Ephesians 2:15 Having abolished in his flesh the enmity, even the law of commandments contained in ordinances; for to make in himself of twain one new man, so making peace;
Why do Christians struggle with law being abolished?
"Now when Jesus Christ came among men, He found them nearly all revolving in one circle. There was but one center to human life – Self. Mattered not whether it was the merchant peddling his wares, the king in the palace, the thief by the road, or the priest in the temple. Man’s chief end was to glorify himself and enjoy himself forever. Then, as now, by the all but unanimous consensus of the people, this present life and this present world were sanctioned as the legitimate object of all man’s effort and energy. By the whole gravitation of society, Jesus – as a man – must have been drawn to the very verge of this vast vortex of self-indulgence, personal ease and pleasure, which had sucked in the populations of the world since that fateful day in Eden. But He stepped back. He refused absolutely to be attracted. He put everything out of His life that had even a temptation in it to the world’s center. He humbled Himself – there is no place in the world’s vortex for humbleness. He emptied Himself – gravitation cannot act on emptiness. He became of no reputation – there is no place in the world for namelessness. So the prince of this world came, but found nothing in Him. He found nothing because the true center of Christ’s life was not to be seen. It was with God. The unseen and the eternal moved Him. He did not seek His own happiness or gain, but only THE WILL OF THE FATHER. He went about doing good. His object in going about was not gain, but to do good."
Red pills are falling from the sky, people are coming out of their deception, truth peophets are speaking louder. Are we ready for this? The storm has arived, red pills are falling from the sky, truth tornadoes are knocking down every lie, the storm is here!
Why does that trigger me everytime I here a commentstor say that?
Big day tomorrow, a Super Hero!
We will be repressed no more. Q
Colossians 1:12 Giving thanks unto the Father, which hath made us meet to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in light:
13 Who hath delivered us from the power of darkness, and hath translated us into the kingdom of his dear Son:
The kingdom of Jesus Christ is the way out from under the oppression of the power of darkness.
Learning to live in the perfect kingdom, makes us free of the imperfect(sin).
Perfection is the call that most turn away from, because it has been perverted by errant doctrine parading as true.
it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it
So, so, so biblical, the love of money, so freaking simple, settle for pay
"The river of the water of life is symbolic of a profuse and constant flow of life, of the continuous operation of the life-giving spirit of God in Christ and in all who are made one in Him. The glorified saints receive and appropriate this divine flow of life, and they also become a source of its life-giving properties for all men and all creation."
Much more in the link:
Damn I love Trump.
He's playing it, way more to thos than a silly political announcement. Trump has not been replaced by a politician.
On and on, hit, jab, expose, truth, fight, don't give up.
Continue to expose the lies of government. Make America Great Again. We will get up after this clown show, nobody could do this but me.
Loonytoon music
Easy like Sunday morning.
Keep faith, work the present kingdom of God, the pause will work things toward victory.
Rest in the Lord, His kingdom is above this world's politics, the pause, endure in the perfect, see the pefect, work it,
Encourage oneanother
Trump's cracking me up..............easy folks