
31,737 Comments Submitted

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Looks like 100% Opposing

A Vaccines for Children (VFC) vote on COVID-19 vaccine is scheduled. Agenda items are subject to change as priorities dictate. For more information on the meeting agenda visit https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/acip/meetings/meetings-info.html .


Action Notice of meeting and request for comment.

Summary In accordance with the Federal Advisory Committee Act, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), located within the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), announces the following meeting of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP). This meeting is open to the public. Time will be available for public comment.

Dates **The meeting will be held on October 19, 2022, from 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., EDT and October 20, 2022, from 8:30 a.m. to 3:20 p.m., EDT (dates and times subject to change, see the ACIP website for updates **http://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/acip/index.html ). The meeting will be webcast live via the World Wide Web. Written comments must be received on or before October 20, 2022.

**Go here NOW to COMMENT or SEND FILE or DOCUMENT: ** **https://www.regulations.gov/document/CDC-2022-0111-0001 ** Dates The meeting will be held on October 19, 2022, from 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., EDT and October 20, 2022, from 8:30 a.m. to 3:20 p.m., EDT (dates and times subject to change, see the ACIP website for updates http://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/acip/index.html ). The meeting will be webcast live via the World Wide Web. **Written comments must be received on or before October 20, 2022. ** Addresses You may submit comments, identified by Docket No. CDC-2022-0111, by either of the following methods.

• Federal eRulemaking Portal: https://www.regulations.gov . Follow the instructions for submitting comments.

• Mail: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 1600 Clifton Road NE, MS H24-8, Atlanta, GA 30329-4027, Attn: October 19-20, 2022, ACIP Meeting.

Instructions: All submissions received must include the Agency name and Docket Number. All relevant comments received will be posted without change to https://www.regulations.gov, including any personal information provided. For access to the docket to read background documents or comments received, go to https://www.regulations.gov .

For Further Information Contact Stephanie Thomas, ACIP Committee Management Specialist, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, 1600 Clifton Road NE, MS H24-8, Atlanta, GA 30329-4027; Telephone: 404-639-8367; Email: [email protected] .


Purpose: The committee is charged with advising the Director, CDC, on the use of immunizing agents. In addition, under 42 U.S.C. 1396s, the committee is mandated to establish and periodically review and, as appropriate, revise the list of vaccines for administration to vaccine-eligible children through the Vaccines for Children (VFC) program, along with schedules regarding dosing interval, dosage, and contraindications to administration of vaccines. Further, under provisions of the Affordable Care Act, section 2713 of the Public Health Service Act, immunization recommendations of the ACIP that have been approved by the CDC Director and appear on CDC immunization schedules must be covered by applicable health plans.

Matters To Be Considered: The agenda will include discussions on influenza vaccines, pneumococcal vaccine, meningococcal vaccines, respiratory syncytial virus vaccine, rotavirus vaccine, dengue vaccines, adult immunization schedule, child/adolescent immunization schedule, COVID-19 vaccines and Chikungunya vaccine. Recommendation votes on pneumococcal, adult immunization schedule, child/adolescent immunization schedule and COVID-19 vaccines are scheduled. A Vaccines for Children (VFC) vote on COVID-19 vaccine is scheduled. Agenda items are subject to change as priorities dictate. For more information on the meeting agenda visit https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/acip/meetings/meetings-info.html .

**Public Participation Interested persons or organizations are invited to participate by submitting written views, recommendations, and data. Please note that comments received, including attachments and other supporting materials, are part of the public record and are subject to public disclosure. Comments will be posted on https://www.regulations.gov . Therefore, do not include any information in your comment or supporting materials that you consider confidential or inappropriate for public disclosure. If you include your name, contact information, or other information that identifies you in the body of your comments, that information will be on public display. CDC will review all submissions and may choose to redact, or withhold, submissions containing private or proprietary information such as Social Security numbers, medical information, inappropriate language, or duplicate/near duplicate examples of a mass-mail campaign. CDC will carefully consider all comments submitted into the docket.

Written Public Comment: Written comments must be received on or before October 20, 2022.******


In Memory of the Sexually Mutilated Child

In memory of all the children throughout history who have died at the hands of sexual mutilators;

and in memory of those who almost died,

those who wanted to die,

and those who wished they had died;

and in memory of those who never knew

that a sexual mutilator killed

a beautiful, wondrous, irreplaceable part of them.



mRNA Covid shots for kids are dead Only 325,000 of the 19 million children under 5 are fully vaccinated, not even 2 percent. Cue the excuses from vaccine fanatics

**Even Elmo couldn’t save the mRNAs. ** The verdict is so obvious even the Washington Post noticed: despite a massive media and public relations campaign, American parents have overwhelmingly rejected Covid shots for their youngest children.

Three months after federal regulators okayed mRNA vaccines for kids under 5, more than 98 percent of them have not been fully vaccinated.

Put another way, out of any group of 50 children under 5, not even ONE is likely to have been fully vaccinated for Covid. And parents who started the process of vaccinating their children are having second thoughts. About 7 in 10 of of the 1.2 million children under 5 who received a first shot have not completed their vaccinations.

The rejection stretches across red and blue states. Even in Rhode Island and Hawaii, where over 90 percent of adults have received Covid shots, 97 percent of children are not vaccinated.






Overview Alternative media outlets of the Left and Right have become a crucial supplement to our knowledge of the world, providing those perspectives usually ignored by our mainstream media. This small webzine will aim to provide convenient access to at least a fraction of those voices and topics.

Masthead Editor-in-Chief and Publisher: Ron Unz National Security Editor: Philip Giraldi

Mission Statement For decades I have spent a couple of hours every morning carefully reading The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, and several other major newspapers. But although such a detailed study of the American mainstream media is a necessary condition for remaining informed about our world, it is not sufficient. With the rise of the Internet and the alternative media, every thinking individual has increasingly recognized that there exist enormous lacunae in what our media tells us and disturbing patterns in what is regularly ignored or concealed.

In April 2013 I published “Our American Pravda,” a major article highlighting some of the most disturbing omissions of our national media in issues of the greatest national importance. The considerable attention it attracted from The Atlantic, Forbes, and a New York Times economics columnist demonstrated that the mainstream journalists themselves were often all too aware of these problems, but perhaps found them too difficult to address within the confining structure of large media organizations. This reinforced my belief in the reality of the serious condition I had diagnosed.

In an attempt to partially remedy this disturbing situation I will be regularly publishing on this website a selection of the sort of interesting, important, and controversial perspectives that rarely if ever reach the pages of our major newspapers or the pixels of our television sets. The handful of columnists and bloggers whose work I am herein providing represent merely the smallest slice of the enormous range of unconventional ideas that lie just a mouse-click or a Google search away from each of us, and my particular selection is certainly not intended to be comprehensive. But over the years I have regularly read the writings of all these individuals and found their ideas stimulating and useful, and I believe that many others might have the same reaction.

This is not to say that I personally agree with all or even most of what these writers believe or claim. However, sometimes the most valuable insights are obtained by reading opinions sharply divergent from one’s own. Facing a sharp intellectual or ideological challenge forces us to more effectively frame our arguments and buttress the weaknesses in our logic and evidence that had previously remained unnoticed. Taking the measure of an effective critic is always more valuable than listening to a mindless echo. And I would always prefer reading something disturbing than something dull.

Ron Unz, Editor-in-Chief and Publisher The Unz Review • An Alternative Media Selection



Why the Demand for Fentanyl? By Capt. Randall- Lew Rockwell

September 19, 2022

Why the Demand for Fentanyl?

Before fentanyl,…. heroin, opioid pills, .38 Specials, carbon monoxide and tall buildings took countless lives. I can only surmise that depression, diminished physical health and personally demoralizing conditions were and are responsible. Economic outlook is particularly bleak for many young men who see no viable future. They are challenged to attain financial independence, are sexually frustrated, are self-shamed, are testosterone-depleted, are not allowed to express maleness in traditional ways and most not in great health to begin with. Covid lockdowns precipitated what has been a well documented and ongoing drag on physical/mental health; some self-medicate, some suicide, some party with abandon, some stew in silence and some resort to violence. While the news reports hundreds of thousands of deaths and millions of fentanyl pills interdicted, it places blame squarely on evil cartels; they never explore first causes. Were there no demand for fentanyl there would be no supply! Though a mere few thousand soldiers died in Gulf Wars, why is it that veterans are still killing themselves,… like one every hour, 24/7? PTSD, toxic burdens, the VA’s one-trick solution of antidepressants with suicidal side-effects, deep regret for participating in a needless war or their disappointment at the civilian life they returned to???

As “Biden Eats World,” at a table set by previous neo-con administrations, an all encompassing corruption of governance steeps in denial. Their penchant for wars, wild spending on pharmaceuticals and bioweapon research, oppressive taxation/regulation and inflation means death “trickles-down” and money and power “trickle-up.” Given the obvious and ongoing destructive dictates of our government elites, they can no longer feign incompetence.

When the state of the union is rotten, the media are forced to censor reality and serve ice-cream excuses, so it is no wonder minds are ripped apart by contradiction. Funneling “free speech” through filters of correctness leaves one muzzled and mute and thoroughly detached from reality. So many living in the perfection of virtual spaces never see a forest or a tree. Confused they become; either trapped in the narrative or crying-lonely in an electronic wilderness. I reject popular narratives and prefer the honesty found only in nature and people in person for hugs, sloppy kisses or spirited arguments.

Yes-man networks and internet monopolies have massaged the message to control the default behavior of change-averse humans. The script is tweaked daily with “new” disinformation, perpetual myths, fresh fears and yet more ways swine politicians will “help you” by throwing more billions to their cronies.

The battered wife will not leave her torturer, fearing a mis-perceived wasteland beyond her cage. Can she be convinced to breakaway? Hell no! Yet one day as she opens her eyes to her misery, a quick exit or a cast iron frying pan becomes the final solution; she’d had enough. This will happen in society at large when enough people have had enough! The pendulum will swing. The hammer will fall. The only question is how messy will the future be?

I would suggest that anyone facing the black monster of depression with thoughts of self-destruction; first attend to your physical body, it houses your troubled mind. Stop eating sugar and vegetable oils and go for proteins and saturated fats. Take as much Vitamin C as you can lay your hands on and every other electron-rich antioxidant in the book since the brain can’t function properly on low-voltage junk foods. Get in touch with the strongest human motivation,… self preservation. Take the shittiest most physical job you can find, grab a hobby, play with a puppy and take it from there. Don’t go quietly into oblivion. As Clint Eastwood once said when facing a deadly threat, “Ya gotta get mad-dog mean!” Fight the dying of the light. Never surrender. Never let ’em win. Embrace your free will and power of intent. How many times has Tom Brady, down 2 touchdowns with 5 minutes left in the 4th quarter, envisioned victory…and won! Never entertain thoughts of losing. You will come out the other end of the tunnel. You will find fearlessness and an abundant life.

What’s to be lost if you “nut-up,” reverse course and go for the win? We are all dead men walking, so why run?



‘The strain is the worst of my lifetime’: how Bill Gates is staying optimistic. Covid and Ukraine war were major setbacks in pursuit of global development goals, philanthropist admits, but cutting back on aid would be ‘tragic’

The figures are bad, progress has stalled and all the trends that had been building hope in the world becoming a fairer place are showing sharp about-turns. Yet Bill Gates, who has poured billions of his own dollars into eradicating poverty, remains “optimistic”.

“It would be awful to turn away just because we’re getting bad grades due to unexpected setbacks,” he told the Guardian in an exclusive interview ahead of Tuesday’s publication of the annual Goalkeepers Report from the foundation he co-chairs.

“If we keep funding development aid properly we’ll get back where we were before the pandemic within a couple of years and build from there. But at best you can say it was a three- or four-year setback. In some areas, even worse.

“If you just look at rates of childhood vaccinations then the pandemic was a huge setback,” he added. “We’re back at 2009 levels of vaccine coverage.”

more: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/sep/13/the-strain-is-the-worst-of-my-lifetime-how-bill-gates-is-staying-optimistic

If We Stay Silent Then the Evil Will Be Done With Our Blessing Posted By The White Rose UK On 11/09/2022

The battle you and I are fighting is the most important battle any of us will fight. It’s crucial to our lives, our world, our beliefs, our humanity, our mental and physical health, our spirituality and our future. It’s crucial too to future generations and to the planet God gave us.

Doctors and nurses have been forbidden to question the official line – even when it is patently wrong. They have been banned from speaking to the media.

You and I prefer to think for ourselves, and to do the right thing whatever the cost, and we cannot be bought or pressured to do the wrong thing.

MORE: https://thewhiterose.uk/if-we-stay-silent-then-the-evil-will-be-done-with-our-blessing/


How Weed Became the New OxyContin Big Pharma and Big Tobacco are helping market high-potency, psychosis-inducing THC products as your mother’s ‘medical marijuana’ BY LEIGHTON WOODHOUSE AUGUST 30, 2022

or 30 years, Dr. Libby Stuyt, a recently retired addiction psychiatrist in Pueblo, Colorado, treated patients with severe drug dependency. Typically, that meant alcohol, heroin, and methamphetamines. But about five years ago, she began to see something new.

“I started seeing people with the worst psychosis symptoms that I have ever seen,” she told me. “And the worst delusions I have ever seen.”

These cases were even more acute than what she’d seen from psychotic patients on meth. Some of the delusions were accompanied by “severe violence.” But these patients were coming up positive only for cannabis.

Stuyt wasn’t alone: Health care professionals throughout Colorado and all over the country were seeing similar episodes.

Ben Cort, who runs an addiction recovery center in Steamboat Springs, Colorado, watched a young man jump up on the table in the emergency department and strip naked, claiming he was the God of thunder and threatening to kill everyone in the room, including two police officers. A collegiate athlete Cort worked with also had a psychotic episode and was shot five times by the police with a beanbag gun before he was subdued. In Los Angeles County, Blue Stohr, a psychiatric social worker, had a patient who climbed a 700-foot crane and considered jumping off of it, not because he was suicidal but because he thought he was in a computer simulation, like The Matrix.

Those patients, too, were high only on cannabis.

more: https://www.tabletmag.com/sections/news/articles/how-weed-became-new-oxycontin-marijuana-psychosis-addiction


The Big Picture Is Hidden in the Smoke Screen of Its Compartmentalized Subplots By Gary D. Barnett

September 16, 2022


As the “Great Reset” continues to roll forward, most of the media, including the alternative media, is very busy breaking down each and every part of the sub-plots, analyzing everything and every aspect of this plotted terror, and attempting to tackle each element in order to at some point in the far future, hopefully convince their masters to grant them some minor relief. This technique or method of incremental persuasion, is completely worthless, in that it is the exact same strategy that was used to undermine the populace through long-term indoctrination and propaganda campaigns in the first place, and is well understood by the ruling hierarchy. In essence, this is an attempt to go after the state perpetrators of terror by using the same tactics that they perfected, and then used against the masses. No solution to the real problem can ever be achieved with such an illogical, expected, and acquiescent approach.

The big picture is that the ruling ‘elites’ who make up the ruling class, and control governments, are attempting to take over this country and the world, in order to form a global ruling structure by the few based on technocratic governing models. This has been referred to as the “Great Reset,” but could be called any number of things; new world order immediately comes to mind. That is the central focus and the main agenda, and all the other aspects of this that are discussed, argued, fought over, singled out, and vetted incessantly, are the subplots and symptoms of a much larger problem. By breaking everything down to its parts, the focus of attention is spread thin, and each and every compartmentalization helps to hide the true agenda. It is not that these things are unimportant; quite the contrary, but separating them out and concentrating so much energy on each, simply helps to cover up the bigger problem.

MORE: https://www.lewrockwell.com/2022/09/gary-d-barnett/the-big-picture-is-hidden-in-the-smoke-screen-of-its-compartmentalized-subplots/


How to Open a Mind: How Can “We Wake People Up” to the Dangers of the Covid Jab https://www.globalresearch.ca/how-open-mind/5793245

By Dr. Emanuel Garcia Global Research, September 13, 2022

I am frequently asked by my friends and acquaintances in what I now call the “Resistance” – those who, like myself, fight for some common sense about human liberty and the practice of medicine during the Corona War in the Age of Covid – how we can ‘wake people up’. How we can get fellow New Zealanders to recognize that the Covid jab that has been pushed upon us is actually dangerous and unnecessary, how we can get them to understand that masking and anti-social distancing are tools for control, how we can get them to understand that the “vax apartheid” system that prevailed, under so-called emergency Covid legislation, was both immoral and unfounded in rationality.

It’s a good question. I know from my work as a psychoanalyst that simply telling someone what to think or what to do never did any good. Oh, occasionally a strong directive might persuade someone momentarily, but in the long run insight and reflection and critical thinking are modes that must be autonomously engaged. We often said, in my profession, that the goal of analysis was self-analysis, and so it is. Human beings have responsibilities and they have choices, and they may indeed abrogate such responsibilities and choices when, for example, a trusted State, through its mainstream media propaganda mouthpieces, issues a diktat; but this kind of uncritical submission is hardly worthy of a human being who aspires to any sort of liberty.

I have furthermore discovered that people who, I thought, were quite reasonable and intelligent – some of whom have been close friends for many decades –behaved, when it came to all things Covid, like a closed door.

One very dear friend “divorced” me some eight months ago when he found my positions on natural immunity, early treatment, the right to assemble and exercise freedom, etc., to have been too much. “You’ve gone over to the dark side,” he said, “I can never talk to you again.” Last week this friend called me, mildly tipsy, and we had a rapprochement, and I said to him that I thought our friendship should transcend differences of opinion, given the close intertwined ties between our families over four decades, and I told him furthermore that I was the same person I had been when we first became friends: a “constitutionalist” – meaning that I regarded the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution and Bill of Rights as exceptional political documents because of their acknowledgment that life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness were foundational; and that I didn’t read, watch or listen to mainstream media.

The second point caught his attention, drunk though he may have been, because I know this particular fellow to be addicted to these media. Whenever I have visited him at his spacious ranch-home in the Southwest, the Big Screen was on from dawn until midnight: ABC, CNN, CBS, MSNBC et al. And I realised quite clearly that his reality was the “reality” that had been fed to him over many many years.

No, he is not psychotic, and no, he is not part of any “formation”: he has simply put complete faith and trust into his venerable communication authorities, so much so that to deviate even a small degree from their message would be unthinkable.

Perhaps the strength of his ties of friendship to me might allow him to entertain a different perspective, over time, but so far this has not been the case, certainly not as long as his ongoing reality merely mirrors what those immense paternalistic media friends have been portraying to him about lockdowns, masks, jabs, about the requirement to forego unalienable rights and, most of all, about fear.

The campaign to make everyone afraid has been immensely successful, one must admit. And in doing so it has allowed for a certain kind of line to be drawn, a line between those who lust for safety, and those who wish to live. Covid has, in the two and a half years of the Corona War, separated us very clearly. Those who have resisted the Siren song of the State are relatively few, though now growing in number. Those who have swallowed the Grand Deception are more formally united, are strengthened in their numbers by fear, are closed to debate and callous towards the travails of those who differ. They here in New Zealand willingly embraced the apartheid system that created a two-tiered society: the jabbed and the unjabbed. If the unjabbed lost their jobs, if the unjabbed couldn’t get a haircut or go to a gym or a theatre, that was their “choice.”

The much maligned and much misunderstood Freud wrote, in Group Psychology and the Analysis of the Ego, that “in a group the individual is brought under conditions which allow him to throw off the repressions of his unconscious instinctual impulses. The apparently new characteristics which he then displays are in fact the manifestations of this unconscious, in which all that is evil in the human mind is contained as a predisposition.”

Yes, we must acknowledge the presence and potential for evil in all of us, and we must also acknowledge the selfishness of individuals who, to save their own skins have reneged on their principles and betrayed themselves.

I am alluding here to overwhelming majority of physicians who out of fear and selfishness have failed to be real physicians when they abdicated their duty to the Hippocratic oath, informed consent and individualized medical treatment.

Yes, I understand, they would have come under attack by a corrupt Medical Council (under the thumb of the Federation of State Medical Boards) and Ministry of Health; yes, they would have had their licences to practice suspended; yes, they would have been fired from their jobs for exercising common sense and their right to choose what to allow into their bodies – at least initially.

But imagine if they simply stood up en masse for what was right. Would a totalitarian Government have dared to persecute us all? Would even a quisling organisation like the Medical Council have tried to investigate thousands instead of the dozens of doctors who spoke out? Would the Prime Minister of New Zealand have insisted on a sweetheart deal with a disreputable and unscrupulous pharmaceutical outfit like Pfizer and suppressed inexpensive and effective treatments for a trumped-up illness? Would the government have had the audacity NOT to mandate autopsies for those who died after having received the jab, and NOT to account for and fully investigate adverse events? Would, in fact, this entire manufactured nightmare scenario have been allowed to unfold as it has, with its concomitant destruction of livelihoods, businesses, and societal fabric?

With respect to the opening of stubbornly closed Covid minds, I think there are two keys.

To show, by example, that the fear they assume and have been assaulted into believing is baseless. No amount of talking, reasoning, lecturing, dictating, cajoling or persuading will be able to achieve anything in comparison to a live demonstration of calm fearlessness. To encourage, once an attitude of questioning has been engendered, a disavowal of mainstream media sources. In our vast proliferative decentralized realm of the internet one may occasionally lose one’s way, but one is far more likely to arrive at truth. **The Corona War is a means to an even greater and more terrifying end, as many of us know, with Climate Change restrictions and Digital IDs and Total Surveillance on the near horizon, if the New World Order of the World Economic Forum is realized. And it will be realized if individuals sell their birthright for a bowl of potage. Many naively and unthinkingly follow the State’s directives; but many too know better and go along because they are both selfish and afraid. ** **I like to think the good in us outweighs the propensity for evil, and that the Covidian selfishness that has been so prominent is nourished more by fear. If that’s the case, we have a fighting chance. ** *

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Dr. Garcia is a Philadelphia-born psychoanalyst and psychiatrist who emigrated to New Zealand in 2006. He has authored articles ranging from explorations of psychoanalytic technique, the psychology of creativity in music (Mahler, Rachmaninoff, Scriabin, Delius), and politics. He is also a poet, novelist and theatrical director. He retired from psychiatric practice in 2021 after working in the public sector in New Zealand.


Ways to be a non-conformist in 2022 https://greatawakening.win/p/15JUCdiYTR/ways-to-be-a-nonconformist-in-20/

I think this is appropriate here:

Dr. Albert Schweitzer, who said:** “At that point in life where your talent meets the needs of the world, that’s where God wants you to be.”**

Variations of this have been attributed to Aristotle, Bach, Robert Louis Stevenson.

I think AUTHENTICITY is key to being NON-conformist. People who endeavor to KNOW themselves discovers their GOD given talents, then go to the next step which is to REALIZE that their specific constellation of talents were given to develop in service to the world. NEXT: THEY DO IT. A true NON-conformist knows this on a deep level and superficiality, trendiness, indoctrination is superseded and falls away.

I will add that deep satisfaction the human soul incarnate in physical/materiality really wants is attained through what I call WHOLESOME ENDEAVOR which is energy expended in (no particular order) creating, building, exploring, lifting, inspiring, informing, comforting, assisting, nurturing, synthesizing, instructing.

"All are called, few choose to listen."

The Trust Game [Limited Series] from Aaron and Melissa Dykes PRO on October 9, 2021

Research and documentary duo Aaron & Melissa Dykes turn their focus to an intricate and long-winding path that connects the foundations of modern society with the rise of central banks – as the insipid but immensely influential policies of money issuance weave together the shadowy sinews of history's most pivotal events.

From colonial expansion, to the creation of the Federal Reserve, up to our volatile age of cryptocurrency and digital authorization, the contentious battleground of finance has pitted presidents and congressional representatives alike against the unmovable power of lenders and moneymakers, who've worked to tip the scales towards centralized authority at the expense of individual sovereignty.

Attempting a greater context, 'The Trust Game' is a 10-part, over 10-hour series aiming to sharpen global events spinning blurry in the rapid stages of development. Major changes have occurred; major changes are underway. Yet some things remain surprisingly the same – this is a system dependent upon confidence, belief, and ultimately... trust.

**Two episodes are scheduled to emerge per week on Fridays in this limited series. The filmmakers and the life of this project depend exclusively on the currency of your support, patronage and exchange of ideas. Thank you for that. Please share if it is valuable to you: vimeo.com/ondemand/trustgame **

  1. Episode 1: "Crowns and Sovereigns" 46:12

  2. Episode 2: "Of Renters, Lenders and Liberty" 1:04:30

  3. Episode 3: "Separation, Conjunction, Fermentation..." 56:12

  4. Episode 4: "Dr. Jekyll Delivers Mr. Fed" 1:10:42

  5. Episode 5: "Who Holds the Gold Makes the Rules" 1:05:59

  6. Episode 6: “One World or None” 1:17:45

  7. Episode 7: "Voodoo Volckernomics & the Inflationary Dragon" 1:03:07

  8. Episode 8: "Gambling with Other People's Money" 59:46

  9. Episode 9: “Global Financial Crisis — Reaction — Solution” 1:04:43

  10. Episode 10: "The One Ring" 1:23:12

Bonus Features

Secret History of the Order of the Illuminati 41 mins

Promo/Trailer- 'The Trust Game' [A Limited Series] 14 mins

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