How the Global Takeover Mirrors the Hijacking of Medicine


John D. Rockefeller was instrumental in reshaping American medicine to scientific medicine which sidelined holistic medicine. This started in 1910 with the Flexner Report. Before that time, naturopathic medicine — using herbs, homeopathic remedies and general nutrition from food were very popular

The Flexner Report, commissioned by Rockefeller and the Carnegie Foundation, led to a complete and radical overhaul of the medical system. It criminalized natural therapies and forced about half of all medical schools to shut down. Natural medicine practitioners were put out of business and replaced with “scientific” doctors trained in the use of petrochemical-derived drugs. This was the genesis of Fauci’s motto, “Trust the science”

To this day, the Rockefeller family owns about 50% of all drug companies, and The Rockefeller Foundation has played a central role in the global cabal’s effort to impose worldwide totalitarianism

Understanding how medicine was corrupted can help us understand current-day events better. In many ways, it’s a repeat of the basic process — identify a problem or shortcoming (whether true or fabricated), pronounce a solution, then tear down the old system and replace it with a new one

In July 2020, the Rockefeller Foundation published “Reset the Table: Meeting the Moment to Transform the U.S. Food System.” According to the Foundation, the pandemic revealed problems in the food system that need to be “reset,” much in the same way that the Flexner report found problems in the medical system that needed to be fixed by changing it from the ground, up. Seeing how the Foundation promotes synthetic foods as an equitable answer, the end results on public health are bound to be the same



[Know These Things About Alex Jones By Jon Rappoport

Jon Rappoport’s blog](https://www.lewrockwell.com/2022/08/jon-rappoport/know-these-things-about-alex-jones/)

August 5, 2022

Let’s start here. While Jones was supporting Trump, he also mercilessly attacked the horrifically destructive COVID vaccines. In the process, he forcefully awakened millions of Trump followers to a truth they were unaware of or didn’t want to face. In the process, lives were saved.

Decades ago, long before it was fashionable to do so, Jones explained and righteously attacked Globalism, the Rockefeller Empire, and the designs of the Chinese regime.

Perceived by the public as living on the political Right, Jones confounded that perception by attacking both big government and big corporations, while so-called conservatives were routinely and conveniently letting criminal corporations off the hook.

About 20 years ago, the day after George Noory interviewed me about those corporations, Jones called me out of the blue and insisted I come on his radio show and talk about the subject at length.

Very early in his radio career, he saw the gathering clouds of medical dictatorship on the horizon and spoke about it compellingly. His audience got a strong dose of something they’d never thought about.

Toxic pesticides, GMO crops—Jones contributed as much to the public understanding of these issues as any dyed in the wool environmentalist. However, for years, he’s also spoken about the psychopathic anti-human elitists who use the environmental movement as a front for a “green revolution” that aims to capture humanity in an endless future of poverty.

No one has done to more to expose the predatory adults who guide and groom young children for transgender medical and psychological destruction.

Since the beginning of his career, he’s defended the Constitutional right of citizens to own guns, against the deluded crowd who’ve claimed that taking away all those guns from everybody would lead us into an era of tranquility. Millions of non-criminal gun owners owe Jones a debt of gratitude.

Every day, Jones refuses to let the idea of the original American Republic die. Try that yourself. See how much energy it takes.

I could go on and list a number of other vital issues on which he has led the way. He’s inspired many people to start their own independent news outlets, as they’ve watched him make his viable.

In a materialistic age, he has a vision of the human soul, and whether you agree with it or not, it is not a slave to government and corporate and media and church propagandists. If “the meaning of the soul” sounds like a harmless position to take, it isn’t when you’re connecting with large numbers of people for hours every day, and those propagandists want to shut off your connection and force you to go down to defeat.

For more than 20 years, without let-up, Jones has not only defended the 1st Amendment to the hilt, he has stood on it to speak freely about a blizzard of issues. And now this has brought him into court rooms, where civil suits have been leveled against him.

Regardless of the outcomes of the cases, I trust he will survive and carry on. He has already won many victories during his career, and they will stand.

As for the public, there will always be those who go after Jones. There will always be whiners and screamers and critics who devote their whole lives to finding someone to pick at and scrape at, while they studiously ignore the Good that person has achieved. They feed on the bounty of the 1st Amendment like parasites, and never have to courage to see a better world and fight for it. Anyone who rises above the crowd is their target, because they ARE the crowd, gnawing their way to oblivion.

So be it. The world has its disgusting creatures.

Alex Jones was and is a pioneer. He can handle it.

He HAS, for a long time, and in the process, he’s made many other people open their eyes and see they can, too.

THAT’S the rub. When dedicated tyrants notice the contagion of courage, they panic. They look for a source.

Years and years ago, they homed in on Jones. But he’s endured.

Because he and his work are built for the storm.


Hunger In Africa: The Situation Is Serious 278 million people in Africa suffer from chronic hunger.

You will find more infographics at Statista

According to Welthungerhilfe, the main drivers of hunger include wars, climate change and the Covid-19 pandemic.

Most recently, the Russian attack on Ukraine further exacerbated food supply problems. Even before that though, the situation in many African countries was serious, as this map based on the 2021 World Hunger Index illustrates.

The index "annually measures and compares the severity of hunger and malnutrition in the world, different regions and individual countries."

The situation is particularly dire in Somalia, with seven other countries rated as "very serious" - Chad, the Democratic Republic of Congo, South Sudan, Burundi, the Central African Republic the Comoros and Madagascar.

Only a handful of countries can be classified as "low" or "moderate" on the severity scale.


Monkeypox Declared a Public Health Emergency


By the third week of July 2022, some 16,000 cases of monkeypox had been recorded across 75 countries, with the vast majority of cases occurring among homosexual and bisexual men. In the U.S., recorded cases were around 3,000, including two children

July 23, 2022, World Health Organization Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus unilaterally overruled this panel of advisers and declared monkeypox a “public health emergency of international concern” (PHEIC). Ghebreyesus made the decision to declare a PHEIC even though the WHO’s advisory panel opposed the declaration 9 to 6

According to Ghebreyesus, “for the moment this is an outbreak that is concentrated among men who have sex with men, especially those with multiple sexual partners. That means that this is an outbreak that can be stopped with the right strategies in the right groups”

At present, the PHEIC appears to be financially motivated. Moderna is testing an mRNA injection for monkeypox, and in addition to the two smallpox vaccines already approved, Aventis Pasteur also has a smallpox vaccine that, while still investigational, could receive emergency use authorization

Disturbingly, in February 2022, the Wuhan Institute of Virology published a study in which they describe creating a portion of a monkeypox genome from scratch in order to develop a PCR test for monkeypox diagnosis. The National Institutes for Health in the U.S. also began studying a monkeypox drug in 2020



UN, World Economic Forum Behind Global ‘War on Farmers’: Experts They say 'Agenda 2030' development goals at root of sustainability policies that could lead to food shortages By Alex Newman July 26, 2022

The escalating regulatory attack on agricultural producers from Holland and the United States to Sri Lanka and beyond is closely tied to the United Nations’ “Agenda 2030” Sustainable Development Goals and the U.N.’s partners at the World Economic Forum (WEF), numerous experts told The Epoch Times.

Indeed, several of the U.N.’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are directly implicated in policies that are squeezing farmers, ranchers, and food supplies around the world.

High-level Chinese Communist Party (CCP) members within the U.N. system helped create the SDGs and are currently helping lead the organization’s implementation of the global plan, The Epoch Times has previously documented.

If left unchecked, multiple experts said, the U.N.-backed sustainability policies on agriculture and food production would lead to economic devastation, shortages of critical goods, widespread famine, and a dramatic loss of individual freedoms.

MORE: https://www.theepochtimes.com/un-and-world-economic-forum-behind-global-war-on-farmers-experts_4622598.html?utm_source=partner&utm_campaign=ZeroHedge


Ministry of Truth Summer Film Fest is honored to host for its week #8 famed cardiologist Dr Peter McCullough

Sunday 7/31 5pm @ Look Dine in Theater 10110 Technology Blvd Dallas 75220.

Dr McCullough is featured in the new documentary DOOMED TO REPEAT IT , The Story before the Story.

Doomed To Repeat It - Official Full Length Trailer

With WHO Director General Tedros having just unilaterally declared the spread of Monkey Pox a global health emergency, this is a timely offering on how not to get swept up in mass psychosis , and to stand your constitutional ground. Dr McCullough will be joined by award winning co author John Leake for a book signing of THE COURAGE TO FACE COVID 19- Preventing Hospitalization and Death while Battling the Bio-Pharmaceutical Complex, immediately following the screening in our Cafe and Conversation, located in the designated seating area of the Theater Lobby Bar. We ask that you kindly purchase your tickets in advance through Eventbrite and save $5.

Ministry of Truth week #8 Doomed To Repeat It This stunning documentary investigates just how & why we reacted as we did during the COVID-19 Pandemic.

ABOUT DR. McCULLOUGH: Dr. McCullough is board certified in internal medicine, cardiovascular diseases, and clinical lipidology. He cares for advanced patients with common medical problems including heart and kidney disease, lipid disorders, and diabetes. He has become an expert on COVID-19 illnesses and welcomes recovered patients into his practice.

After receiving a bachelor’s degree from Baylor University, Dr. McCullough completed his medical degree as an Alpha Omega Alpha graduate from the University of Texas Southwestern Medical School. He went on to complete his internal medicine residency at the University of Washington, cardiology fellowship including service as Chief Fellow at William Beaumont Hospital, and master’s degree in public health at the University of Michigan.

Dr. McCullough has broadly published on a range of topics in medicine with > 1000 publications and > 600 citations in the National Library of Medicine. His works include the “Interface between Renal Disease and Cardiovascular Illness” in Braunwald’s Heart Disease Textbook. Dr. McCullough is a founder and current president of the Cardiorenal Society of America, an organization dedicated to bringing cardiologists and nephrologists together to work on the emerging problem of cardiorenal syndromes. His works have appeared in the New England Journal of Medicine, Journal of the American Medical Association, Lancet, British Medical Journal and other top-tier journals worldwide. He is the editor-in-chief of Reviews in Cardiovascular Medicine and senior associate editor of the American Journal of Cardiology. He serves on the editorial boards of multiple specialty journals. Dr. McCullough has made presentations on the advancement of medicine across the world and has been an invited lecturer at the New York Academy of Sciences, the National Institutes of Health, U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and the European Medicines Agency. He has served as member or chair of data safety monitoring boards of 24 randomized clinical trials.

Since the outset of the pandemic, Dr. McCullough has been a leader in the medical response to the COVID-19 disaster and has published “Pathophysiological Basis and Rationale for Early Outpatient Treatment of SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) Infection” the first synthesis of sequenced multidrug treatment of ambulatory patients infected with SARS-CoV-2 in the American Journal of Medicine and subsequently updated in Reviews in Cardiovascular Medicine. He has 35 peer-reviewed publications on the infection and has commented extensively on the medical response to the COVID-19 crisis in TheHill. On November 19, 2020, Dr. McCullough testified in the US Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs concerning early ambulatory treatment of high-risk patients with COVID-19. Dr. McCullough is a COVID-19 survivor himself and welcomes post-COVID-19 patients into his practice and will help them through the range of post-infection complications. Thank you for your patronage. We look forward to seeing you again Sunday.


Dr. Simone Gold tells all before heading to prison for January 6th

America's Frontline Doctors founder, Dr. Simone Gold, is heading to prison next week. She'll face 60 days in prison as a nonviolent January 6th defendant after she took a plea for a misdemeanor charge. She's both a lawyer and a doctor. Furthermore, she doesn't have a criminal record. Over the last two and a half years, Gold has been censored for her experiences treating COVID-19 patients and for questioning vaccines and mandates.

"This fight isn't about me," she said.

Dr. Gold spoke to me one-on-one in Tampa, Florida just days before heading to prison for J6 - and she didn't hold back.


How Does An EMP Effect Batteries?

How Do We Know An EMP Will Destroy Electronics? ​Your Batteries Should Work ​Still Not Sure Your Batteries Will Survive? ​What About Your Solar Rechargeables? Keep Your Batteries Unplugged ​How To Test a Faraday Cage Making Sure Your Electronics Are Safe​


REPORT: 615 Midwestern Teachers Reveal Why They’re Really Leaving the Classroom Data Contradicts Unions' Reasons for Shortage

In this first survey, I conclude that it’s reasonable (at the very least) to cast extreme doubt on union and education advocacy organizations claiming that pay and parental harassment are the primary issues for teachers leaving.

When salary is listed as a contributing factor, 93.35% of Midwestern teachers claim that their resignation is due to student behavior and progressive political activity required in their classrooms.


Cold fusion commercial breakthrough could END food and energy scarcity around the world- Situation Update, July 21, 2022 -



Despite the persistent attempts by criminal governments and arrogant academics to crush the field of cold fusion, a commercial breakthrough has just been announced that marks a revolution for the future of our world. The Brillouin Energy Corp. has announced a breakthrough Hydrogen Hot Tube (HHT) Boiler System which uses solid-state low-energy nuclear reactions (LENR) to produce controlled excess heat through the fusion of hydrogen atoms into helium, releasing no emissions, no radiation and no "spent" radioactive fuel material like what we see in the nuclear power industry.

In a world where Western Europe is now facing winters of energy scarcity due to war with Russia -- and Russia's sharply reduced gas outflows via Nord Stream 1 and other channels -- the Brillouin Energy Corp has a ready solution to heat homes, commercial buildings and military infrastructure at a fraction of current cost, without needing any fossil fuels whatsoever.

Cold fusion technology (LENR) heats water through controlled solid-state nuclear fusion reactions. This hot water can be used in a simple radiant heat distribution system (boilers, industrial heaters, etc.) or, with additional development, it can be used to replace coal in coal-fired power plants. It can even be used (with substantial retrofitting effort) to replace nuclear fuel rods in nuclear power plants, eliminating the entire issue of radioactivity and spent nuclear fuel.

Read more at https://www.naturalnews.com/2022-07-21-cold-fusion-commercial-breakthrough-could-end-food-and-energy-scarcity.htm


Weather as a Force Multiplier Owning the Weather in 2025 https://www.wanttoknow.info/ https://www.wanttoknow.info/war/weather_modification_owning_weapon

"In 1957, the president's advisory committee on weather control explicitly recognized the military potential of weather modification, warning in their report that it could become a more important weapon than the atom bomb." ~~ From a US Air Force report on weather modification published in 1996

Dear friends,

Weather Modification HAARP array: Gakona, Alaska Weather modification and use of the weather as a weapon had long been of prime interest to the USAF (U.S. Air Force). A 1996 report once available here on the USAF website is titled "Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather in 2025." The report was removed for their website in 2021.

The report starts out stating, "The purpose of this paper is to outline a strategy for the use of a future weather-modification system to achieve military objectives." The full report lists a wide variety of weather modification and weather weapon capabilities. As the report has disappeared from the USAF website at the link above, you can find a copy we downloaded available here.

Below are key excerpts from this 44-page report. When the contents of this report are combined with information from the now closed HAARP facility jointly run by the US Air Force and Navy, a disturbing picture of large scale manipulation of weather phenomenon arises. How much of this incredible, yet disturbing technology has been developed and implemented in the decades since this report was issued in 1996?

All of the deepest research on these projects is classified for reasons of "national security." They don't want the public to know about the very disturbing and damaging capabilities they have developed. Many researchers suspect those who control these technologies can influence and even trigger major events like earthquakes, hurricanes, and tsunamis (see this revealing article). For lots more on this, see the excellent summary of reliable information on HAARP and weather modification available here.

With best wishes for a transformed world, Fred Burks for PEERS and WantToKnow.info Former language interpreter for Presidents Bush and Clinton

Weather as a Force Multiplier Owning the Weather in 2025

A Research Paper Presented to Air Force August 1996

Key Quotes

In the broadest sense, weather-modification can be divided into two major categories: suppression and intensification of weather patterns. In extreme cases, it might involve the creation of completely new weather patterns, attenuation or control of severe storms, or even alteration of global climate on a far-reaching and/or long-lasting scale. ... The weather-modification applications proposed in this report range from technically proven to potentially feasible. (from page 5 last paragraph and page 6)

Modification of the ionosphere to enhance or disrupt communications has recently become the subject of active research. ... A number of methods have been explored or proposed to modify the ionosphere, including injection of chemical vapors and heating or charging via electromagnetic radiation or particle beams (such as ions, neutral particles, x-rays, MeV particles, and energetic electrons). It is important to note that many techniques to modify the upper atmosphere have been successfully demonstrated experimentally. (from page 21)

Excerpts from entire paper

In 2025, US aerospace forces can "own the weather" by capitalizing on emerging technologies and focusing development of those technologies to war-fighting applications. The purpose of this paper is to outline a strategy for the use of a future weather-modification system to achieve military objectives rather than to provide a detailed technical road map.

A high-risk, high-reward endeavor, weather-modification offers a dilemma not unlike the splitting of the atom. While some segments of society will always be reluctant to examine controversial issues such as weather-modification, the tremendous military capabilities that could result from this field are ignored at our own peril. From enhancing friendly operations or disrupting those of the enemy via small-scale tailoring of natural weather patterns to complete dominance of global communications and counterspace control, weather-modification offers the war fighter a wide-range of possible options to defeat or coerce an adversary.

Some intervention tools exist today and others may be developed and refined in the future.

Current technologies that will mature over the next 30 years will offer anyone who has the necessary resources the ability to modify weather patterns and their corresponding effects, at least on the local scale. In this paper we show that appropriate application of weather-modification can provide battlespace dominance to a degree never before imagined. "The technology is there, waiting for us to pull it all together;" in 2025 we can "Own the Weather."

A global, precise, real-time, robust, systematic weather-modification capability would provide war-fighting CINCs [Commander in Chiefs] with a powerful force multiplier to achieve military objectives.

In 1957, the president's advisory committee on weather control explicitly recognized the military potential of weather modification, warning in their report that it could become a more important weapon than the atom bomb.

How will the military, in general, and the USAF, in particular, manage and employ a weather modification capability? We envision this will be done by the weather force support element (WFSE), whose primary mission would be to support the war-fighting CINCs [Commander in Chiefs] with weather-modification options, in addition to current forecasting support.

Conceivably, with enough lead time and the right conditions, you could get "made-to-order" weather.

One method we propose would further maximize the technology's safety and reliability, by virtually eliminating the human element. To date, much work has been done on UAVs [Uninhabited Aerospace Vehicle] which can closely (if not completely) match the capabilities of piloted aircraft. If this UAV technology were combined with stealth and carbon dust technologies, the result could be a UAV aircraft invisible to radar while en route to the targeted area, which could spontaneously create carbon dust in any location.

Recent army research lab experiments have demonstrated the feasibility of generating fog. They used commercial equipment to generate thick fog in an area 100 meters long.

Weather-modification technologies might involve techniques that would increase latent heat release in the atmosphere, provide additional water vapor for cloud cell development, and provide additional surface and lower atmospheric heating to increase atmospheric instability. Critical to the success of any attempt to trigger a storm cell is the pre-existing atmospheric conditions locally and regionally.

In summary, the ability to modify battlespace weather through storm cell triggering or enhancement would allow us to exploit the technological "weather" advances of our 2025 aircraft.

Exploitation of "NearSpace" for Space Control

This section discusses opportunities for control and modification of the ionosphere and near-space environment for force enhancement; specifically to enhance our own communications, sensing, and navigation capabilities and/or impair those of our enemy.

Communications Dominance via Ionospheric Modification Modification of the ionosphere to enhance or disrupt communications has recently become the subject of active research. A number of methods have been explored or proposed to modify the ionosphere, including injection of chemical vapors and heating or charging via electromagnetic radiation or particle beams (such as ions, neutral particles, x-rays, MeV particles, and energetic electrons).

It is important to note that many techniques to modify the upper atmosphere have been successfully demonstrated experimentally. It should be emphasized that this list is not comprehensive; modification of the ionosphere is an area rich with potential applications and there are also likely spin-off applications that have yet to be envisioned.

[Another capability] is ionospheric modification to disrupt an enemy's communication or radar transmissions. VHF, UHF, and super-high frequency (SHF) satellite communications could be disrupted by creating artificial ionospheric scintillation.

The ionosphere could potentially be artificially charged or injected with radiation at a certain point so that it becomes inhospitable to satellites or other space structures. The result could range from temporarily disabling the target to its complete destruction via an induced explosion.

Nanotechnology also offers possibilities for creating simulated weather. A cloud, or several clouds, of microscopic computer particles, all communicating with each other and with a larger control system could provide tremendous capability.

Interconnected, atmospherically buoyant, and having navigation capability in three dimensions, such clouds could be designed to have a wide-range of properties. They might exclusively block optical sensors or could adjust to become impermeable to other surveillance methods. They could also provide an atmospheric electrical potential difference, which otherwise might not exist, to achieve precisely aimed and timed lightning strikes. Even if power levels achieved were insufficient to be an effective strike weapon, the potential for psychological operations in many situations could be fantastic.

According to J. Storrs Hall, a scientist at Rutgers University conducting research on nanotechnology, production costs of these nanoparticles could be about the same price per pound as potatoes.

Efforts are already under way to create more comprehensive weather models primarily to improve forecasts, but researchers are also trying to influence the results of these models by adding small amounts of energy at just the right time and space.

Weather-modification is a force multiplier with tremendous power that could be exploited across the full spectrum of war-fighting environments. From enhancing friendly operations or disrupting those of the enemy via small-scale tailoring of natural weather patterns to complete dominance of global communications and counter-space control, weather-modification offers the war fighter a wide-range of possible options to defeat or coerce an adversary.

Note: How much of this has become reality since this paper was published, in 1996? Remember that all of the deepest research on these projects is classified for reasons of "national security." Many researchers suspect those who control these technologies can even influence major events like earthquakes, hurricanes, and tsunamis (see this revealing article). For lots more on this, see the excellent summary of reliable information on HAARP and weather modification available here. For the full USAF 2025 report revealing the disturbing mindset of our military leaders, see this webpage.

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WantToKnow.info believes it is important to balance disturbing cover-up information with inspirational writings which call us to be all that we can be and to work together for positive change. For an abundance of uplifting material, please visit our Inspiration Center.

What you can do: Contact your media and political representatives to inform them of this vital information on weather modification used as a weapon of war. Urge them to study and bring publicity to this important topic. Invite them to read this article and explore the links included. Explore our excellent War Information Center filled with reliable resources and links to key revealing war videos, essays, news articles, and much more. See the astounding two-page summary of a top US general describing how he realized he was deceived and manipulated into supporting war. For a powerful online lesson on war, manipulation of public perception, and what we can do to transform our world using the power of the Internet, see this free Insight Course lesson. Spread this news on weather modification used as a weapon of war with your friends and colleagues, and bookmark this article on key social networking websites using the "Share" icon on this page, so that we can fill the role at which the major media is sadly failing. Together, we can make a difference.


Dr. Deborah Birx admits being deceitful when recommending Covid strategies to Trump NEWS ANALYSIS Jul 17, 2022

"I couldn't do anything that would reveal my true intention," she writes, "to use the travel ban as one brick in the construction of a larger wall of protective measures we needed to enact very soon."



Mike Stone Has Lost Faith in People July 17, 2022

"I'm doing okay, though still reeling with profound disappointment in almost everyone I know. They say crisis reveals character. Friends and family members who bragged all their life of how patriotic they are folded like cheap tents at the very beginning of the virus hoax. All of them starting wearing face masks. Almost all of them took the jab. None of them believed me when I told them the whole thing was a hoax.

They have no idea of what's going on in the world. Worse, they don't care. All they want to do is go to Disneyland or Las Vegas, watch sports ball, go out to eat, watch movies, keep up with all the celebrity gossip. I want nothing to do with any of them ever again."

"People who have spent their entire life bragging about their guns, their American values, and how no one would ever take their freedom away. Such big bad-asses, they turned out to be the first ones to cower and give in, to surrender without a single shot being fired. Aside from some brave truckers here and in Canada, people surrendered en masse like sniveling cowards."

Do you believe that crisis reveals character?

If so, how would you judge the character of your family, friends, and co-workers over the last two years?

Did they recognize the virus hoax for what it was - a hoax?

Or did they sit like drooling retards in front of the boob tube - as my family and friends did - and believe every lie they were told?

Did they spit in the eye of the airlines and all of the other hoax and jab-pushing corporations by refusing to fly, by refusing to buy their products and services, by refusing to watch their Hollywood filth?

Or did they make zero sacrifices in a time of war - as my family and friends did - and continue to patronize and financially support the very people and corporations that want to see them dead, buried, and replaced?

Did they recognize the stolen 2020 election as a sham and high treason? Or did they dutifully go along with what they were told - as my family and friends did - and accept the bogus results?

Did they refuse the jab? Or did they cave under pressure - as my family and friends did - and voluntarily allow themselves to be injected with an untested and unsafe "vaccine"?

MORE: https://henrymakow.com/2022/07/mike-stone-default-setting.html

What Is The “Council For Inclusive Capitalism?” It’s The New World Order July 14, 2022 By Brandon Smith Alt-Market US

The idea that there is an agenda for global government among the financial and political elites of the world has long been called a “conspiracy theory” within the mainstream and the establishment media. And sadly, even when you can convince people to look at and accept the evidence that banking institutions and certain politicians work together for their own purposes, many folks will STILL not entertain the notion that the ultimate goal of these power mongers is one-world empire. They just can’t wrap their heads around such a thing.

People will say that the establishment is driven by greed alone and that their associations are fragile and based only on individual self interest. They will say that crisis events and shifts in social and political trends are random, not the product of deliberate engineering. They will say that elitists will never be able to work together because they are too narcissistic, etc.

All of these arguments are a coping mechanism for the public to deal with evidence they cannot otherwise refute. When the facts become concrete and the powers-that-be admit to their schemes openly, some people will revert to confused denial. They don’t want to believe that organized evil on such a scale could actually exist. If it did, then everything they thought they knew about the world might be wrong.

For many years the agenda for global governance was only whispered about within elitist circles, but every once in a while one of them would speak aloud in public about it. Perhaps out of arrogance or perhaps because they felt the time was right to ease the populace into accepting the possibility. Whenever they did mention it, they called it the “New World Order.” World leaders from George HW Bush to Barack Obama to Joe Biden to Gordon Brown to Tony Blair and beyond have all given speeches talking about the “New World Order.” Money and political elites like George Soros and Henry Kissinger have mentioned the NWO incessantly over the years.

One of the most revealing quotes on the agenda comes from Clinton Administration Deputy Secretary of State Strobe Talbot, who stated in Time magazine that:

“In the next century, nations as we know it will be obsolete; all states will recognize a single, global authority… National sovereignty wasn’t such a great idea after all.”

He adds in the same article a lesser known quote:

“…The free world formed multilateral financial institutions that depend on member states’ willingness to give up a degree of sovereignty. The International Monetary Fund can virtually dictate fiscal policies, even including how much tax a government should levy on its citizens. The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade regulates how much duty a nation can charge on imports. These organizations can be seen as the protoministries of trade, finance and development for a united world.”

To understand how the agenda works, I offer a quote from globalist and Council on Foreign Relations member Richard Gardner in an article in Foreign Affairs Magazine in 1974 titled ‘The Hard Road To World Order’:

“In short, the “house of world order” will have to be built from the bottom up rather than from the top down. It will look like a great “booming, buzzing confusion,” to use William James’ famous description of reality, but an end run around national sovereignty, eroding it piece by piece, will accomplish much more than the old-fashioned frontal assault.”

The “NWO” has since changed names multiple times as the public grows increasingly wise to the conspiracy. It’s been called the Multilateral World Order, the 4th Industrial Revolution, the “Great Reset,” etc. The names change but the meaning is always the same.

In the past two years in the face of extensive global crisis events the “new order” establishment globalists have been talking about has arrived, and with almost no fanfare or mention in the mainstream media. The beginnings of global government already exist, and it’s called the “Council For Inclusive Capitalism.”

Lately, many analysts myself included have been highly focused on the World Economic Forum and their role in the global government agenda. Mainly because WEF head Klaus Schwab is such a loudmouth and he can’t help but talk about future plans for centralization.

As I have noted in past articles, the elites within the WEF got way too excited about the covid pandemic, thinking that they had the perfect crisis to implement numerous globalist policies in the form of the Great Reset. As it turned out, covid was nowhere near as deadly as they initially predicted during Event 201, and the public was not as submissive and compliant as they had hoped we would be. The WEF let the cat out of the bag too soon.

So, onward we go, with crisis after crisis like dominoes falling until we get to the one event that they think will drive the masses to accept world governance. And while the WEF is regularly attended by top level globalists, they are more of a high level think-tank, the Council for Inclusive Capitalism appears to be about implementation rather than theory.

The founder of the group is Lynn Forester de Rothschild, member of the infamous Rothschild Dynasty that has long been monetarily involved in influencing governments for generations. Pope Francis and the Vatican publicly aligned with the council in 2020, and one of the primary narratives of the CIC is that all religions must unite with the leaders of capital to build a society and an economy that is “fair for all.”

This mission statement is rather familiar, as it echoes the goals of the WEF and its concept of the “Shared Economy”: A system in which you will own nothing, have no privacy, borrow everything, be completely reliant on the government for your survival and you will “like it.”

MORE: https://alt-market.us/what-is-the-council-for-inclusive-capitalism-its-the-new-world-order/> > >


Toxicology vs Virology: The Rockefeller Institute and the Criminal Polio Fraud By F. William Engdahl Global Research, July 14, 2022

One of the outcomes of the alleged new SARS Covid virus that publicly emerged in 2019 is that the medical specialization of virology has been raised to a stature almost Godlike in the media. Few understand the origins of virology and its elevation into a leading role in today’s medicine practice. For this we need to look at the origins and politics of America’s first medical research institute, the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research, today Rockefeller University, and their work on what they claimed was a polio virus.

In 1907 an outbreak of a sickness in New York City gave the director of the Rockefeller Institute, Simon Flexner, MD, a golden opportunity to lay claim to discovery of an invisible “virus” caused by what was arbitrarily called poliomyelitis. The word poliomyelitis simply means inflammation of the spinal cord’s grey matter. There were some 2,500 New Yorkers, mostly children, designated with some form of poliomyelitis, including paralysis and even death, that year.

Flexner’s Fraud The most striking aspect of the entire polio saga in the USA during the first half of the 20th Century was the fact that every key phase of the business was controlled by people tied to what became the Rockefeller medical cabal. This fraud started with claims by the Director of the Rockefeller Institute, Simon Flexner, that he and his colleague, Paul A. Lewis, had “isolated” a pathogen, invisible to the eye, smaller even than bacteria, which they claimed caused the paralyzing sickness in a series of outbreaks in the US. How did they come to this idea?

In a paper published in 1909 in the Journal of the American Medical Association, Flexner claimed he and Lewis had isolated the poliomyelitis virus responsible. He reported they had successfully “passaged” poliomyelitis through several monkeys, from monkey to monkey. They began by injecting diseased human spinal cord tissue of a young boy who had died, presumably from the virus, into the brains of monkeys. After a monkey fell ill, a suspension of its diseased spinal cord tissue was injected into the brains of other monkeys who also fell ill.

They proclaimed that the Rockefeller Institute doctors had thus proven poliomyelitis virus causality for the mysterious disease. They hadn’t done anything of the sort. Flexner and Lewis even admitted that:

“We failed utterly to discover bacteria, either in film preparations or in cultures, that could account for the disease; and, since among our long series of propagations of the virus in monkeys not one animal showed, in the lesions, the cocci described by some previous investigators, and we had failed to obtain any such bacteria from the human material studied by us, we felt that they could be excluded from consideration.”

What they then did was to make a bizarre supposition, a leap of faith, not a scientific claim. They took their hypothesis of viral exogenous agency and made it fact, with no proof whatever. They asserted: “Therefore, …the infecting agent of epidemic poliomyelitis belongs to the class of the minute and filterable viruses that have not thus far been demonstrated with certainty under the microscope.“ Therefore?

Simon Flexner simply asserted it “must” be a polio virus killing the monkeys, because they could find no other explanation. In fact he did not look for another source of the illnesses. This was not scientific isolation. It was wild speculation: “…not thus far been demonstrated with certainty under the microscope.” They admitted this in a December 18, 1909 follow up in JAMA, titled, THE NATURE OF THE VIRUS OF EPIDEMIC POLIOMYELITIS.

The so-called “virus” they were injecting into monkeys was hardly pure. It also contained an undetermined amount of contaminants. It included “pureed spinal cord, brain, fecal matter, even flies were ground up and injected into monkeys to induce paralysis.” Until Jonas Salk won approval from the US Government in April 1955 for a polio vaccine, no scientific proof of existence of a virus causing poliomyelitis, or infantile paralysis as it was commonly known, had been proven. That is the case to this day. The medical world all took Flexner’s word that it “must” be a virus.

Rockefeller Institute, Flexner and the American Medical Association

MORE: https://www.globalresearch.ca/toxicology-vs-virology-rockefeller-institute-criminal-polio-fraud/5786537


PRESS RELEASE: JULY 12, 2022 | JUDICIAL WATCH Judicial Watch: NIH Records Reveal FBI Inquiry of Wuhan Grant

(Washington, DC) Judicial Watch announced today that it received 1651 pages of records from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) revealing an FBI “inquiry” into the NIH’s controversial bat coronavirus grant tied to the Wuhan Institute of Virology. The records also show National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) officials were concerned about “gain-of-function” research in China’s Wuhan Institute of Virology in 2016. The Fauci agency was also concerned about EcoHealth Alliance’s lack of compliance with reporting rules and use of gain-of-function research in the NIH-funded research involving bat coronaviruses in Wuhan, China.

The records also show EcoHealth Alliance’s legal team suggesting that a records request for data on their bat coronavirus research in Wuhan be denied because of the January 6 disturbance.

More: https://www.judicialwatch.org/nih-fbi-inquiry-of-wuhan-grant/?utm_source=deployer&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=corruption+chronicles&utm_term=members


[Dutch Farmers Rise Up Against Food System ‘Reset’ By Dr. Joseph Mercola


July 14, 2022](https://www.lewrockwell.com/2022/07/joseph-mercola/dutch-farmers-rise-up-against-food-system-reset/)

From the article:

The Global Food Reset Foretold by the Rockefeller Foundation

While looming food shortages are now blamed on climate change and the Russia-Ukraine conflict, the Rockefeller Foundation discussed coming food shortages as an inevitability back in July 2020, and called for a revamping of the food system to address it. Seeing how true prophets are few and far in between these days, it seems more reasonable to suspect that paper was delineating a known, intentional plan.

The document in question, titled “Reset the Table: Meeting the Moment to Transform the U.S. Food System,”15 was published July 28, 2020. It describes how the COVID pandemic had caused “a hunger and nutrition crisis” in the U.S. “unlike any this country has seen in generations.”

Mind you, COVID was declared a pandemic March 11, 2020, so by the time this Rockefeller report was published, the pandemic had only existed for four months, and while certain high-risk groups did experience food insecurity, such as children whose primary meal is a school lunch, widespread food shortages, in terms of empty shelves, were not widely prevalent or particularly severe in the U.S.

The title itself is also revealing, as it’s a clear play on The Great Reset, which was officially announced by the World Economic Forum (WEF) and the Prince of Wales in early June 2020.16 The title alone tells us that the Rockefeller Foundation’s call for a food system reset is part and parcel of the WEF’s Great Reset. Many of the contributors to the Foundation’s paper are WEF members, which further strengthens this connection.

In the foreword,17 Rockefeller Foundation president Dr. Rajiv Shah also stresses that “a comprehensive playbook” to address the food system will also need to address other issues, “such as living wages, housing and transportation,” and that “all of us” — meaning the self-proclaimed designers of the future — “need to write that playbook together over the coming year.” What better way to predict the future than to actually create it?

All of those things — wages, housing and transportation — are all facets that will undergo dramatic revision under The Great Reset’s Fourth Industrial Revolution, as artificial intelligence, robotics, surveillance, social engineering and transhumanism (the merger of man with machine) take over.

Summary Take-Home of ‘Reset the Table’

In summary, “Reset the Table” describes how they intend to seize control of the food supply and the supply chain under the guise of “equity,” “fairness” and “environmental protection.” As noted by ThreadsIrish on Substack:18

“The document is very much framed in the Hegelian dialectic of problem, reaction, solution. Here is the problem that they have created (COVID) and now they want to implement the solution (Transforming the global food supply). Naturally this is all ties into lands being destroyed, climate change and trying to move people back into smart cities (Page 5). Surprise, surprise.”

One key to this enterprise is data collection. They want to collect data on everyone’s spending and eating habits, and to facilitate that data collection, they want to shift everything into an online environment, including education, medicine and the buying of food.

Another key to success is “changes to policies, practices and norms.” The goal is to centralize control of the food supply into a single executive office, which is right in line with the idea of a “one world government.” As WEF member Henry Kissinger once said, “Who controls the food supply controls the people; who controls the energy can control whole continents; who controls money can control the world.”

From Beef to Crickets


Get Prepared With Shelf-Stable Foods Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola July 11, 2022


It appears we’re in a phase where global systems of food and energy production are being intentionally dismantled in an effort to force into effect what the World Economic Forum (WEF) calls The Great Reset and the Rockefeller Foundation calls Reset the Table

Controlling food and shifting us away from a natural diet is an important part of The Great Reset. While the destruction of food production is being justified by the Green Agenda, the real goal is to eliminate naturally-grown foods and replace them with patented foodstuffs, frequently synthetic

In addition to restrictions imposed by the Green Agenda, nearly 100 food production facilities in the U.S. alone have also mysteriously burned down since 2021 The U.K. has even issued an “urgent warning” that gardening can cause heart disease by exposing you to harmful soil pollutants. So, now they’re trying to convince you that growing your own food is harmful too

Prepare for unavoidable food inflation, shortages and famine by stocking up on nutritious shelf-stable foods. A list of suggestions is included


What Was Covid Really About? Triggering A Multi-Trillion Dollar Global Debt Crisis. “Ramping up an Imperialist Strategy”? Covid, Capitalism, Friedrich Engels and Boris Johnson By Colin Tod hunter Global Research, July 07, 2022


The strategy to wholly dismantle and privatise health and welfare services seems increasingly likely given the need to rein in (COVID-related) public debt and the trend towards AI, workplace automisation and worklessness.

This is a real concern because, following the logic of capitalism, work is a condition for the existence of the labouring classes. So, if a mass labour force is no longer deemed necessary, there is no need for mass education, welfare and healthcare provision and systems that have traditionally served to reproduce and maintain labour that capitalist economic activity has required.

In 2019, Philip Alston, the UN rapporteur on extreme poverty, accused British government ministers of the “systematic immiseration of a significant part of the British population” in the decade following the 2008 financial crash.

Alston stated:

As Thomas Hobbes observed long ago, such an approach condemns the least well off to lives that are ‘solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short’. As the British social contract slowly evaporates, Hobbes’ prediction risks becoming the new reality.

Post-COVID, Alston’s words carry even more weight.

As this article draws to a close, news is breaking that Boris Johnson has resigned as prime minister. A remarkable PM if only for his criminality, lack of moral foundation and double standards – also applicable to many of his cronies in government.

With this in mind, let’s finish where we began.

I have never seen a class so deeply demoralised, so incurably debased by selfishness, so corroded within, so incapable of progress, as the English bourgeoisie…

For it nothing exists in this world, except for the sake of money, itself not excluded. It knows no bliss save that of rapid gain, no pain save that of losing gold.

In the presence of this avarice and lust of gain, it is not possible for a single human sentiment or opinion to remain untainted.” Friedrich Engels, The Condition of the Working Class in England (1845), p.275


Ukraine Is the Latest Neocon Disaster By Jeffrey D. Sachs Information Clearing House

July 7, 2022

The war in Ukraine is the culmination of a 30-year project of the American neoconservative movement. The Biden administration is packed with the same neocons who championed the U.S. wars of choice in Serbia (1999), Afghanistan (2001), Iraq (2003), Syria (2011), Libya (2011), and who did so much to provoke Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

The neocon track record is one of unmitigated disaster, yet Biden has staffed his team with neocons. As a result, Biden is steering Ukraine, the U.S. and the European Union towards yet another geopolitical debacle. If Europe has any insight, it will separate itself from these U.S. foreign policy debacles.

The neocon movement emerged in the 1970s around a group of public intellectuals, several of whom were influenced by University of Chicago political scientist Leo Strauss and Yale University classicist Donald Kagan. Neocon leaders included Norman Podhoretz, Irving Kristol, Paul Wolfowitz, Robert Kagan (son of Donald), Frederick Kagan (son of Donald), Victoria Nuland (wife of Robert), Elliott Cohen, Elliott Abrams and Kimberley Allen Kagan (wife of Frederick).

The main message of the neocons is that the U.S. must predominate in military power in every region of the world and must confront rising regional powers that could someday challenge U.S. global or regional dominance, most important Russia and China. For this purpose, U.S. military force should be pre-positioned in hundreds of military bases around the world and the U.S. should be prepared to lead wars of choice as necessary. The United Nations is to be used by the U.S. only when useful for U.S. purposes.

Wolfowitz Spelled It Out

This approach was spelled out first by Paul Wolfowitz in his draft Defense Policy Guidance (DPG) written for the Department of Defense in 2002. The draft called for extending the U.S.-led security network to Central and Eastern Europe despite the explicit promise by German Foreign Minister Hans-Dietrich Genscher in 1990 that German unification would not be followed by NATO’s eastward enlargement.

Wolfowitz also made the case for American wars of choice, defending America’s right to act independently, even alone, in response to crises of concern to the U.S. According to General Wesley Clark, Wolfowitz already made clear to Clark in May 1991 that the U.S. would lead regime-change operations in Iraq, Syria and other former Soviet allies.

The neocons championed NATO enlargement to Ukraine even before that became official U.S. policy under President George W. Bush, Jr. in 2008. They viewed Ukraine’s NATO membership as key to U.S. regional and global dominance. Robert Kagan spelled out the neocon case for NATO enlargement in April 2006:

“[T]he Russians and Chinese see nothing natural in [the ‘color revolutions’ of the former Soviet Union], only Western-backed coups designed to advance Western influence in strategically vital parts of the world. Are they so wrong? Might not the successful liberalization of Ukraine, urged and supported by the Western democracies, be but the prelude to the incorporation of that nation into NATO and the European Union — in short, the expansion of Western liberal hegemony?”

Kagan acknowledged the dire implication of NATO enlargement. He quotes one expert as saying, “the Kremlin is getting ready for the ‘battle for Ukraine’ in all seriousness.”

The neocons sought this battle. After the fall of the Soviet Union, both the U.S. and Russia should have sought a neutral Ukraine, as a prudent buffer and safety valve. Instead, the neocons wanted U.S. “hegemony” while the Russians took up the battle partly in defense and partly out of their own imperial pretensions as well. Shades of the Crimean War (1853-6), when Britain and France sought to weaken Russia in the Black Sea following Russian pressures on the Ottoman empire.

Kagan penned the article as a private citizen while his wife Victoria Nuland was the U.S. ambassador to NATO under George W. Bush, Jr.

Nuland has been the neocon operative par excellence. In addition to serving as Bush’s ambassador to NATO, Nuland was President Barack Obama’s assistant secretary of state for European and Eurasian Affairs during 2013-17, when she participated in the overthrow of Ukraine’s pro-Russian President Viktor Yanukovych and now serves as Biden’s undersecretary of state guiding U.S. policy vis-à-vis the war in Ukraine.

The neocon outlook is based on an overriding false premise: that the U.S. military, financial, technological, and economic superiority enables it to dictate terms in all regions of the world. It is a position of both remarkable hubris and remarkable disdain of evidence.

more: http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/57106.htm

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