I thought this show in Australia starting on the 17th of July was interesting because of the hunted reference could be nothing but the 17th and hunted was a bit of a coincidencd. I was thinking maybe it could be a placeholder for something to air on tv that would be something that was totally different to what they are saying in this article. https://www.mediaweek.com.au/hunted-australia-starts-july-17-on-10-and-10-play/
'And who is in charge? It’s the Americans, I saw it with my own eyes,' claimed Georges Malbrunot. 'I thought I was with the international brigades, and I found myself facing the Pentagon.'
Makes me wonder if this was ran by the ds
Been on some other forums people are in doubt about NATO using these asset tags on a older ThinkPad laptop.
Here is the proof these tags are the real deal page 5 right picture https://awacs.nato.int/systems/file_download.ashx?pg=188&ver=2
Now we get this message
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Does anyone know who it was?
The left are attacking her is this panic?
7AM Australian Time(1700 DC TIME)
Not sure what this is going to be about, the news is speculating a joint military submarine venture running out of Australia.
Did anyone notice the laptops windows name is SDALAP-1?
Numbers on helcopters tail 1174 in one scene.
And a few scenes later Mel says this "There'll be another, new war opening soon in a theater near you."
In the next scene they are setup like it says in q post 1174
Movie came out 10th August 1990
I dunno if I'm stretching but this is just for research purposes can you find anything else I missed in this movie. It's interesting what you can find sometimes.