Plane fags - Here's something you don't see everyday...
Is this U-2 Spy plane drawing an encrypted message in the sky?
were ORDER66 (which we saw last week) and ORDER65.
What is Star Wars Order 65? Order 65 stated that if a majority of the Senate or the Security Council declared that the Supreme Chancellor—at that time Palpatine—was unfit for duty, the Chancellor was to be arrested or, if necessary, killed.
Been following a SAM C-40B. Callsign SAM460.
Departed from Ireland and just landed at MacDill AFB near Tampa, FL 00:45 hours
Could it be Trump was in Ireland for a few days and returned to FL???
Climate Change/Global Warming. NASA what's new?
An Egyptian C-130 over Baltimore Jamming Like a Mother
It is not a set. they did a 360 look around. STOP the BS about a hollywood set
Not sure if anyone already posted this
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