Any opinions on Prather? (
posted ago by TaogTaov ago by TaogTaov
Shut It Down.. (
posted ago by TaogTaov ago by TaogTaov
Culti Gabbard (
posted ago by TaogTaov ago by TaogTaov

Reposting a response to an earlier post here:

No clue on validity of this information. Just putting it out there for digestion and possibly further development. There are a LOT of threads to pull on from the above link.

The ‘white-hat’ chatter ramps up every time she gets noted saying something ‘conservatives’ might agree with.

Reposting a response to an earlier post here:

No clue on validity of this information. Just putting it out there for digestion and possibly further development.

There are a LOT of threads to pull on from the above link.

The ‘white-hat’ chatter ramps up every time she gets noted saying something ‘conservatives’ might agree with.

Founded by Ben Swan; reminder that this guy was one of the few mainstream reporters to go public with pizzagate way back when.

He did some really great pieces on it. Enough that many thought he’d be red-scarfeed.

Maybe not the best time to launch as it might compete w/ trump entertainment, but who knows how it will all shake out?

Supposedly blockchain based FWIW.

Tells me the site / platform might be worth a chance. You decide.

There have been a couple posts about Sovren - a new social media site / platform. Ben Swan is the founder. I can’t entirely vouch for him or the new site, but this guy was on the leading edge of mainstream reporting of pizzagate. He put a lot of truth out there about it when no one else would or could.

Anyway - site might be worth looking into and or supporting.

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