Sweitzenhammer 4 points ago +4 / -0

Nobody will believe anything at first. If Milley and the rest of the JCS would have a press conference, it would help. It would take a year of televised tribunals with copious evidence to convince the middle. The entire MSM and Leftists would still call it a coup.

Sweitzenhammer 11 points ago +11 / -0

She'll get in a lot of trouble for this. She probably got the same rumint we have all been recirculating for years.

by broward
Sweitzenhammer 3 points ago +3 / -0

Where do they come up with this pseudoscientific bullshit, and why do people comply? 120 miles. 6 feet. 10:00PM bar close. But you are free to get on a plane with 200 people and sit shoulder to shoulder. Or attend a BLM rally. Or the funeral of a civil rights "hero" and not your family member.

Why do people put up with this shit? Are they that cowed, that scared, or just so distracted with the latest Who's Got Talent episode to not care?

WTF happened to our country?

Sweitzenhammer 4 points ago +4 / -0

WTAF? "Soldier, do you support your Commander in Chief?" "Yes, sir!"

"I thought so. First of all, it's Ma'am. Second, take him away!"

Sweitzenhammer 9 points ago +9 / -0

I've thought about this too. They hate him because he is not part of the corrupt system, and because he upset their plans. He wasn't supposed to win 4 years ago. Hillary was to be coronated, allowing the Obama/NWO cabal to continue to hollow out America.

He made them look like fools. Remember Obama's "mike drop" of his cellphone--"Well, @realdonaldjtrump, at least I will go down in history as a President." DJT's scathing roast of Hillary at the Correspondent's dinner. Hillary having to cancel her lavish election-night party plans. DJT's glorious speech at inauguration, calling them all out. They were utterly, totally humiliated.

Then he did the worst thing an elected official could do. He kept his campaign promises. Everybody knows you say one thing to get elected, then you join the swamp club, and it's business as usual. But he really did become President to MAGA, and that broke the rules. Outside of Obamacare, he did everything he said he would do.

President Trump was like the Terminator. He couldn't be bought, or bargained with, or reasoned with, and he absolutely would not stop until America was great again. That meant that a great number of swamp creatures could no longer feast on the dying carcass of America much longer.

When the swamp and deep state realized this, they went into overdrive, knowing they had to get him out, or at least prevent his 2nd term. MSM and social media, along with Hollywood, sports, etc., were lock step from day one on that mission. I fully believe that COVID was a manufactured crisis to set up the steal, and had probably been planned for a long time.

Add DJT's swagger, his beautiful wife and family, his provocative style, and it's the perfect formula for hate. All the little Beta males on the left look at him with envy. The women look at Melania, Ivanka, Tiffany, Lara, etc., with envy.

Utter humiliation, fear of losing your source of corruption-derived livelihood, and pure envy.

That is my analysis of why they hate him so much.

Sweitzenhammer 5 points ago +5 / -0

Interesting analysis. I see a parallel in the way d'Anconia sabotaged his entire copper mining operation as the final push to dismantle the corrupt shell of America. That pushed them to try to nationalize Rearden steel, the masks came off, and the whole thing fell apart.

DJT will be remembered forever as the non-politician who, like d'Anconia, blew it all up and made inevitable the collapse of the charade.

The current charade is that MSM tells you what to believe, social media amplifies the "approved" parts, corrupt kleptocrats continue to hollow out our country, and we brainwashed, obedient serfs keep the whole thing possible by continuing to produce. It's not sustainable.

DJT exposed it all. The creeping Leftism and rewriting of our history. The absolutely vile fake news. The swamp.

So many more millions are now awake. The question is if we are awake enough to take back our country.

Sweitzenhammer 1 point ago +1 / -0

She's not wrong. What she fails to understand is that the real internal threat is Leftism, which is antithetical to our Republic. That's a creeping, multigenerational subversive war on values, morals, and capitalism. People support President Trump because he exposed that, woke up the sleeping majority to it, and got them to object to it.

Sweitzenhammer 2 points ago +2 / -0

Hard to humanize when the Leftists have fallen in love with dehumanizing face rags, anti-social distancing, and the shutdown of places where you used to socialize with other humans.

Sweitzenhammer 4 points ago +4 / -0

That's how people with cognitive decline sound all the time. I know from personal experience because my mom talks like that. He could be telling you that Ivanka just gave him a blow job, and it would have the same monotone.

Sweitzenhammer 7 points ago +7 / -0

At this point, I wouldn't be surprised by anything. A year ago we had a normal country and world. Now we have medical tyranny and a brainwashed, fearful populace walking around with a talisman on their faces. We have open electoral fraud and half the country either doesn't give a shit or thinks it's OK because "Orange Man Bad."

This is the endgame. Trump loves America. If the chicoms really are controlling Biden, Harris, Pelosi and Schumer, who knows what the hell is really happening?

A nuclear detonation anywhere on the planet would just throw gasoline on this dumpster fire. Could that be a ploy to make Trump back down, especially if it were made to look like "an accident"? Maybe!

Sweitzenhammer -1 points ago +1 / -2

Do you honestly think there is anything of substance on it? Hair appointments and ice cream orders. That old witch wouldn't be stupid enough to have files that, let's say, outline the entire China flu--mail in voting--steal the vote in 5 swing states plan, would she?