These guys are pretty insightful and funny at the same time. Have a feeling the channel might not last too long as they seem to ( notice ) some things.


Just posting as an idea for the MEME PePe’s.

FJB pointing to some screaming liberal heads would work too😀

Heck, replace FJB head with a cnn logo😀


Was just thinking about the crowd size and how they can keep people safe - gonna be a massive turnout for sure!!!!!!

Maybe a GAW meet-up the day before or after would be sweet!

Interview with John G. Trump / Tesla (rumble.com) Relevant History
posted ago by TaogTaov ago by TaogTaov

…….. he says ‘they are eating the babies’……. ?


I think it might be a good idea if our military stepped in and helped with our elections…….😀

What do you think????

Not saying that is part of the plan but might be nice….


Just an FYI in case you aren't on Truth Social or didn't see it posted there.


The errors in Butler, PA were so massive that any call-of-duty-playing pre-teen could have made an assessment of ‘NOT secure’ in about 5 minutes of walking that site.

Where was his private security that day????

Are we to believe DJT trusts the secret service implicitly?

I don't think so.


It is certainly possible that the attempt is a white hat psy-op. I have a hard time believing DJT doesn’t have his own advance security team that would assess the assigned SS on the job. Especially given the current climate and who is in charge. DJT knows they are literally after him every day in every way possible.

Side note: If it is a movie, no one was really killed and they are safe. I would never want to downplay a tragic death and that is not my intent here.

The items overlooked in Butler were way too egregious for me to believe. Just about anyone with a security background (or common sense) could look at that rooftop and ask why no one was on top of it having secured it. How could DJT and his own people let him walk into that situation? The FBI raided his home, do you think he trusts the SS? IDK? I would not. I would have people watching them closely, surely he does.

That is something of a sensitive topic for obvious reasons: who is DJT’s liaison to SS and what oversight do they provide him? Did they fail too? Did someone closer to him than SS betray him?

I don’t really know either way - just that either option is reasonably possible.

Something I haven’t really been able to resolve is that if it was staged, what is the risk of it being exposed and what would the exit strategy be if it were to get exposed? There would be obvious resentment if it ever came to light. The only thing I think that could possibly override that resentment would be disclosures so massive they would make it palatable under scrutiny, and seem harmless in comparison. I think that is possible.

It is also quite possibly a legit attempt, or even a sting of sorts (hybrid of a psy-op?) If a legit attempt, maybe a true miracle.

Scare event necessary? Shot heard round the world? Enjoy the movie? Why did Vincent show up so prominently?

Lots of questions - no real answers.


Bethel Park, PA High School Yearbook Needed.

Can we find a better picture of Crooks?????

This 12 year old crooks “is the only picture we have” has to stop (same thing they did with adam lanza).

Somebody here has to have access to a printed yearbook.


? IDK ?

Prayers out for all.

It is freaky - I literally watched him (Vincent) come into the stands after everyone else had been there for hours.

He found a spot just at the top right corner of the camera frame coverage and hung out there prior to Trump coming on stage.

As Trump came out, he had migrated to the new position. About 10 to 12 people left and maybe a row down from his initial location: the seat he is shown at during the attempt.



Top right - podium camera RSBN footage, GEOTUS is not on stage yet - 5:55 PM. Vince appeared out of nowhere.

Just saying…….

Now Vince is top left - he moved - camera is cutting him off for the most part now - black suit jacket and fedora - Trump t-shirt.


Just daydreaming a bit here, but since Ryan of GME can now use company cash to buy securities: I wonder what would happen if he put GME’s 1bn cash into $DJT? Like I said, just a random thought....


Consider that some who seem to be on our side might not really be on our side: tuck, musk, etc.

Not really stating they are or aren’t here, just saying we all need to keep up the questioning attitude.

How many would be satisfied with a treason conviction for o’bummer and hildawg? Along with that, we started to make some changes in the right direction.

And.......NO upper echelon elites, bankers, etc. go down with them.....or maybe a few slaps on the wrist - or a few ‘big’ fines (not really a punishment to elites is it now...).....

If that happens, then the controlled opposition has done their job to a “T” by satisfying the need for blood but keeping the protected class happily continuing on behind the curtain.

Just something to keep in mind as things progress and we get some ‘big media’ on our side.

Obviously we have to take all the wins we can, but not lose sight of the fact that o’bummer et-al are merely pawns who will be happily sacrificed by the elite in order to protect themselves and their power.

We have to keep thinking higher-up the ladder when listening to the ‘good’ guys who just might be gatekeepers / controlled opposition and keep an open mind.


Inquiring minds want to know.

That would be EGG-selent


I have no idea what NFT’s are all about other than a very basic definition.

Was wondering if any crypto-nerds could help say yey or ney that there is some possibility NFT’s could be the gold that destroys the FED.

I don’t know enough about it to comment beyond this. Brainstorming is appreciated.


When you saw that q-drop / linked video, did you think it was about the vax specifically?

It wasn’t obviously connectable to me, though always remained a possibility. The drop was certainly not as direct in nature as some of the other q drops. Adding to the confusion was trump and his circle promoting the vax - plainly and clearly to normies.

Are we to believe only q followers, or free thinkers, or autists were good enough to be saved? Joe 6 pack faux-news watcher is fodder? Our loved ones who ‘just don’t get the q thing’ are acceptable collateral damage in the best possible scenario? We are the ‘chosen’ ones - cause we are autistic and less susceptible to programming?

How would all of the vax damage been worse if trump or even just q came out plainly and clearly with a message that said it is bad? They (he) would be dragged and dragged through the mud by the system regardless of what was said.

Hindsight is 20/20. I’m seeing far too many (implied - not proven) vax issues and deaths to not question this. Appreciate others’ thoughts.


Just a quick wiki search reveals that she was married to a man, is divorced and remarried to a woman. She had her bar- mitsfa at the tree of life (same place the pgh mass shooting occurred). Is a product of columbia university.

That’s from wiki, as of today anyway, however we never know when Winston ( from 1984) will get his orders to change the text.

So, what do we really know about her??? Any diggs?? I seem to recall some from way back but haven’t started looking.

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