TNTrumpMan 9 points ago +9 / -0

Just spitballing. Any way it could be something that triggers a sensor like the security things in stores? You try to walk in the grocery store and an alarm goes off if you don’t have the shot.

by BQnita
TNTrumpMan 1 point ago +1 / -0

They said during the transition that there would only be a flight restriction around Maralago for a few days. Wictor is full of shit.

TNTrumpMan 1 point ago +1 / -0

Also, another site, Godlike Productions I think, did figure out who the guy was and it was some dude with mental issues.

TNTrumpMan 1 point ago +1 / -0

That guy is not the Navy Seal, somebody tagged his mother on Twitter and she said it wasn’t. Which I thought was kinda fucked up to do to her.