military campaign is large-scale long-duration significant military strategy plan incorporating a series of interrelated military operations or battles forming a distinct part of a larger conflict often called a war.

Greatness 🌎 WWG1WGAWW 🌍
posted ago by SovereignSon ago by SovereignSon

I want greatness, I don't want to settle for anything less, I don't want another political party, I want the truth to prevail. Truth is an archetype, it is 100% true or it lacks, if it lacks it is not true.

Things get shitty because people settle for shit. The stage is set for greatness, the stage is set to expose the lie, show the imperfect, and proclaim the truth, not a settling for shit.............................Aim high, not just high, the highest, the archetype the perfect!

That is why I hang out here, Make America Great Again is not just a slogan, it's a vision. Let's gooooooooo!



"That scripture passage need not scare us. It’s not a message of fear and condemnation as the church systems often teach! It signifies our calling as overcomers — called to obtain the victory over all the works of the flesh, the world, and the devil. It is my conviction that the reference is not to those hungry, thirsty, and needy souls who come to the city to enter in through its gates in order to be blessed, delivered, and to drink of its living waters of salvation. Rather, it speaks to those who are called, chosen, and apprehended to be a part of this city and its holiness and its glory. The inwrought victories of the overcomer is what qualifies one to be a part of this glorious city of gold! Neither is John trying to tell us in this passage that if we haven’t overcome everything we will miss heaven and wind up in hell. That interpretation is just another example of the shallow thinking and mis-guided understanding of religious minds! The Holy Spirit is pointing out to every child of God that we can reveal the nature, glory, and majesty of our God in the fullest measure only when we have completely put off the old man with his deeds, and have put on the new man which is created in righteousness and true holiness. The nations of them that are saved walk in the light of the city, signifying that they are not the city, but they are healed, saved, and enlightened by it. Multitudes of believers, because they have no vision to overcome all things or to grow up unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ, settle for a lesser calling in God. Only those whose names are written in the Lamb’s book of life, that is, those in whose lives the nature of the Lamb has been inscribed by the power of His indwelling life — these are truly they who radiate the glory of the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb!"

Much more in the link:



"In the long ago beginning God said, "Let there be light." Nothing happens on any level in any creation without light. Darkness covered the face of the deep, the record states, therefore light was the first prerequisite for God’s great plan to be set in motion. If we think of that darkness that covered the earth only as natural darkness, that is, the absence of physical light, we miss the point altogether. There may be reference here to natural darkness, but if so it is only in the form of a type or shadow. The real reference is to another kind of darkness. Isaiah tells us that just before the unveiling of God’s Holy City darkness will cover the earth, and gross darkness the people (Isa. 60:1-3). Now, the prophet is not speaking of natural darkness here, but of spiritual darkness. So in the beginning there was something more than natural darkness that covered the earth. In the Hebrew text of Genesis 1:2 we find the inference that sometime after the "beginning" in which God had created the heavens and the earth, the earth suffered some tremendous judgment or cataclysmic catastrophe, falling into chaos, formlessness, and dense darkness, both natural and spiritual. Then it was that the divine fiat came, "Let there be light!"

Much more in the link:


"The heavenly messenger measured the holy city and it was twelve thousand furlongs or fifteen hundred miles: the length and the breadth and the height of it were equal, as we have pointed out — a cube. Some have supposed that a literal city must be meant since various measurements are given. However, we must always keep in mind that this city is the bride, the Lamb’s wife! Therefore such dimensions must necessarily have a symbolical and spiritual meaning in relation to the body of Christ! The measurements are in multiples of twelve which are a symbol and signature of God’s purposes in His elect. The number twelve often enters into the symbolism of the book of Revelation — twelve tribes, twelve stars, twelve apostles, twelve angels, twelve foundations, twelve gates. So here the number twelve is found in the measurements of the city: each side is twelve thousand furlongs and the wall is one hundred and forty-four cubits, which is twelve times twelve."

Much more in the link:



"When God reveals this new Jerusalem people in all His fullness the world will know this wonderful fact, that "the glory which Thou gavest me, I have given them." The glory of God is the LIGHT of this great city! Not only is it the light of the city, but also of the whole world, for "the nations of them that are saved shall walk in the light of it" (Rev. 21:24). "YE are the light of the world," Jesus said. The light of Christ is the true light which "lighteth every man that cometh into the world" (Jn. 1:9). "His life is the light of men" (Jn. 1:4). The light of God is pure light, total white light, for "in Him there is no darkness at all" (I Jn. 1:5). The light which God is, is the light of the city! And yet, we are not talking about any kind of natural light, an aura or brilliance or emanation that can be seen by the natural eye. That kind of light may be beautiful and impressive, but it ministers nothing spiritual to any one. All through scripture we find that light has been the symbol for truth, understanding, and reality. When the Bible says of the holy city that "her light is like a jasper stone, clear as crystal," it simply reveals the true church as having come to all light, perfect light, all truth, purest truth, absolute understanding, with the divine nature, wisdom, and power, and walking and living and expressing and manifesting that truth and reality — the formation of the mind and image of Christ within! THIS IS THE HOLY CITY OF GOD!"

Much more in the link:



"One of the beautiful symbolisms given us in the book of Revelation is this one of the holy city "coming down from God out of heaven." When John said that this city comes down from God out of heaven, he wasn’t talking about coming down past Mercury, Jupiter, and Mars. He meant not that it would settle down over the mount of Olives or any other geographical location. In the Bible a city represents a government, and the "holy" city is a righteous government. It is not a man-made government. It doesn’t have a "Democratic," "Republican," "Reform," "Labor," or "Conservative" party. It emanates from God, out of the celestial or spiritual realm, that is, out of the heavens of the Spirit of God, and is established on earth through a heavenly, spiritual people. We often think with such carnal minds! We hear of a city "coming down from heaven" and imagine it appearing one night in the sky. Jesus once asked the Pharisees whether John the Baptist’s baptism was "from heaven" or from men. With the same carnal reasoning we could picture John’s baptism somehow mystically floating down through the sky and landing in the Jordan River! Of course, that’s not what Jesus meant. When He spoke of John’s baptism being "from heaven" He was simply asking whether it originated with God, or whether it originated with men. May the blessed spirit of revelation grant us the clarity to see that this city shall never rule until it has in all truth become the "holy" city, prepared, adorned, and "made ready." Oh, yes, she is being prepared and being adorned."

Much more in the link:




"We become citizens of New Jerusalem by being born of the Spirit and then brought into a responsible place in the family of God, by the workings of His Spirit within us. The spiritual new Jerusalem is a glorious realm in God, far more glorious and spectacular than anything of the earthly Jerusalem has ever been! It is the free city, free from the old Mosaic law, free from the old Aaronic priesthood, free from the old fleshly Davidic kingship, and free from all of religion’s traditions, regulations, creeds, liturgies, methods, systems, and bondages of men. And when the new Jerusalem realm has come from God out of heaven to be manifested in all its fullness here in the earthlies, with all her glorious kingdom parts fully established and spiritually fulfilled, she shall indeed be, in truth and in fact, "the joy of the whole earth."

Much more in the link:




"Furthermore we read, "And the seven angels came out of the temple, having the seven plagues, clothed in pure and white linen, and having their breasts girded with golden girdles" (Rev. 15:6). The ministry of the symbolic "seven messengers" streams forth from the precincts of the ark within the temple — from the very throne of God — from the very heart of God — the heart-throne of mercy and judgment. Never forget it! The seven plagues come out of the temple! "Know ye not that ye are the temple of God?" It should be plain to any thinking mind that when we look at these seven last plagues we are not seeing something that is coming from nature, nor from armies of men, nor from the Russians, the Chinese, or the Islamic extremists, nor from a nuclear holocaust, nor from some ecological disaster, nor from some alien attack from outer space, nor out of the bottomless pit, nor from the mouth of the great red dragon, nor from the antichrist in Israel, for these plagues are things which proceed from the very GLORY IN THE TEMPLE OF GOD, that is, from the MIDST OF GOD’S CALLED AND SEPARATED ELECT! Those who pour out these vials are clothed in pure white linen which the Revelation itself identifies as THE RIGHTEOUSNESS OF SAINTS! The vials are indeed judgment vials — and is it not the saints who shall judge the world! Oh, yes! It is a ministry! Judgment is coming out of God’s temple in the heavenly places of the Spirit where we sit together in Christ Jesus, but keep in mind, my beloved, nothing breaks forth out of the temple of God that has not been first inworked into that temple! Ah, yes, His judgments always BEGIN AT THE HOUSE OF GOD!"

Much more in the link:




by William Tyler Page

I believe in the United States of America as a government of the people, by the people, for the people; whose just powers are derived from the consent of the governed, a democracy in a republic, a sovereign Nation of many sovereign States; a perfect union, one and inseparable; established upon those principles of freedom, equality, justice, and humanity for which American patriots sacrificed their lives and fortunes.

I therefore believe it is my duty to my country to love it, to support its Constitution, to obey its laws, to respect its flag, and to defend it against all enemies.

–Written 1917, accepted by the United States House of Representatives on April 3, 1918.




"I believe every word that the Bible says about the lake of fire; I don’t believe what Rome says about it, nor what the church systems of man say about it, nor what tradition says about it, nor what Chuck Johnel says about it; but I certainly believe what the Bible says about it!"

"One would think that the lake of fire was a prominent theme throughout the scriptures from the book of Genesis to the book of Revelation. It is not. The fact is that the teaching concerning the lake of fire and brimstone does not appear anywhere in scripture except in the book of Revelation, the book with the most signs, symbols, and metaphors of any book in the entire Bible. If the book of Revelation had not been given us we would have no knowledge of the lake of fire at all. The Revelation speaks of the lake of fire five times."

Much more in the link:



"He is bringing many SONS to glory! (Heb. 2:10). Aren’t you glad!

The sons of God are destined to inherit all things; they are selected by the Father to become the dispensers of the blessings and benefits of the kingdom of God to all created realms. Thus creation groans in sympathetic birth pangs, longing for their arrival! From powerful angels in heaven, to worlds in the farthest galaxy, the universe resonates with anticipation of the glorious unveiling of the sons of God. The sons will share the fullness of the glory of their Father. They will grow up into the attributes of God as a permanent state of being. The sons of God will partake of Godlikeness, and a spiritual inheritance that is incomprehensible to natural men, even religious men, saved men, and Spirit-baptized men! This celestial race of beings shall be endowed with all the authority and capacity of God. Immortal omnipotence will flow from them as the light rays from the sun. In the heaven blest days before us, those who have attained to sonship will be displayed in the blazing glory of immortality. This climatic finale is a fast approaching certainty.

From the difficulties, struggles, testings, and processings of this present time the son company will burst into everlasting splendor, streaming glory, wisdom, and power as a shower of stars. With Jesus as the Captain, this reigning government of God shall invade the bastions of darkness and by war, yea, by spiritual warfare shall they take the rule from the kings of the earth. They will not "glean" the little truth out of all the vaunted religions of the world, for their swords will be the sword of the Spirit, which is the living Word of God, and when their warfare is accomplished all the false religions of earth will have been cast down, destroyed, demolished, and obliterated from the face of the earth. There will be no more Islam, no more Moslem extremists, no more Hinduism, no more Buddhism, no more Confucianism, no more Shinto, no more Roman Catholicism, no more Protestantism, no more Judaism — all these and hundreds more will have vanished from the earth in the blazing glory of God’s truth and power through His manifest sons. These are celestial kings and priests, the army of God, trained and tested in conquest. They are invincible in the nature and power of the Father. Nothing shall confound them; no one will be able to kill them; all will succumb to their sway. This company of sons will establish the final world government — the new order of the kingdom of Christ — it will never be overthrown! They will subdue every enemy, deliver every soul, transform every life, renew every mind, and be the fountainhead of every blessing! They are the solution that God has ordained for the travail of earth’s teeming billions. This is the destiny of God’s Christ, Head and body!

God has put His hand to the task; He is ready to grasp the whole world and, through the sonship ministry, switch it on to another track, changing its course and destination. I tell you, dear ones, as sons of God we are laborers together with God in inaugurating the next stage of the kingdom which shall impact every living nation of earth. We are now called to "come up hither" to His throne! We shall work and work, minister and minister, deliver and deliver, heal and heal, reign and reconcile and bless and transform all nations and all men and all realms and all worlds and all ages until we accomplish the end. "Then cometh the end, when He shall have delivered up the kingdom to God, even the Father, when He shall have put down all rule and all authority and power. For He must reign, until He hath put all enemies under His feet. The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death" (I Cor. 15:24-26). If it takes a week, a month, a year, a decade, a century, a millennium, or a billion years or a trillion years, it matters not one whit - the kingdom of God shall increase and expand and triumph until that blessed day when from pole to pole and from sea to sea and throughout all the vastnesses of infinity everywhere God shall be ALL IN ALL!

Much more in the link:




"God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. THEREFORE WILL WE NOT FEAR, though the earth be removed, and though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea; though the waters thereof roar and be troubled, though the mountains shake with the swelling thereof” (Ps. 46:1-3).

"WE WILL NOT FEAR!” declares the prophet. WE WILL NOT FEAR though the earth (social and religious order) be removed! WE WILL NOT FEAR though the mountains (strong kingdoms) be carried into the midst of the sea (brought down by raging, clamorous masses of godless humanity)! WE WILL NOT FEAR though the waters (peoples) be troubled! WE WILL NOT FEAR though the mountains (kingdoms) shake! No place to hide, there, surrounded on all sides by trouble, distress, and calamity, with no “safe area” unto which to flee, but, WE WILL NOT FEAR! Hallelujah! “FOR GOD IS OUR REFUGE, a very PRESENT HELP in trouble.”

"Fear religion is everywhere and, alas! it has reared its ugly head even in the camp of those who would be the Sons of God. Some are hoarding food, others are storing up guns and ammunition. A number are fleeing to farms and communes in different parts of the world. All of these activities stem from a deep-rooted FEAR, and none of them are from GOD! It is only when doctrines of demons and ideas which come from demonic delusions begin to creep into a person’s thinking that various kinds of dark FEARS emerge. When a person becomes obsessed with PHYSICAL PROTECTION AND PRESERVATION he has quit thinking on “those things which are above” and is more concerned about “things on the earth”. Such a person is reasoning from FEAR, not faith!"

Much more in the link:




"As we meditate upon these thoughts we are able to go a step further and see that man acts on three planes: THOUGHTS (in the unconscious realm), then WORDS (in the conscious realm), and finally, a culmination of both manifested as DEEDS performed by the physical body. If we have understanding to count it, as John said, we are able to see here the number of the beast. MAN’S number is SIX - and SIX in the realm of thought, then SIX raised to a higher power in the realm of words, and finally SIX raised to yet a higher power in the realm of deeds is 666 which = flesh, FLESH, F-L-E-S-H! Ah, who is the beast? And what is his number? It is MAN - MAN exalting HIMSELF as God, usurping God’s glory, taking the precious things of the Spirit and misusing them for his own purposes and aggrandizement."

"While we once looked anxiously about for a social security number, a credit card number, or a laser-tattooed identification number to be the “mark of the beast” was it not truly there for us to see all along, for John plainly told us: “HERE IS WISDOM. Let him that has understanding count the number of the beast; for it is the NUMBER OF MAN and HIS NUMBER is SIX HUNDRED, THREESCORE AND SIX.” The indefinite article “a” which appears in the King James translation is supplied by the translators and is not necessarily included in the Greek, since that language has no indefinite article. In symbolism, furthermore, NUMBER is used to denote the characteristics or the nature of a thing. Thus, the NUMBER OF THE BEAST is the NATURE of the beast, and the number 666 is shown to be the NATURE OF MAN Even if we include the indefinite article so that reads, “For it is the number of a man,” this does not in any case mean that the beast is “a man” for the “number of a man” means the measure of a man, that is, his inward state of being manifested by his outward actions, and how these are perceived by those about him."

Much more in the link:




"And I saw as it were a SEA OF GLASS mingled with fire: and them that had GOTTEN THE VICTORY over the beast, and over his image ... stand on the sea of glass, having the harps of God. And they sing the song of Moses the servant of God, and the song of the Lamb” (Rev. 15:2-3). GOTTEN THE VICTORY OVER THE BEAST - that is, those who through grace and by the inworkings of HIS LIFE were delivered from the delusions and domains of the bestial system to worship the Father in spirit and in truth. These stand upon the “sea of glass, having the harps of God.” The allusion here is to the Israelites of old who, after having passed through the red sea dry shod, thus securing perfect and blessed deliverance from the bestial system of Egypt, stood upon the shore singing the song of Moses, Miriam and the women playing their timbrels, while their enemies with their chariots and their chosen captains perished in the waters (Ex. 15). The song now sung, however, is not that of Moses only; it is also THE SONG OF THE LAMB. Who might this company be? What might be the sea upon whose shore they sing the song of triumph and praise to their Lord and Deliverer? Methinks I have stood upon that very shore. As surely as the raging sea bespeaks multitudes of surging, clamoring, sinning humanity, so does the exquisite sea of glass represent an assembled throng of transformed saints IN WHOSE HEARTS THE SPIRIT OF THE LAMB RULES. This great sea of the Sons of God is calm and serene, tranquil and quiet - the bestial spirit and nature have been dealt with and these abide in the peace and joy and righteousness and power of the Kingdom of God. Ah! I have stood upon that shore, yea, and do stand with an innumerable company of men and women whose faces are set and whose hearts are fixed to do only and completely the will of the Father. These are they who live and walk in the Spirit, they are the firstborn-destined who are being delivered from the beast and his image. The glassy sea is here MINGLED WITH FIRE - the fiery trials and processings by which He purifies His people, sharpening their vision, whetting the appetite for things eternal, slackening the desire for all that is earthly and all that pertains to this present evil world.

Much more in the link:




"This beast of Apostate Christianity has two horns like a lamb, but his voice cannot be disguised. It is clearly THE VOICE OF THE DRAGON. Its voice speaks as loudly now as at any time in all history. If you do not belong to or submit to or bow down to this two-horned beast that now dominates the lives of dead and living alike, you will find yourself more and more misunderstood, more and more ostracized, more and more cut off, loudly called a fanatic, a schismatic, a heretic, a lone ranger, a fool, a false prophet, in error and under the condemnation of the Lord. And if you are in the system and follow on to know the Lord, if you do not heed the counsel of the Holy Spirit to come out from among them and be separate and touch not the unclean thing, you will eventually be ignored or rejected, rebuked, denounced, anathematized and unceremoniously excommunicated under the deafening roar of the dragon’s mouth."

Much more in the link:




"The idea of God’s glory is often associated with the advent of Jesus. Isaiah promised that “the glory of the Lord shall be revealed” in the day of the Messiah. Angels chorused, “Glory to God in the highest,” at Christ’s birth. The literal meaning of the Hebrew word for glory is “weight” or “substance”. In the eyes of men this literal meaning frequently lent itself to the idea that a person possessing glory was laden (heavy) with the substances of this world. Thus, Jacob’s flock was his “glory” (Gen. 31:1). The Assyrian’s power was their “glory” (Isa. 8:7). Joseph’s high position was his “glory” (Gen. 45:13). But when the word was applied to God it was meant to bring out the weightiness of HIS ATTRIBUTES - His love, justice, righteousness, mercy, power - His CHARACTER. For all that God possesses is simply WHAT HE IS. His “glory” is not what He HAS, but what HE IS. When the glory of the Lord is revealed, the LORD HIMSELF is revealed in all His wonderful nature and character of being. Glory then is not something intangible, or ghostly, or transcendental. If it were this how could Paul ask men to reflect it? Stripped of its physical connotation it is BEAUTY, moral and spiritual beauty, beauty infinitely real, infinitely exalted, yet infinitely near and infinitely communicable."

Much more in the link:




"The thing of greatest importance here is the awful fact that, before ever man’s HAND was extended and the transgression committed, that old serpent, the king of the bestial system, the devil, had IMPARTED HIS MIND TO THEM. The MARK OF THE BEAST was in their hearts, in their MINDS, and in their FOREHEADS, and what they did afterward was the MARK OF THE BEAST in their HANDS. It is not difficult to see that the things which men are doing today and have done in ages past are but the MANIFESTATION of that which is in their minds, for, “As a man THINKS in his heart, so is he” (Prov. 23:7) and “a good man out of the good treasure of the heart brings forth good things; and an evil man out of the evil treasure brings forth evil things” (Mat. 12:34-35). The mark of the beast that appears IN THE HAND (outward actions) is the direct result of the mark of the beast IN THE FOREHEAD (mind, nature). This is the mind that inspires the ever increasing confusion and violence that is running rampant among all nations."

In depth study on the mark in the link:




"Suppose I were a pursued fugitive. Now, if I could get my pursuers sidetracked and get them to fire on a stuffed dummy made to represent myself, they would thus, by diverting their fire from me, aid in my escape. Satan has a dummy antichrist set up, a horrible creature who will never appear. And the Christian Church is busily engaged in wasting their time and ammunition on this dummy. They are telling what a terrible creature he will be, all the while ignorant of the fact that the true criminal is in their very midst! If the adversary can get the people of God to look for some imaginary man of sin yet to appear, some fictitious son of perdition to come, then he has won a victory, because then WE WILL NEVER DISCOVER THE MAN OF SIN WHERE HE ACTUALLY IS ABIDING."

"The detrimental and deceiving effect of the notion of antichrist being some world leader yet to arise, is, that while people have their eyes focused on the future, they are not alert to discern his presence now - and that gives him opportunity to do a great deceptive work right in their midst. The old serpent is still very crafty, beloved, and if he can keep us peering out in the mists of the future for the events we have been warned about, we will overlook them in our own generation and time, and within our very own lives. “Little children, it is the last time: and as you have heard that antichrist shall come, even now are there many antichrists; whereby we know that it is the last time” (I Jn. 2:18). Ah, my brother and sister, the Christian Church, for the past nineteen hundred years, has been literally filled with antichrists. And the present-day crop are busily engaged in pointing the finger of accusation at some poor defenseless and fictitious person who is supposed to appear at some indefinite period in the future. That is Satan’s trick to keep men’s eyes off of the real culprit! Satan is the sole author of the doctrines which keep men looking ahead to some character who will never appear, thus aiding his present-day emissaries to carry on his work without interruption. It is high time for Christians to awake, and learn what they are playing with. There is poison in the pot!"

A very thorough study of antichrist in the link:




I've been using Bank of America for decades. It's easy like google.

My better half twisted the knife with that comment (Your bank is very commie, and gay) tonight, cracked me up

No wonder I'm drawn to TGA


"The declaration of Jesus that He is Himself Alpha and Omega conveys the thought of infinite and inexhaustible wealth. The letters A to Z constitute a claim by which is set forth the absolute completeness of His character, wisdom, and power. Is this not what Jesus was saying when He declared, “I AM THE TRUTH.” And is this not what Jesus is saying: “I AM THE TOTAL REALITY OF ALL THINGS!” I am every letter, I am unique, I am substance, I am shape, I am image, I am form, I am essence, I am all height and depth and length and breadth of Being, not just words and letters, but the reality of life and power and value of all things, the WORD OF LIFE!” “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God…and the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth” (Jn. 1:1,4)."

"Alpha and Omega is a revelation! It is all that can be said of the Lord Jesus proclaimed in a way that can be seen and understood. It stands for the revelation of Jesus Christ! By this word He is revealed! Christ is the alphabet — the Word, all that can be said of God. We’ve seen that in the figure of a Man who walked the shores of Galilee. But we have only touched the shell of that man, the outer image, not the inner intelligence. It’s as though we are holding a book, looking at it, flipping its pages, but we haven’t read it yet. The inner intelligence of the Lord Jesus represents His omniscient mind, His omnipotent power, and His divine nature. Until we have personally experienced Him in all that He is we have not discovered Him in the A to Z — that is, we have not read the book which He is! In speaking of the inner intelligence of the Lord Jesus, we are speaking of the greatest reality of Being in the universe! The truth we are entertaining at this point will prove that all our eternal hopes of sonship and the kingdom depend upon one thing and one thing alone: that the mind of Christ, the power of Christ, and the nature of Christ dwell in us fully. This is the Alpha and the Omega — all that can be said of God WRITTEN AND INSCRIBED IN OUR INNER LIFE AS CHRIST IN US."

Much more in the link:




"Imagine this headline in today’s newspaper: Cure Found for Death! Newspapers would soon be sold out. Every television and computer would be tuned to the news channels. Everyone would be scrambling to find out what this fantastic announcement had to say. But suppose the article or news report under the headline reported that a traveling teacher has announced that he personally is the cure for death — he has not made a scientific discovery, nor a new medical breakthrough, nor found some secret fountain of youth — but by revelation he has proclaimed himself as the source of life and immortality! We might begin to suspect that he’s just another religious teacher who has gotten carried away with delusions of self-importance, even if he has raised a few dead people back to life. And when we read about his claim that the only way to escape death is to believe in him, we’d say, “How preposterous!” Perhaps its not surprising that relatively few people take Jesus’ bold statement seriously — “He who believes in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live: and whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die” (Jn. 11:25-26). After all, it’s probably the most startling claim that anyone has ever made! Why should anyone believe it? We should believe it, not because Jesus raised Lazarus after he had been dead for four days, but because Jesus Himself arose after He died for us — and because He still lives today! The Lamb that was slain is in the midst of the throne, and He has sent forth from the throne the very spirit of His life into us by the power of the Holy Ghost! It is a glorious fact, for we have received it! Christ alone has the credentials to claim that He can give life and immortality to men!"

Much more in the link:




"Never forget, dear reader of these lines, that the book of Revelation reveals the processes that God takes His people through so that the bride can make herself ready, arrayed in linen pure and white; so that the manchild can be birthed and caught up to God’s throne of authority, power, and dominion; and so that all creation can be redeemed, purged, and transformed by the fiat of the almighty Creator and Redeemer. "Behold, I make all things new!" Ah, that is the mystery! In former times we supposed the book of Revelation was about God’s vindictive, implacable vengeance poured out upon the inhabitants of the world, and we felt sad for them, or perhaps some felt glad, feeling that mankind deserved what they would get! Only now, in the light that the Spirit brings, can we say with the beloved Seer of Patmos, "Blessed, happy, to be envied is the man who reads the word of this prophecy!" (Rev. 1:3). No, it’s not about devastating the earth, tormenting and killing millions of people, or sending billions of souls to eternal doom — it’s about MAKING ALL THINGS N-E-W!"

Read all about it in the link:



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