This is no joke. So many people are still living in fear of this b.s. hoax. My employer just now implemented a company travel policy. If we have to go over a 100 mile radius of our plant, we are supposed to call HR ahead of time and tell them where we are going, how long we will be there, and what we are doing. They will then determine whether we have to quarantine or not. If they determine we do have to, then we don't get paid for 2 weeks.
But get this, we had a guy test positive in the back of the warehouse and it's ok that we work next to him. (We don't have to quarantine. Not that I am scared) But they want to know where we are going in case we "may" come in contact. And NOBODY sees the hypocrisy!!!
Hello, I'm glad I got an invite. Thanks for the add. After this last purge I only had 2 or 3 of my groups left. Now wtf do I look at on p.o.s. fb? Not crap.
This is no joke. So many people are still living in fear of this b.s. hoax. My employer just now implemented a company travel policy. If we have to go over a 100 mile radius of our plant, we are supposed to call HR ahead of time and tell them where we are going, how long we will be there, and what we are doing. They will then determine whether we have to quarantine or not. If they determine we do have to, then we don't get paid for 2 weeks.
But get this, we had a guy test positive in the back of the warehouse and it's ok that we work next to him. (We don't have to quarantine. Not that I am scared) But they want to know where we are going in case we "may" come in contact. And NOBODY sees the hypocrisy!!!