The 8 min. Video:
On Monday, Romanian Member of the European Parliament Cristian Terheș grilled Moderna CEO Stéphane Bancel and AstraZeneca executive vice-president Iskra Reic surrounding the safety and efficacy of the vaccines and overly secretive contracts.
Several concerns were asked by MEP Terhes of the executives, such as whether or not they had decoded the DNA of the COVID virus, why they did not take responsibility for the side effects from the vaccines, and when they would release the unredacted contracts with the European Commission.
The first set of questions was for both AstraZeneca and Moderna. Below are the questions asked by Terhes:
First question: I would like to know the date, if possible, when you decoded the entire DNA sequence of this virus or did you rely solely on the sequence provided by the Chinese government?
Second question: Have you tested whether the vaccine stops the spread of the virus or not? Because the data clearly shows that your products are not stopping the spread of this virus.
Third question: Have you had people die during the human trials, and if so, what was the disease they died from?
The second set of questions was directed to Moderna CEO Bancel, below is the excerpt:
You stated here that you relied on the sequence provided to you by the Chinese government when you developed your vaccine. I have here an answer from EMA, which shows for every vaccine the kind of tests that were done. So in the case of Moderna, for example, you provided data showing that you tested these vaccines since 2017, 2018, and 2019. So how are you able to test these vaccines back then when we found out about this virus in December of 2019?
The contract you mentioned here that there are some secrets or some confidential information in these contracts that should protect your interests. Now, the question that I addressed to you is, what about the interests of us and the interests of the European citizens?
Because this is how some of the pages from the contract between Moderna and the European Commission is showing. So I’m asking you, do you think this is fair to all of us to talk about these vaccines, to talk about boosters, to talk about medical products when we don’t know the clauses of these contracts? So the direct question to you, Mr. Bonsel, is when are you going to fully publish the contracts that you have both with the European Commission and with the member states of the European Union?
Another question, the issue of liabilities. You were asked by our colleagues here about the liabilities and you avoided to answer this question. So my question is why are you pushing the liabilities on the state and on the people who receive these vaccines? I think I might have adverse effect, why do you get all the profits?
Nevertheless, the bivalent boosters. This is the last question. You just stated here that these boosters were requested by the US government who also approved the boosters without trials on humans. So I’m asking you, do you think this is fair? Do you think we can go and ask the European citizens to be vaccinated with some medical products that were not properly tested or not at all tested in humans?
In their responses regarding liability, executives of Moderna and AstraZeneca said that they produced the vaccines at the request of the states and governments, who asked them to make the vaccines quickly, therefore they sought protection from them for payment of possible damages and compensations, according to MEP’s Facebook post.
“On liability for adverse effects, as all manufacturers have done, we wanted, governments wanted quick approval of a vaccine. And so for a conditional approval, it was important to give us some guarantees in terms of [compensation/damages], because we cannot have our cake and eat it too. They wanted the vaccine quickly. They didn’t give the manufacturers time to have long-term studies because of the nature of a pandemic,” Moderna CEO Stéphane Bancel answered the question MEP Cristian Terheș.
“The liability and indemnification clause was discussed and agreed upon with many governments around the world because everyone wanted to see how we could speed up the production and delivery of vaccines. And, again, as I mentioned earlier, this is considered to be standard practice in emergency situations, and equally [the practice] that protects and supports everyone to move forward with the greatest speed and to do the best they can in terms of production and manufacturing [vaccines],” AstraZeneca executive vice president Iskra Reic answered the same question.
Bancel also admitted that Moderna used the sequence published by the Chinese government online and tested by many scientists in academic labs and government labs for the design of the vaccine.
Back in March, Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla admitted during his interview with WaPo that the “mRNA vaccine” technology was not sufficiently proven when they launched it. He said the experts “convinced him” but he wasn’t sure. He said they’ve been working for the mRNA since 2018.
“I was surprised when they suggested to me that this is the way to go. And I questioned it, and I asked them to justify how can you say something like that? But they came and they were very, very convinced that this is the right way to go. They felt that the two years of work on mRNA since 2018, together with BioNTech to develop a flu vaccine make them believe that the technology is mature and we are at the cusp of delivering a product. So they convinced me, I followed my instinct that they know what they are saying. They’re very good. And we made this very difficult decision,” Bourla explained.
Jason M. Morgan
Hunter Biden has been in the news again recently. Not for his fingerpainting this time—for a movie that has been made about his life. “My Son Hunter,” which is being distributed by Breitbart News, is set for release on September 7, 2022.
If the trailer is any indication, “My Son Hunter” will be a recreation of what it would look like if all the horrendous photos and videos on Hunter Biden’s misplaced laptops had been strung together and set within the context of political events. The churning, psychedelic plotline is disconcerting in the extreme, but the nausea one feels watching the trailer is not due to art for art’s sake but to art’s imitating life. The pathetic shallowness that is Hunter Biden, the meth teeth and prostitutes and cocaine, is not fiction in the slightest. It is who the son of the illegal occupant of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue is throughout his every wasted day.
Flipping through the scenes of Hunter Biden’s existence takes a strong stomach and a fortified psychological constitution. The man is debauched, depraved, disgraced, and diseased. What’s worse, he has traded access to his famous father for the sexual, financial, and narcotic favors which have been thrown his way. Hunter Biden is essentially a reverse pimp. He sells fake intimacy for money, but he’s the one who ends up getting used. And one suspects he kind of likes it. Hunter Biden is, by every measure I can think of, a disgusting human being.
But let’s not let “My Son Hunter” distract us from what’s really going on. Yes, Hunter Biden is a traitor and a lowlife. But he’s the good Biden. His father, Joe Biden, is infinitely worse than “the smartest guy he knows,” the clearly idiotic Hunter.
It’s true, for example, that Hunter Biden was on the take from bigwigs in Ukraine and China. Those payments, disguised as business transactions, were transparently in exchange for face time with “the Big Guy.” You don’t have to be Perry Mason to figure out what’s going on. Hunter sold out his country and his name for Mammon. A trial is too good for people like Hunter Biden—drumhead justice at dawn will do.
But Hunter was just the disposable middleman. The real corruption comes when “the Big Guy” gets involved. And when that happens all bets are off. Heck, long before Hunter became the poster boy problem child, his dad was “high-tech lynching” Clarence Thomas. And one can hardly blame Hunter for pop’s (not to be confused with Corn Pop) surrender to the Taliban, a ragtag force of Stone Age cave dwellers whose most potent weapon, apart from rusty Kalashnikovs from the Soviet era, would appear to be b.o. Not sure the average Talibanner is as ripe in his greasy robe as Hunter must be after a long night on the town in Beijing, but at any rate the ignominious retreat from Afghanistan was “the Big Guy’s” canvas, not Hunter’s.
Afghanistan brings into even sharper focus why Hunter is the good Biden. Joe Biden is the manager of American decline (as was his boss when he was vice-president, the highest office which Joe Biden has ever legitimately held). His task is much more complicated than was Obama’s, however. Obama—who has yet to produce a paper version of his birth certificate—had only to curtsy from afar as the People’s Republic of China came drooling and snarling (and, yes, spitting and breaking in line) onto the world stage. Biden is in a much stickier wicket. Biden has to fake-grapple with Beijing, to put on a good show before the People’s Republic of China—Biden’s owner—finally gets to clasp the brass ring and escort the Americans out of the theater. Free Wuhan virus for everyone in the audience.
Maybe you like the American Empire. Maybe you don’t. There are hundreds of millions of people in Taiwan, Japan, South Korea, the Philippines, and a lot of other places (including, yes, China and even North Korea) who would prefer that a nuclear war in the western Pacific not be the price to pay for Joe Biden’s having cashed in on the American endgame.
In Ukraine, too, Hunter was, again, just the self-pimping pimp who got a cut of the cash flow for doing his debasing political gigolo work. It was “the Big Guy” who bought off the Ukrainian justice department (yes, that’s an oxymoron) by leveraging American taxpayer dollars and then bragging about it in public while the cameras rolled. That was just the warmup. Biden (and by that I mean the WestExec business-casual fascists who write his speeches) is coordinating the steady expansion of the American weaponry outlet mall in a country whose political system is to the United States what a deck of cards is to a blackjack dealer in Las Vegas. Ukraine is the new Vietnam, the new Central America, a bonanza for con artists, gun-runners, drug dealers, and human traffickers—and that’s just what’s happening inside the CIA. American voters and taxpayers, most of whom seem to think Ukraine is some kind of perennial underdog sports team for which one must cheer or else be thought a heartless monster, have no idea what is going on. Some of them are watching “My Son Hunter,” though, and saying, “Ooooh, that Hunter is a bad dude.”
Absolutely true. But not just because of the whoring and the carousing. Not nearly. Hunter facilitated evils which no cinematic release could ever convey.
Speaking of evil, there’s something else to bring up, something that will be unpopular in some quarters. Hunter Biden, on my view, is probably under the influence of evil spirits. I would not be surprised if he had sold his soul to the devil in exchange for one more hit on a bong at a party with Ukrainian gangsters (or Chinese ones—who can keep up?). But morons like Hunter Biden are a dime a dozen for Lucifer. They are roped as easily as dead steers. They are born bottom-dwellers, people who never get farther in the dark kingdom than the sex and drugs and money with which Hunter has already wasted his life.
Joe Biden is under the influence of demons, too, but he’s much higher up on the food chain. In early September 2022, “Dark Brandon” gave a speech, in his role as “president,” against the hellish backdrop of an uplit blood-red building barred and blocked with goth shadows. It was horrifying. “PedoHitler” was the reaction on Twitter. I can see what they mean. Biden is a sex fiend, yes. (But don’t expect the FBI to go raiding any archives to get the records on “the Big Guy’s” hair-sniffing and chest-rubbing.) And he’s also a power-mad racist. So no argument with “PedoHitler” on substance. But Joe Biden spreads out his talon-like arms and casts a warlock spell from the satanic podium on a country which has already sacrificed more than sixty-three million unborn children on the altar of the Democrat Party. Hitler managed only six million, and most of them were adults. Ask yourself—if you were the devil, whose work would you admire more?
Hunter Biden is small beer. Joe Biden is the one performing a black mass and calling it a “presidential address.”
The United States is governed by more than just the usual cabal of sociopaths. Every country is governed by one of those. The United States, under the fake “president” Joseph Robinette Biden, is barreling toward World War III—which will make even the Democrat Party’s bloodthirstiness seem tame—and is doing so under the direction of a man who is clearly an instrument of Hell itself.
Don’t believe me? As proof I offer you this: even Pope Francis loves Biden. Might as well have a certificate from the underworld written in molten sulfur.
Hunter Biden is a tattooed creep sponging off the government. So what? I knew a hundred of those in grad school. Walk through the streets of New York City to meet a thousand more. That’s not where the real problem is at.
Joe Biden is on another level of bad than his “smartest guy in the room” son.
Don’t lose sight of it: Hunter is the good Biden.
A short inspirational video by a grounded young woman.
Copyright 1899, The Metaphysical Publishing Co., New York.](
"Bad begins and worse remains behind.''-HAMLET.
The fourteenth day of May, 1896, was observed at several places in Europe as the centenary of the introduction of vaccination among the resources of the healing art. The event thus commemorated ,was the performing of the first operation by Edward Jenner upon a young lad named James Phipps with the result of successfully producing the characteristic vesicle of the vaccine disease.
The celebration, however, attracted but little attention; partly because those who credit the utility of the peculiar operation are indifferent to its early history, and partly because the modern notions respecting it are very widely different from those promulgated by Jenner himself. Besides, there is among profounder thinkers and observers a growing conviction that vaccination, so far from being a benefit to mankind, is itself utterly useless as a preventive, irrational and unscientific in theory, and actually the means of disseminating disease afresh where it is performed. Hence, while governments are stepping outside of their legitimate province to enforce the operation, the people who act from better information upon the subject, are steadily becoming adverse.
Several years ago compulsory vaccination was submitted to the voting population of Switzerland by the referendum, and every canton but one gave a majority against it. In other countries the governments act arbitrarily, and have conferred despotic powers upon privileged professional men, and so the practice is enforced without mercy. Its advocates have taken little pains to convince those who distrust its utility, but instead have resorted to the employment of other and often reprehensible means. Children are excluded from the public schools unless they have been vaccinated, and the attempt is made to worry and coerce the parents and guardians into compliance with the arbitrary condition by prosecutions for truancy. In many instances they have succumbed from a feeling of utter helplessness, precisely as men submit to the bastinado inflicted by Oriental despotism. In other cases, they have followed as in a groove, without considering what was right or wrong, reasonable or fallacious. Advantage has been taken of the prevalent inattention to the matter to foist upon the statutes various health regulations and other requirements, often in flagrant violation of personal rights, and with no adequate justification. Passengers upon ocean steamers are forced to submit to the operation, unvaccinated children are excluded from schools, and persons employed in factories, warehouses, and the civil service are compelled to submit to be vaccinated on penalty of losing their places. Soldiers in the army and seamen in the navy are also obliged to submit as a matter of discipline, as a century ago they were inoculated perforce for small-pox.
Massive ‘My Son Hunter’ Bridge Banner Goes Up in Dallas, Texas
With over 4 million views of the trailer, it appears that My Son Hunter has inspired folks in the Lone Star State to spread the word about the highly anticipated movie. The Dallas 1776 Bridge Brigade put up a massive banner on the Northpark Blvd Bridge over Central Expwy (75N), in the heart of Dallas, Texas.
Breaking: FBI Agent Tim Thibault Who Opened Trump Investigation Is Escorted from Headquarters — Was Also FBI Agent in Charge of Investigating Voter Fraud, And Failed to Do So By Jim Hoft Published August 29, 2022enter text
FBI agent Tim Thibault was escorted from FBI headquarters on Friday.
He was the mastermind behind the affidavit to raid Mar-a-Lago.
He has longtime connections to the Clintons and the Obamas.
Thibault was the FBI official who was Assistant Agent in Charge (ASAC) in investigating voter fraud in the 2020 election.
NEW: ‘Defund Davos’ Bill Would Deny World Economic Forum Taxpayer Cash. THE REVOLUTION WILL NOT BE SUBSIDIZED. BY NATALIE WINTERS AUGUST 29, 2022
House Republicans have introduced a bill to block any taxpayer funds from potentially supporting the activities of the World Economic Forum – the corporate dominated non-governmental organization promoting global governance and centralized, undemocratic authority.
Sponsored by Representative Scott Perry, Representative Tom Tiffany, and Representative Lauren Boebert, the legislation follows controversy over the group’s exploitation of COVID-19 to advance its corporate-leftist social agenda. The World Economic Forum (WEF) has also weaponized climate change as an excuse to implement the tenets of its “Great Reset” theory which includes the abolition of private property.
The “Defund Davos Act” would ensure that U.S. taxpayer funds don’t support the WEF’s ambitions and follows previous efforts from the Trump administration to withdraw from other international organizations like the World Health Organization (WHO).
“No funds available to the Department of State, the United States Agency for International Development, or any other department or agency may be used to provide funding for the World Economic Forum,” reads the bill, H.R. 8748.
The bill has since been referred to the Committee on Foreign Affairs.
The WEF is able to push its progressive social agenda through deep partnerships and personnel overlap with the world’s leading corporations. In addition to relying on the private sector to implement WEF-sanctioned policies including social credit score and digital banking, government officials are also crucial to the group’s mission.
Beyond hosting an annual summit in Davos, Switzerland with many high-level government officials and heads of state, the WEF liaises with younger politicians through its Young Global Leaders program.
Of the agencies targeted by the Defund Davos Act, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) has come under scrutiny for sending taxpayer dollars to an American nonprofit that collaborated with a Chinese Communist Party-run lab believed to be at the center of the origins of COVID-19.
USAID supported the pandemic preparedness initiatives of EcoHealth Alliance, despite the group’s bat coronavirus research – including manipulating pathogens to make them deadlier to humans – resembling similarities to COVID-19.
The Era of Woke is Over -Author: Tom Luongo August 28, 2022
So, every once in a while CNN does some journalism. I guess they are finally picking up what new Warner Brothers Discovery CEO David Zaslav is putting down.
The era of woke is over. The era of self-sabotage and kowtowing to The Davos Crowd’s idiotic war on language, truth and common decency is coming to its ignominious end.
This article about the Twitter whistleblower, Pieter Zatko, from early last week is surprisingly good. Like the person writing it actually decided to tell the story rather than just editorialize about how it’s all Putin’s or Trump’s fault that Twitter had the right to misrepresent itself to a potential buyer.
This shift in editorial tone at CNN is being mirrored throughout Warner Brothers’ properties. And it has immense implications for the future of the Culture War we’re fighting against these vicious little Leninists.
As happy as I’ve been to watch Brian Stelter get the axe and the canning not only of the $90 million Batgirl movie and Ellen Degenerate’s groomer HBOMax series (20 episodes finished and now unreleased) it’s nothing compared his forcing a rework on the woke plans to invert the DCEU by unmaking the Snyderverse through the reported plot of The Flash (killing Superman and replacing him with Supergirl) and forcing reworks on other DCEU projects to un-Davos them.
Zaslav’s threatened to can a $250 million film while putting other projects through complete reshoots because he understands that some things are more important than the sunk-cost fallacy…
…Your reputation.
CNN and DC were being burned to the ground by people who knew their days were numbered and pushed through all sorts of terrible projects, stories and on-air behavior from its ‘talent’ in order to achieve this.
If we can’t control the narrative, better to destroy the brand than allow it to be resurrected.
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How Does One Wake Up? By Gary D. Barnett
August 27, 2022
“A strong man cannot help a weaker unless the weaker is willing to be helped, and even then the weak man must become strong of himself; he must, by his own efforts, develop the strength which he admires in another. None but himself can alter his condition.”
~ James Allen, As a Man Thinketh
Contrary to popular belief, “waking up,” as in seeking and accepting truth, is not something that requires outside assistance, force, or consensus. It is not something that can be bought. It is not something that can be given to you. It is not something that can at once happen to the collective masses. There is no solution that can awaken a people. There is no ‘leader’ who can awaken the herd. There is only the individual, and each individual is responsible for his own awakening. That oh so rare awakening means gaining for self the ability to think, to think as an individual, to think critically, to accept what he alone thinks, to seek and know truth, and to act on that individual knowledge. This fact, in my view, is why most all humans remain completely unconscious for their entire lives, never understanding truth, or anything of value or honesty, and living only to accept the opinions of others, especially government, media, celebrities, and so-called experts and authority figures. They have to remain in the crowd, never straying from the ‘group think,’ never taking a risk, and therefore, never having an original or independent thought. This is considered the ‘safe place,’ and in the minds of this collective, this means protection from reality.
I am asked almost daily: “What is your solution to this madness?” “What plan do you have to fix our problems?” “What are you doing to wake everybody up?” “Who should we ‘elect’ to save us?” I am heavily criticized at times for telling the truth instead of staying ‘positive.’ I am cursed for being too critical and ‘negative.’ Questions and comments such as these are a sure sign of an unconscious mind, a non-thinking person, and a proud member of the unawakened herd of sheep.
One major example of the unawakened are those who cling to one political party or the other. In essence, the ‘party’ is simply a substitute for the original herd. One is Republican, one is Democrat, one is red and one is blue, one is conservative and one is ‘liberal.’ In fact, they are both herds supported by non-thinking drones. By claiming to be one or the other, no thinking is necessary, as all thought is accomplished by the red or blue herd as a whole. Obviously, when one votes, he is choosing a collective side, and picking who is to be his ruler, and in doing so, he becomes a slave, but he also acquiesces to the ‘thinking’ of the group instead of thinking for himself. This political structure was no accident, as this designed hostility of one against another guarantees group ‘think,’ and therefore eliminates the need for individuality, self, and responsibility. The amount of time and energy put into this asinine circus is evidence enough of the worthlessness of it all.
By looking to others, by looking outside, and by searching for opinions from the group instead of believing in self, one becomes dependent on what is mostly propaganda, and exposes that he does not have any trust in himself. This is why these seemingly helpless people cannot fix themselves or face the truth. This is why capitulation and submission to authority by the masses is now so rampant. This kind of behavior is similar to addiction in that the more people who look away for answers instead of looking inward, the less likely they will ever change, and actually, they will usually become more and more dependent as time passes.
There is no way to know for sure, but my belief is that at least 80% or more (maybe much more) of this population are a part of the collective herd that has little or no ability to think on their own concerning matters of importance. I do realize that this is a startling conclusion to reach, but given all that has happened to date, how can this be doubted?
There is no way to awaken the herd by force, by political means, by demands, or even by persuasion. Each individual has to delve inside himself, and awaken his own spirit so he can find the courage to improve self instead of relying on the crowd. This will lead to seeking the truth, and that is the first step toward independence. This is not an easy task, because to trust self requires personal responsibility for every thought, every action, and every life situation. When this occurs, all fear disappears, and the minds eye opens to bright light instead of darkness.
Maybe some reflection is in order. There is no real security in the group, there is only consensus, confusion, and emptiness. The next time you find yourself asking others for a solution to your problems, or asking questions about your own freedom and how to attain it; stop, close your eyes, and seek your answers from within. When those answers come, trust them, and escape from the hellish and barren existence that is the non-thinking collective horde.
“It was when I stopped searching for home within others and lifted the foundations of home within myself I found there were no roots more intimate than those between a mind and body that have decided to be whole.”
~ Rupi Kaur
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**By Greg Hunter’s **
In May, Dr. Elizabeth Eads revealed the CV19 vax was causing extreme disease. Few doctors were sounding the alarm on the death and carnage from the bioweapon injections, and it’s going to get much worse before it’s over. Dr. Eads says, “Worldwide there are 10,000 deaths from these Covid vaccines daily. That’s a culmination of data . . . collected from Israel, UK, Canada, the U.S. and Brazil. So,10,000 a day and they are estimating we are already up to 12 million deaths worldwide.” Dr. Eads thinks the death and injuries from the CV19 bioweapon will be orders of magnitude higher in the next five years.
Dr. Fauci, Dr. Birx, the FDA and CDC see what is coming. According to Dr. Eads, “They know this. They planned for it. They knew the consequences. They manipulated the vaccines as they went along and what was going into the vaccines . . . to make the booster shots more lethal. . . . Your immune system is absolutely destroyed with these shots. Every time you get a shot, you lose more of your immune system. You lose 30% after the first shot, 60% to 70% after the second shot, 80% or more after the third shot, and you lose 100% of your immune system after the 4th shot. You also have the propensity to develop vaccine induced aids.”
You can also get heart disease, blood clots, strokes, brain disease, extreme shingles and develop fast spreading extreme cancers, just to name a few of the effects of the bioweapon so-called vaccines, according to Dr. Eads.
Dr. Eads goes on to say, “People are waking up and saying, ‘Oh my gosh, what did I do to my immune system,’ and this is irreversible. It’s irreversible because you cannot not turn off the intercellular mechanism. You cannot turn off the nano particle system that is making these long clot-like structures in veins and arteries. . . . There is no such thing as ‘Sudden Adult Death Syndrome. These are side effects of the vaccine. Nobody dies of ‘Sudden Death’ when they are otherwise healthy adults. There is no such thing. . . . Here are the numbers I pulled off Attorney Todd Callender’s site. (He’s suing the U.S. military over the CV19 vax.) The all-cause mortality rate in the military is up 1,100%. . . . The top five life insurance companies are banding together and are going to file a class-action lawsuit against Big Pharma.”
That’s not all, according to Dr. Eads, as she sees not only Big Pharma liable for damages but hospitals, doctors, nurses, drug store chains and all sorts of people who helped make this bioweapon genocide possible. Dr. Eads says, “You are talking about billions of dollars, and they are not going to be able to afford to pay out all these claims. . . .It’s going to bankrupt Big Pharma, and Big Pharma will end up collapsing. Hospitals will also end up collapsing because they were complicit in death by ventilators and remdesivir. Mass medical bankruptcies are coming 100%. This is going to be the collapse of the Rockefeller medical industry.”
Dr Eads says there are treatments that can help both the vaxed and unvaxed with removing harmful spike proteins. Two she named are Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ). Dr. Eads says there are some other helpful treatments and procedures as well.
There is much more cutting edge, frontline medical information in the nearly 1-hour and 19-minute interview.
Join Greg Hunter as he talks to 25-year veteran Dr. Elizabeth Eads, DO, as she continues to highlight the worsening, and now obvious, effects of the CV19 bioweapon vax.
Right Side Broadcasting Network Published August 20, 2022 Was 2020 stolen? It’s deeper than that.
You’ve heard it said “Those who vote decide nothing. Those who count the votes decide everything.”
What about those who code the vote?
What if our leaders aren’t actually being elected by us, but instead… selected?
[S]ELECTION CODE follows the story of Tina Peters the County Clerk in Mesa Colorado, who made a backup of her counties Dominion Voting System server, only to stumble across evidence of manipulation in a recent local city council election…. and also the 2020 general election. Tina’s discovery ignites a chain reaction upending her life. And upending the world.
You will not be able to unsee what you see.
We stand at an apex in human history. Are we handing too much power to technology – and those that program it?
[S]ELECTION CODE is a political thriller uncovering a secret so critical to the survival of America it transcends political parties. It is not about correcting the past. It’s about correcting the future.
Once you see [S]ELECTION CODE you’ll never again let a machine near your vote.
The Highwire with Del Bigtree
Senator Ron Johnson has been a champion for freedom since well before the Covid Pandemic. In this mind-blowing interview, he sits down with Del to expose the dirty pandemic politics that drove America’s Covid Debacle.
August 17, 2022
**“Remembrance of the past may give rise to dangerous insights, and the established society seems to be apprehensive of the subversive contents of memory.” ** ~ Herbert Marcuse, One-Dimensional Man: Studies in the Ideology of Advanced Industrial Society
The Marxist position concerning the social nature of man as opposed to the individual is fatally flawed if decency, respect, morality, and freedom are sought, regardless of the lie that Communism is for the benefit of the people. Once the individual is sacrificed and is forced to conform to the wishes of society, any system of decency breaks down. In other words, rule based on the majority position, and administered or “made to coincide with the interest (so-called) of humanity,” that referred to as the group called society, necessitates force and aggression from either societal or state enforcement, and therefore negates all that is right.
There are many ways to build and control what could be classified as a proletariat society, and all of them require the elimination of the individual. Marx’s words and ‘beliefs’ bear this out in no uncertain terms. In today’s world, most all efforts to destroy independent thought, normal or considered natural behavior, tradition, family, and honest history, are steeped in Neo-Marxist techniques, which cause unlimited division, hatred, antagonistic existence, and a tearing down and elimination of all past history and moral beliefs. This is the state of affairs in the U.S. today, as total chaos has come to the forefront due not to proper anarchical principles which are based on individual freedom, but due to Neo-Marxist and communistic ideology advanced through psychological and aggressive means, and supported by the ruling class.
At this time in history, the common people are but mere illiterate pawns in this game of power and control; so much so as to be the responsible foundation of the destruction of man. This is an untenable reality about our situation, as the very people claiming a desire for freedom and ‘equality,’ have destroyed any chance of liberty by accepting what can be referred to as blind collectivism leading to Communism. This wording might seem somewhat confusing, but mass collectivism cannot exist without a communistic mentality by the majority, and without communistic ideology, unadulterated collectivism in any free society is not conceivable in my view.
The human animal is certainly social, (not as in the view of Marx) and this helps to solidify our need for common association in order to satisfy our need for each other, and to better function and survive, but once that social bonding becomes forced or mandatory; and becomes ‘legally’ ordered, a new paradigm of totalitarianism is born.
Regardless of the contradiction concerning Communist ideology, the Neo-Marxist system is based on two very distinct existing classes; the large class of propertyless workers (commoners) consisting of the entirety of the masses, and the elite class, or state heads, who are exempt from all the societal rules and regulations, and own and control all the property. As mentioned, this is in direct contrast to the basis of Communism as described by Marx, which would result in the people seizing through violent revolt from the oppressing bourgeoisie, all wealth and means of production. In most cases, the people seeking Communism allege to want to eliminate the class system in order to achieve total equality and utopia for all, but in essence, they bring about by their submission to power, the exact situation they pretend to detest. By embracing the state and its power as partners in efforts to destroy all traditional society to affect desired ‘change,’ the resulting new state is simply the opposite of the so-called pretended agenda sought. This is where the left side of the left/right divide, negates all claimed ambitions of eliminating class structure in favor of a ruling class over society. This can only be due to indoctrination, ignorance, and stupidity.
We are now in transition to this exact type of society, where the few control all through very aggressive and restrictive governmental and technocratic methods, and remain completely outside and separate from the masses in every way. This is what globalism is all about; one completely separate ruling class and all the rest slaves. This is the system being built, and once fully achieved, it will be nearly impossible to destroy.
Consider our current circumstances, and what has been allowed to replace our traditional society based on the natural right to life; leading to freedom, property ownership by the individual, family, free speech, and the right to defend oneself from any aggression. These things have disappeared almost entirely, and have been replaced with communistic terror in the form of Neo-Marxism at the hands of the controlling class, the state, and all those supporting the state.
We live in a world turned upside down, where everything of value has become taboo, while the opposite has become the mainstay of this sorry society of mindless drones. Family and morality are looked down upon, while unbridled exuberance toward the immoral is embraced. This attitude is now widespread, and was not accidental, as the whole idea of Neo-Marxism is meant to destroy the memory of all the past in favor of establishing a new order based on communistic ideology bent on the destruction of accepted long-term norms. Obviously, change can at times be good, but in this case, it seems that the good is only being traded for the bad.
Currently, transexual behavior is presented by the state and media as ‘normal,’ and in a disgustingly myriad of forms. This notion is pushed in the faces of all who have any exposure to any form of media, ‘education,’ or government indoctrination efforts, as if it was honestly apparent in every human situation. This is asinine. The same is true of how homosexuality is presented, and every other form of this type of behavior. What people choose to do voluntarily, and without harm to others, and without intimidation, or aggression toward another, is one thing, but any expectation or initiation of forced acceptance is patently wrong.
Society as a whole has been inundated with the false assumption that everything not normal is normal. It is no different with the ridiculous ‘racism’ lie. There have always been racists, and there always will be, because that is the nature of a minority of the population, and has always been present in man. It is not relegated just to white; in fact, it is apparent to some degree in every culture. It is a cross-culture phenomenon. It has been purposely made to seem to be targeting only a few groups, and falsely labeled as terror against all state-chosen minorities, when in reality, it is less obvious than it has ever been in history. The biggest change has been the isolation of racism to certain groups meant only to cause hatred and division due to the state’s agenda of control. What is evident, is that hatred of all against all is rampant, and that cannot be labeled as due to one’s personal preferences, but to a plotted result by the ruling ‘elites.’
There is also intentional government promotion and acceptance of atrocious criminal behavior by evil groups like BLM and Antifa, and certain others as well. This behavior is justified by the state in order to gain more control over all by normalizing atrocious behavior by the few who are being used to instill fear so as to cause societal disorder. This is all part of the plot of this totalitarian regime.
Most all of the enforcement arms of government are on board with this evil, and purposely stage, participate in, and intentionally allow constant acts of terror to be prevalent throughout society. This is evident in the allowance and prosecution of intimidation, criminal behavior, police state brutality, allowed rioting and property destruction, mass shootings, especially against children, which creates much more psychological and emotional response from those who are sought to be ruled over and controlled. These are all meant to advance particular state agendas.
Of the many sub-plots of this world takeover agenda, illegitimate manmade ‘climate change’ will remain the primary focus. The ‘virus, scams will continue, as will the drive for central bank digital currencies, digitizing all transactions, ‘vaccine’ passports, supply chain disruptions, manufactured food shortages, energy regulations and energy use restrictions, carbon limit restrictions, water mandates, more promotion of gender insanity, and certainly much more extreme propaganda concerning the ‘wonder’ of depraved behavior.
All this and much more, including horrific false-flag attacks and events by the government and its henchmen, are coming this fall and winter in my opinion, and with it the likely possibility of civil unrest, civil war, hot war, and martial law. Prepare yourselves for hell on earth, as the globalists continue their assault against us, as the masses have not yet decided to do anything of value to help themselves or stop this onslaught against humanity.
“What is morality, she asked. Judgement to distinguish right and wrong, vision to see the truth, and courage to act upon it, dedication to that which is good, integrity to stand by the good at any price. ”
~ Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged
How the Global Takeover Mirrors the Hijacking of Medicine
John D. Rockefeller was instrumental in reshaping American medicine to scientific medicine which sidelined holistic medicine. This started in 1910 with the Flexner Report. Before that time, naturopathic medicine — using herbs, homeopathic remedies and general nutrition from food were very popular
The Flexner Report, commissioned by Rockefeller and the Carnegie Foundation, led to a complete and radical overhaul of the medical system. It criminalized natural therapies and forced about half of all medical schools to shut down. Natural medicine practitioners were put out of business and replaced with “scientific” doctors trained in the use of petrochemical-derived drugs. This was the genesis of Fauci’s motto, “Trust the science”
To this day, the Rockefeller family owns about 50% of all drug companies, and The Rockefeller Foundation has played a central role in the global cabal’s effort to impose worldwide totalitarianism
Understanding how medicine was corrupted can help us understand current-day events better. In many ways, it’s a repeat of the basic process — identify a problem or shortcoming (whether true or fabricated), pronounce a solution, then tear down the old system and replace it with a new one
In July 2020, the Rockefeller Foundation published “Reset the Table: Meeting the Moment to Transform the U.S. Food System.” According to the Foundation, the pandemic revealed problems in the food system that need to be “reset,” much in the same way that the Flexner report found problems in the medical system that needed to be fixed by changing it from the ground, up. Seeing how the Foundation promotes synthetic foods as an equitable answer, the end results on public health are bound to be the same
[Know These Things About Alex Jones By Jon Rappoport
Jon Rappoport’s blog](
August 5, 2022
Let’s start here. While Jones was supporting Trump, he also mercilessly attacked the horrifically destructive COVID vaccines. In the process, he forcefully awakened millions of Trump followers to a truth they were unaware of or didn’t want to face. In the process, lives were saved.
Decades ago, long before it was fashionable to do so, Jones explained and righteously attacked Globalism, the Rockefeller Empire, and the designs of the Chinese regime.
Perceived by the public as living on the political Right, Jones confounded that perception by attacking both big government and big corporations, while so-called conservatives were routinely and conveniently letting criminal corporations off the hook.
About 20 years ago, the day after George Noory interviewed me about those corporations, Jones called me out of the blue and insisted I come on his radio show and talk about the subject at length.
Very early in his radio career, he saw the gathering clouds of medical dictatorship on the horizon and spoke about it compellingly. His audience got a strong dose of something they’d never thought about.
Toxic pesticides, GMO crops—Jones contributed as much to the public understanding of these issues as any dyed in the wool environmentalist. However, for years, he’s also spoken about the psychopathic anti-human elitists who use the environmental movement as a front for a “green revolution” that aims to capture humanity in an endless future of poverty.
No one has done to more to expose the predatory adults who guide and groom young children for transgender medical and psychological destruction.
Since the beginning of his career, he’s defended the Constitutional right of citizens to own guns, against the deluded crowd who’ve claimed that taking away all those guns from everybody would lead us into an era of tranquility. Millions of non-criminal gun owners owe Jones a debt of gratitude.
Every day, Jones refuses to let the idea of the original American Republic die. Try that yourself. See how much energy it takes.
I could go on and list a number of other vital issues on which he has led the way. He’s inspired many people to start their own independent news outlets, as they’ve watched him make his viable.
In a materialistic age, he has a vision of the human soul, and whether you agree with it or not, it is not a slave to government and corporate and media and church propagandists. If “the meaning of the soul” sounds like a harmless position to take, it isn’t when you’re connecting with large numbers of people for hours every day, and those propagandists want to shut off your connection and force you to go down to defeat.
For more than 20 years, without let-up, Jones has not only defended the 1st Amendment to the hilt, he has stood on it to speak freely about a blizzard of issues. And now this has brought him into court rooms, where civil suits have been leveled against him.
Regardless of the outcomes of the cases, I trust he will survive and carry on. He has already won many victories during his career, and they will stand.
As for the public, there will always be those who go after Jones. There will always be whiners and screamers and critics who devote their whole lives to finding someone to pick at and scrape at, while they studiously ignore the Good that person has achieved. They feed on the bounty of the 1st Amendment like parasites, and never have to courage to see a better world and fight for it. Anyone who rises above the crowd is their target, because they ARE the crowd, gnawing their way to oblivion.
So be it. The world has its disgusting creatures.
Alex Jones was and is a pioneer. He can handle it.
He HAS, for a long time, and in the process, he’s made many other people open their eyes and see they can, too.
THAT’S the rub. When dedicated tyrants notice the contagion of courage, they panic. They look for a source.
Years and years ago, they homed in on Jones. But he’s endured.
Because he and his work are built for the storm.
Hunger In Africa: The Situation Is Serious 278 million people in Africa suffer from chronic hunger.
You will find more infographics at Statista
According to Welthungerhilfe, the main drivers of hunger include wars, climate change and the Covid-19 pandemic.
Most recently, the Russian attack on Ukraine further exacerbated food supply problems. Even before that though, the situation in many African countries was serious, as this map based on the 2021 World Hunger Index illustrates.
The index "annually measures and compares the severity of hunger and malnutrition in the world, different regions and individual countries."
The situation is particularly dire in Somalia, with seven other countries rated as "very serious" - Chad, the Democratic Republic of Congo, South Sudan, Burundi, the Central African Republic the Comoros and Madagascar.
Only a handful of countries can be classified as "low" or "moderate" on the severity scale.
Monkeypox Declared a Public Health Emergency
By the third week of July 2022, some 16,000 cases of monkeypox had been recorded across 75 countries, with the vast majority of cases occurring among homosexual and bisexual men. In the U.S., recorded cases were around 3,000, including two children
July 23, 2022, World Health Organization Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus unilaterally overruled this panel of advisers and declared monkeypox a “public health emergency of international concern” (PHEIC). Ghebreyesus made the decision to declare a PHEIC even though the WHO’s advisory panel opposed the declaration 9 to 6
According to Ghebreyesus, “for the moment this is an outbreak that is concentrated among men who have sex with men, especially those with multiple sexual partners. That means that this is an outbreak that can be stopped with the right strategies in the right groups”
At present, the PHEIC appears to be financially motivated. Moderna is testing an mRNA injection for monkeypox, and in addition to the two smallpox vaccines already approved, Aventis Pasteur also has a smallpox vaccine that, while still investigational, could receive emergency use authorization
Disturbingly, in February 2022, the Wuhan Institute of Virology published a study in which they describe creating a portion of a monkeypox genome from scratch in order to develop a PCR test for monkeypox diagnosis. The National Institutes for Health in the U.S. also began studying a monkeypox drug in 2020
The escalating regulatory attack on agricultural producers from Holland and the United States to Sri Lanka and beyond is closely tied to the United Nations’ “Agenda 2030” Sustainable Development Goals and the U.N.’s partners at the World Economic Forum (WEF), numerous experts told The Epoch Times.
Indeed, several of the U.N.’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are directly implicated in policies that are squeezing farmers, ranchers, and food supplies around the world.
High-level Chinese Communist Party (CCP) members within the U.N. system helped create the SDGs and are currently helping lead the organization’s implementation of the global plan, The Epoch Times has previously documented.
If left unchecked, multiple experts said, the U.N.-backed sustainability policies on agriculture and food production would lead to economic devastation, shortages of critical goods, widespread famine, and a dramatic loss of individual freedoms.
Ministry of Truth Summer Film Fest is honored to host for its week #8 famed cardiologist Dr Peter McCullough
Sunday 7/31 5pm @ Look Dine in Theater 10110 Technology Blvd Dallas 75220.
Dr McCullough is featured in the new documentary DOOMED TO REPEAT IT , The Story before the Story.
Doomed To Repeat It - Official Full Length Trailer
With WHO Director General Tedros having just unilaterally declared the spread of Monkey Pox a global health emergency, this is a timely offering on how not to get swept up in mass psychosis , and to stand your constitutional ground. Dr McCullough will be joined by award winning co author John Leake for a book signing of THE COURAGE TO FACE COVID 19- Preventing Hospitalization and Death while Battling the Bio-Pharmaceutical Complex, immediately following the screening in our Cafe and Conversation, located in the designated seating area of the Theater Lobby Bar. We ask that you kindly purchase your tickets in advance through Eventbrite and save $5.
Ministry of Truth week #8 Doomed To Repeat It This stunning documentary investigates just how & why we reacted as we did during the COVID-19 Pandemic.
ABOUT DR. McCULLOUGH: Dr. McCullough is board certified in internal medicine, cardiovascular diseases, and clinical lipidology. He cares for advanced patients with common medical problems including heart and kidney disease, lipid disorders, and diabetes. He has become an expert on COVID-19 illnesses and welcomes recovered patients into his practice.
After receiving a bachelor’s degree from Baylor University, Dr. McCullough completed his medical degree as an Alpha Omega Alpha graduate from the University of Texas Southwestern Medical School. He went on to complete his internal medicine residency at the University of Washington, cardiology fellowship including service as Chief Fellow at William Beaumont Hospital, and master’s degree in public health at the University of Michigan.
Dr. McCullough has broadly published on a range of topics in medicine with > 1000 publications and > 600 citations in the National Library of Medicine. His works include the “Interface between Renal Disease and Cardiovascular Illness” in Braunwald’s Heart Disease Textbook. Dr. McCullough is a founder and current president of the Cardiorenal Society of America, an organization dedicated to bringing cardiologists and nephrologists together to work on the emerging problem of cardiorenal syndromes. His works have appeared in the New England Journal of Medicine, Journal of the American Medical Association, Lancet, British Medical Journal and other top-tier journals worldwide. He is the editor-in-chief of Reviews in Cardiovascular Medicine and senior associate editor of the American Journal of Cardiology. He serves on the editorial boards of multiple specialty journals. Dr. McCullough has made presentations on the advancement of medicine across the world and has been an invited lecturer at the New York Academy of Sciences, the National Institutes of Health, U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and the European Medicines Agency. He has served as member or chair of data safety monitoring boards of 24 randomized clinical trials.
Since the outset of the pandemic, Dr. McCullough has been a leader in the medical response to the COVID-19 disaster and has published “Pathophysiological Basis and Rationale for Early Outpatient Treatment of SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) Infection” the first synthesis of sequenced multidrug treatment of ambulatory patients infected with SARS-CoV-2 in the American Journal of Medicine and subsequently updated in Reviews in Cardiovascular Medicine. He has 35 peer-reviewed publications on the infection and has commented extensively on the medical response to the COVID-19 crisis in TheHill. On November 19, 2020, Dr. McCullough testified in the US Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs concerning early ambulatory treatment of high-risk patients with COVID-19. Dr. McCullough is a COVID-19 survivor himself and welcomes post-COVID-19 patients into his practice and will help them through the range of post-infection complications. Thank you for your patronage. We look forward to seeing you again Sunday.
Dr. Simone Gold tells all before heading to prison for January 6th
America's Frontline Doctors founder, Dr. Simone Gold, is heading to prison next week. She'll face 60 days in prison as a nonviolent January 6th defendant after she took a plea for a misdemeanor charge. She's both a lawyer and a doctor. Furthermore, she doesn't have a criminal record. Over the last two and a half years, Gold has been censored for her experiences treating COVID-19 patients and for questioning vaccines and mandates.
"This fight isn't about me," she said.
Dr. Gold spoke to me one-on-one in Tampa, Florida just days before heading to prison for J6 - and she didn't hold back.