the glory of the Lord shall cover the earth as the waters cover the sea! That is the word of the Lord!"
Great study in the link:
“And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea” (Rev. 13:1).
Throughout the scriptures, the word beast refers to a system, and not to a man. The beasts speak of bestial systems, organizations, institutions, movements, and governments. It can also be a state or condition. Ray Prinzing once pointed out that the description of a monster with seven heads and ten horns is not some pre-historic creature which is to plod across the earth devouring everything in view. If it was this literal, we would immediately recognize the situation as the fulfillment, and would try to find some human remedy. But being a “state or condition,” people are overtaken by it, and know it not, for there are few that understand the meaning of the signs.
This beast now under consideration is a system and evil entity that rules the world; it’s an antichrist system. It’s a wild beast, and a wild beast is a devouring, destroying animal; in the spirit it is a devouring, destructive entity. The beast is not just one human being, rather it is a system that dominates every area of human activity and life, whether it be business, politics, medicine, art, science, education, religion, or any other. Just as the body of a beast has many members, so there are a multitude of worldly systems; but these systems are typically overseen by a powerful government with those in power making decisions that perpetrate the carnal system throughout mankind. This beastly system is rising up out of the sea of humanity, out of all the people on the earth. When John stood upon the sand of the sea, he was standing upon that which could not be numbered, among all the people of the earth. The beast is not an “end-time” event — it is a present reality and has been ascending out of the sea of humanity since the dawn of history.
Larger study in the link:
"In Revelation 13:1-2 the Spirit describes in graphic pictures what this terrible beastly nature is all about. In the various beastly forms John saw, which make up the one beast, we see the characteristics of human nature as manifested through the agency of the world system of man."
Much more in the link:
I would draw your attention to the fact that the expression “I…saw a beast rise up out of the sea” is literally in the Greek, “I saw a wild beast ascending out of the sea.” My friend Jonathan Mitchell, in his splendid expanded and amplified translation of the New Testament correctly renders the expression, “…and then I saw a little animal (or beast) progressively climbing up (or repeatedly ascending) from out of the midst of the sea.” John did not say, “I saw a beast ascend,” as a limited, one-time event, but ascending — denoting a continuous action. It is ongoing. It is constantly being fulfilled. By way of illustration, let us suppose I am talking with my wife on my cell phone while standing in front of Niagara Falls. I say to Lorain, “I see the water flowing over Niagara Falls — it is awesome!” Now, I would not mean by that description that the only time water flows over Niagara Falls is at the precise moment I happen to be there. By no means! I am simply describing an on-going action — the water has been flowing for eons, is now flowing, and shall continue to flow. But for one brief moment in time I stood transfixed before a constant, unceasing scene. That, my beloved, is exactly the idea John describes when he says, “I saw a beast ascending out of the sea.” It cannot be bound by, nor does it predict or specify, any actual historical or future event. Instead, the beast is ascending, he is always ascending out of the sea of human corruption. Why are so many human organizations, institutions, and governments corrupt? Think about it! There is your answer. The world system of man — government, economics, commerce, military, education, science, art, entertainment, medicine, religion — these and many more are at all times and in all places arising out of the mind, imagination, heart, and will of the natural man. It never ceases! The oppressive world system pervades every area of human activity."
Much more in the link:
"There is startling drama in the figure which represents the dragon casting out of his mouth a river of water which becomes a flood. To paint a natural picture of this would be meaningless. The “flood” is a symbol, just as the woman and the wilderness are symbols. The flood comes out of the serpents “mouth,” signifying that it is not at all a flood of literal water, but rather a flood of words! The nature of the serpent reveals the character of the words that stream from his mouth, for he is a liar and the father of lies. The flood that the serpent cast out is, among other things, deceit, accusation, and carnal reasoning. He wants to swallow up the spiritual life and reality within the woman by this horrible flood; he believes the truth will not be able to withstand the flood of lies!"
Larger study in the link: https://www.godfire.net/eby/rev-147.html
“And the woman fled into the wilderness, where she hath a place prepared of God…and to the woman were given two wings of a great eagle, that she might flyinto the wilderness, into her place” (Rev. 12:6,14).
Luke 4:18 The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; he hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised,
The good news to the poor! Poor is lack of knowledge, wisdom, understanding, the the place of lack, there is good news in the Spirit of the Lord in Jesus Christ. The brokenhearted is where we have seen the lack of justice, the lack of justice breaks the heart and the spirit, the Spirit of the Lord is here to heal the brokenhearted in Jesus Christ. Deliverance to the captive, we have been captivated by lies, Jesus Christ has been sent as the Truth, to give us deliverance from the lies that had us captivated. We were blinded by the spirit of this world, it blinded us to the Spirit of the Lord, Jesus Christ is sent that we might recover our sight! In Jesus Christ we have liberty, true liberty from what had us bruised, from whatever harmed us, Jesus is the liberator! An one of my favorites, "liberty and justice for all", there is no true liberty unless there is justice for all, and that is our hope!
Romans 8:9 For the creation waits in eager expectation for the children of God to be revealed. 20 For the creation was subjected to frustration, not by its own choice, but by the will of the one who subjected it, in hope 21 that the creation itself will be liberated from its bondage to decay and brought into the freedom and glory of the children of God.
Hope is having faith in a promise of future perfection. The Christian hope is bringing the whole creation into the glorious liberty of the children of God!
Romans 8:22 We know that the whole creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time. 23 Not only so, but we ourselves, who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for our adoption to sonship, the redemption of our bodies. 24 For in this hope we were saved. But hope that is seen is no hope at all. Who hopes for what they already have? 25 But if we hope for what we do not yet have, we wait for it patiently.
"What does it mean that they overcame the great red dragon by the blood of the Lamb? To Moses God said that He gave the blood upon the altar to be an atonement for the soul, because THE LIFE OF THE FLESH IS IN THE BLOOD (Lev. 17:11). That is, the blood in the body is the life of the body. Ah — the power of any blood is in the worth of the life! In the blood of Jesus THE POWER OF THE DIVINE LIFE DWELT AND WORKED — hence its intrinsic value. He was the Son of God by conception, and the Son of man by birth. He was a specially prepared body to contain a specially prepared blood that was to be the life of all humanity! The blood was precious from the fact that it was a unique blood which could do something for all humanity that no other blood could ever do. It was the Word of God that became flesh (Jn. 1:14), who was made a man. It was the life of God that dwelt in Him! Jesus did not live out of the natural life of human blood as all men have lived. He lived out of the indwelling life of the Father! That life is His true blood, and that gave His blood, every drop of it, an infinite value. The blood of a man is of more worth than that of a sheep. The blood of a king or a great general is counted of more value than hundreds of common soldiers. The blood of the Son of God! It is in vain the mind seeks for some expression of its value! All we can say is, it is His own blood, the blood of the Word made flesh! The life is in the blood. As the value of this life, so the value of the blood. In Christ there was the life of God; infinite as God is the worth and the power of that blood!"
"It is significant to note the progression — in chapter two of the Revelation the overcomer was promised power over “the nations.” I have been deeply impressed that “the nations” in that case indicated the seven nations that occupied the land of Canaan, for those were the nations that the Lord’s people were given to “overcome” in order to possess their promised inheritance. These seven nations are found spiritually within each one of us and must be overcome within ourselves as we possess the fullness of our “land” which is CHRIST! But now in chapter twelve the authority is expanded to the shepherding of ALL NATIONS. The same order may be observed in the Psalms and Prophets, Israel was first commissioned to conquer the seven nations, and to inhabit and possess all the “land,” their very own promised land! But later the prophets foresaw and prophesied of a day when God’s people would rule over all the nations of the world."
Much more in the link:
"And as long as America remains true to its values, loyal to its citizens and devoted to its creator, then our best days are yet to come. I can promise you that." Donald J Trump
Watching on Fox Nation, it's recorded, must watch.
"Ten is the number that denotes the measure of time or space or power as it is allotted and limited to any creature by God’s decree. A divinely limited measure of something is indicated by the number ten. Seven crowned heads, therefore, would signify the perfection and fullness of royal authority. As I mentioned earlier, seven, throughout the book of Revelation, represents perfection and fullness in the spiritual things of the kingdom of God. Therefore we must be careful with the interpretation of this dragon! In chapter five of the Revelation the Lamb in the midst of the throne has seven horns! The seven horns are identified as the seven spirits of God. Seven horns bespeaks the absolute perfection and power of the seven-fold Spirit of Christ! And now we see the dragon appearing with seven heads. Keep in mind, my beloved, HE IS A DECEIVER! John tells us plainly that the great dragon is that ancient serpent, called the devil and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world! Oh, yes, the whole world is deceived by the dragon into believing that carnal minds and carnal men and carnal means and methods and institutions and governments are the authority in this world! When the politicians and religious leaders and economists and educators and scientists and news men and military generals of this world speak they deceive mankind into believing that THEY ARE THE PERFECT AUTHORITY IN THIS WORLD! Indeed, Seven Heads! The devil is the deceiver. And by those seven crowns on those seven heads you must not be deceived. God did not put them on his head. He put them on himself. They are not real crowns either. They are not made in heaven, whence all authority issues forth; therefore they have no value, they are counterfeit. The heads are an illusion and the crowns are tinsel. The truth is, the devil is the spirit enthroned in the carnal mind of the natural man, and the devil is a pretender, an impostor, an intruder, a usurper. He intrudes into the kingdom of God. When Adam sinned and was usurped by the serpent and fell from the glory of his sonship, upon fleeing Eden the serpent in Adam put on his own seven crowns and for six dreadful millenniums has exercised his dominion over the earth and all things, including all heavenly and spiritual realities (religion), by these seven crowns! And through carnal-minded religion, science, economics, education, and government he has deceived the whole world! That is the mystery."
Full study in the link:
"God is calling a people to know and experience Him in higher dimensions, to enter into the mysteries of the kingdom of God, and into the heights of divine wisdom, knowledge, and power. This is what it means for the manchild to be “caught up unto God, and to His throne.” It means to access, identify with, and act out of that sphere of the FULLNESS OF HIS OMNISCIENCE AND OMNIPOTENCE! The exaltation and enthronement of the sons of God is a holy and awesome thing! My soul trembles at the very thought that the Father would place the power over His kingdom in all realms of heaven above and earth beneath, over creation, over the powers and principles of sin, sickness, sorrow, pain, death, and hell, into the hands of once earth-bound men, yet the Spirit lifts my spirit into the heavenlies in Christ Jesus where He sits at the right hand of God, and a still small voice whispers, “To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with my Father in His throne” (Rev. 3:21)."
Larger study in the link:
Ray Prinzing wrote, “The forming of ‘a body’ within the corporate body of Christ, is a sovereign work of God. Man cannot gender this son company, nor take this position unto himself. God places within the hearts of individuals a desire for His fullness, the call to ‘come up higher,’ and it burns within like a fire, consuming the dross. It strips away self-will, it separates them from their brethren as being different, peculiar, alone unto God. The church in general cannot understand them, they are a burden to her. Often she is ashamed of them, for when everything is running smoothly, suddenly one of these ‘odd ones’ becomes moved on to go deeper into God, and it upsets the whole program as these hungry hearts cry out for more of Him. They express their dis-satisfaction with the present realm, and the church feels condemned, as if she wasn’t able to provide enough to meet the need. Why must they always cry out for more?
“While others are enjoying the general fellowship of the meeting, these strange ones seem withdrawn, groaning and seeking for a further dimension of His grace and holiness, travailing for a move of the Spirit that would bring them into more of the reality of His life. While the church stands with upraised hands to praise the Lord for present blessings, these same non-conformists are weeping. Why? Why can’t they be more content with what God is doing all around them? So it is ‘in part’ — can’t they be thankful for what they have? NO! God Himself has placed a call within that cannot be satisfied with anything less than His fullness! Oftentimes when local groups and gatherings cannot tolerate them anymore, the Spirit simply draws these ‘apprehended ones’ from the fellowship and religious activity, and they walk alone, separated unto God. They are not backslidden, they have not lost out with God, they are only cut off from their brethren for the time being — it is part of the travail, caught in the throes of being birthed into higher dimensions”
Much more in the link:
Is there any talk about going back to Trump's Energy Independence policy since Ukraine is blowing up in our face...........seems like the logical thing to do. Should be simple.