The [DS] game is coming to an end, once the public knows the truth the game is over. The keystone is the key. Those who committed seditious conspiracy and who were treasons to the USA will pay the price. They will be brought to justice. The people are learning more and more each day and the election fraud evidence is being produced. Time is almost up, the [DS] cannot escape this.

All source links to the report can be found on the x22report.com site.


The CDC says "severe reactions" to the COVID vaccines are rare. That's not what this survey says. A new poll of Americans shows 40M Americans over 18 are COVID vaccine injured, 20M seriously. This may explain why there are staffing shortages everywhere, from pilots to pharmacists.

Steve Kirsch


Doing some rudimentary estimates from the data (rather than stratifying by age which would be more accurate but more time consuming):

20% of the respondents reported they were vaccine injured

The 20% number is remarkable because there was no pre-screening question and only 77.3% of Americans received at least one dose. That means that if you were vaccinated there is a 26% chance that you were injured (computed as 20.46/77.3). Wow.

30% of the households have a vaccine injured person

45% of the extended families have a vaccine injured person

In 87% of the cases where there was a vaccine injury, there was either a doctor visit(s) or hospital stay(s) or both.

54% of the injured are still impacted today.

45% of the vaccine injured said it would shorten their lifespan

41% of the injured are unable to hold a job.

Only 17% said their injury was a minor annoyance.


ACT NOW: Tell the FDA to say NO to Pfizer jabs for babies and toddlers- Quick and Easy


**Our Stand: At-A-Glance ** **FDA’s VRBPAC will meet June 15, 2022, to discuss expanding the EUA for Pfizer’s COVID jab to children from 6 months up to 5 years old. ** This meeting was first scheduled for February, but after a huge public outcry the meeting was postponed to collect more data. As of June 3, 2022, this meeting has not yet been announced in the Federal Register (as the other June 2022 meetings have been) but comments are open.

This authorization would make approximately 18 million more children eligible for an experimental jab.

In December 2021, Pfizer announced the two-dose series wasn’t successful and did not provide immunity in 2–5-year-olds. Our youngest children will have to get more. This age group is at minimal risk for catching or passing on COVID. If a child gets infected, they are far less likely to have serious outcomes.

According to data published by the CDC, 99.99815% of children who contract COVID-19 survive.

Most COVID cases are spread from adult to children and our children are not a threat to the older population.

This is not an FDA-approved shot; this would be an expansion of the experimental Emergency Use Authorization.

There are no long-term safety studies for this age group, or any age group, for the mRNA COVID shots because the placebo group was “unblinded” and allowed to get the jab.

If the FDA expands the Pfizer EUA to children as young as 5, systems are already in place to distribute the jab to our most vulnerable and schools will increase COVID jab mandates for our children. The ultimate goal for the White House is to expand the vaccine authorization to all children and get the jab on the ACIP Vaccine Schedule.

You can help stop this. You must tell our government what you want for your children. You can make a public comment (by name or anonymously) that will go on record for the FDA to consider as it decides on Emergency Use Authorization for COVID vaccines for children ages 6 months – 4 years.

Comments received on or before June 7, 2022, will be provided to the committee. However, if you miss that window, you can still comment! The docket will remain open until the meeting, become part of our nation’s public record, and be taken into consideration by the FDA.

Sample Topics for Comments:

Ask the FDA to do their job and require adequate data.

Tell the FDA they must pay attention to the safety signal from VAERS and make decisions based on extreme caution.

The FDA must make decisions independent of what parents want for their children. Ask questions that the FDA should be asking

Have they examined new evidence that the spike protein circulates through the body?

Do they know the rates of transmission from children to adults?

What is the effect of the COVID shot on puberty and fertility?

Have you been reading the documents Pfizer is releasing under court order? Where is your evaluation of natural immunity in this decision?


[S]ELECTION CODE- Premier Trailer- July 16th 2022 https://rumble.com/v16h105-selection-code-premiere-trailer.html

Was 2020 stolen? It’s deeper than that.

You’ve heard it said “Those who vote decide nothing. Those who count the votes decide everything.”

What about those who code the vote?

What if our leaders aren’t actually being elected by us, but instead… selected?

[S]ELECTION CODE follows world renown investigative journalist Lara Logan on her most important assignment to date. For over 35 years investigative journalist Lara Logan has been on the front lines of history’s deadliest conflicts. Yet no assignment to date has put her career and life in more danger than this one. Her investigation goes to the heart of the current Information War, revealing yet another facet in the ever-unfolding saga of election fraud, demonstrating the role of the machines in stealing our vote.

The documentary follows the story of Tina Peters the County Clerk in Mesa Colorado, who made a backup of her counties Dominion Voting System server, only to stumble across evidence of manipulation in a recent local city council election…. and also the 2020 general election. Tina’s discovery ignites a chain reaction upending her life. And upending the world.

You will not be able to unsee what you see.

We stand at an apex in human history. Are we handing too much power to technology – and those that program it?

[S]ELECTION CODE is a political thriller uncovering a secret so critical to the survival of America it transcends political parties. It is not about correcting the past. It’s about correcting the future.

Once you see [S]ELECTION CODE you’ll never again let a machine near your vote.




Coincidences at mass shootings, imaginary poxes to control the masses & bogus war coverage – we’ve seen it all before. Take a trip with me & see. If you’re able to send a gift of support I’d be grateful: https://amazingpolly.net/contact-support.php Thank you for being here!


Pandemic Monkeyshines By Cherie Zaslawsky|May 24th, 2022


From the Article:

While Bill Gates trumpeted his so-called “Decade of Vaccines” in 2010—apparently given a new lease on life with Covid—he’s been understandably quieter about his planned Decade of Pandemics. Of course the two go hand in hand, or perhaps hand in glove, as both are merely tools to further the Davos elites’ two-pronged attack on We the People: genocide and subsequent enslavement of those who survive.

Plandemics and their subsequent mRNA vaccines can maim and kill millions of people, while providing the psychopathic elites with plausible deniability. Here’s Gates’ disingenuous warning: “Also, related to pandemics is something people don’t like to talk about much, which is bioterrorism, that somebody who wants to cause damage could engineer a virus. “ [Italics mine.] Hmmm…now why would anyone want to do that, Bill?

In case you were wondering, Stephen Luby, professor of medicine and senior fellow at Stanford’s Wood Institute for the Environment, informs us that: There will be a Sars-CoV-3.

Not one to be outdone by pundits across the Pond, Sustainable Prince Charles offers this gem: There will be more and more pandemics, if we don’t do ‘the great reset’ now.

It seems the WHO is planning for ten solid years of pandemics, from 2020 to 2030. How does WHO know what, why and when? Unless, of course, Gates’ minions—the WHO included—are feverishly planning and executing these pandemics. What better way to accurately predict the future than by controlling it?


More: https://newswithviews.com/pandemic-monkeyshines/



I cover Dr. Mark Buller, the US's leading Orthopox Virus researcher who conducted at least two rounds of gain of function research on viruses related to smallpox. Other revelations about bio-terror 'research' in here too. Support my work here: https://amazingpolly.net/contact-support.php THANKS! References below.

NYT Mousepox Gain of Function: https://www.nytimes.com/2003/11/01/us/bioterror-researchers-build-a-more-lethal-mousepox.html

Buller Says Vaccine for Monkeypox (using smallpox vax) NOT recommended: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/17661673

Buller paper on Monkeypox Outbreaks up to 2012: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/23626656/

Judicial Watch re James Leduc / Wuhan: https://www.judicialwatch.org/wuhan-lab-fauci-grants/

National Biocontainment Training Center report by Leduc: https://apps.dtic.mil/sti/pdfs/AD1022067.pdf

#amazingpolly #vaccines #gainoffunction




World Economic Forum Annual Meeting Davos-Klosters, Switzerland, 22 - 26 May 2022 As of 18 May 2022 List of confirmed Public Figures



BIG ARIZONA FRAUD UPDATE: Law Enforcement Raids Nonprofits In ‘2000 Mules’ Ballot Trafficking Investigation – “Like Tweety Birds, They Sang”

By Jordan Conradson Published May 21, 2022 at 8:00am

Law enforcement has conducted a raid on Yuma County nonprofit organizations connected to the ballot trafficking scheme discovered by Yuma County citizens and revealed in the “2000 Mules” documentary.

True The Vote and Dinesh D’Souza’s groundbreaking new film revealed that the 2020 Presidential Election was stolen through illegal ballot trafficking and featured the undercover investigative work of David Lara and Arizona State Senate candidate Gary Snyder.

As The Gateway Pundit previously reported, The Yuma County Sheriff and Yuma County Recorder opened a new investigation into cases of impersonation fraud, false registrations, duplicate voting, and fraudulent use of absentee ballots.

More: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/05/big-arizona-fraud-update-law-enforcement-raids-nonprofits-2000-mules-ballot-trafficking-investigation-like-tweety-birds-sang/


$60 Million From U.S. Taxpayers so WEF Can Fund ‘Playground’ for World’s Billionaires? Documents obtained by OpenTheBooks found U.S. taxpayers ponied up $60 million over the last eight years to support the World Economic Forum, which next week will host the 2022 meeting of the world’s billionaire business elite in Davos, Switzerland.

Davos. It’s a “playground” for the world’s billionaire business elite.

Every year, like swans, the rich, pretty and powerful people descend upon a picturesque ski town in Switzerland to mix with world leaders. They discuss shaping our future into a utopian global society.

For the first time since 2019, the 2022 Davos meeting will be in-person beginning Sunday, May 22.

The host organization, World Economic Forum (WEF), founded by German economist Klaus Schwab, says it provides a platform for high-powered leaders to “shape global, regional and industry agendas.”

It’s all pretty gauche, with heady thoughts about the world order. Much of this runs contrary to American values.

Attendees cough up $28,000 just for a ticket, with a coveted all-access badge fetching more like $50,000 — and that’s before attendees spend tens or hundreds of thousands on private air travel, ski chalets and entertainment.

Then, the event devolves into brazen networking among tycoons and public officials.

You probably didn’t even realize it, but you – the American taxpayer – helped fund the sponsoring organization with tens of millions of dollars in federal grants.

Since 2013, WEF received nearly $60 million from U.S. taxpayers.

Our auditors at OpenTheBooks.com found that under the Trump Administration, the WEF received $33 million, which outpaced the $26 million in second-term Obama-era funding.

Why are American taxpayers funding this organization?

Our national debt exceeds $30 trillion and there are cascading world crises. Obviously, the U.S. should not subsidize an organization whose member companies are already fabulously wealthy — and whose largest annual conference functions as a magnet for the super-rich.

(As of January 2017 the WEF membership and partnership fees ranged from $65,000 to $650,000 annually.)

“The real magic [of Davos] happens behind closed doors,” Business Insider writes.

“The rich and powerful use the event as a chance to network and hash out their differences out of the public eye.”

Hypocrisy takes center stage: The WEF criticizes CEOs making much more than their employees, while Davos gathers the world’s super rich.

Schwab himself has come under scrutiny for using WEF funds and business contracts to enhance his own personal wealth.

It sure doesn’t make it sound like America’s strategic or financial interests are being prioritized. It gets worse when you consider the themes of Davos-hosted discussions.

In January 2021, the Davos conference became a vehicle for promoting the “Great Reset,” a concept Schwab developed in his book about COVID-19 with French economist Thierry Malleret.

It’s described as a guide to understand how the virus “disrupted our social and economic systems, and what changes will be needed to create a more inclusive, resilient and sustainable world going further.”

The authors look at what “the root causes of these crises were, and why they lead to a need for a Great Reset” of our global social, economic and political systems.

Schwab advocated seizing the pandemic to “reset and reshape the world,” as climate change, inequality and poverty gained greater urgency during the crisis.

If you guessed that would involve bigger governments, more taxes and spending and more surveillance of citizens, you’d be correct.

One book reviewer summarized Schwab’s point: “Governments’ poor track record isn’t because of incompetence or corruption, but because it is simply not powerful enough.”

Schwab’s thesis, according to the review: “society is at a crossroads, facing a post-pandemic future that either returns to an uncertain and precarious (but familiar) pre-pandemic state or moves on” to being “‘more inclusive, more equitable and more respectful of Mother Nature.’”

Losing individual liberty, and giving government more power and tax money isn’t what most Americans consider an appealing way to make the world a better place.

So, how did WEF soak up nearly $60 million in U.S. taxpayer funding since 2013?

It was mostly through the State Department’s USAID; taxpayers paid $16 million to support the WEF Grow Africa program, which facilitated trade partnerships between agricultural businesses and African governments.

Another $43 million went to WEF’s Global Alliance for Trade Facilitation program, to “boost competitiveness and business conditions, which are key drivers of inclusive economic growth and poverty reduction” in developing countries.

While we can debate the worthiness of those efforts, funding from the world’s greatest superpower only boosts the WEF’s credibility. In Davos, these Klaus-ocrats socialize with heads of state, diplomats and journalists.

For example, the Great Reset discussions included International Monetary Fund Director Kristalina Georgieva; Charles, Prince of Wales; and UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, among others. Presidents Trump and Obama both have attended meetings.

The 2022 meeting will “offer world leaders an opportunity to take stock of the state of the world and shape partnerships and policies for the crucial period ahead.”

One can only hope the discussions are as ineffective as critics suggest. America must stop subsidizing the hosts of this lavish globalist soiree.

After all, this organization wants to press the reset button on our way of life.

Originally published on Adam Andrzejewski’s OpenTheBooks Substack page.



NIH PUB MED CENTRAL COVID UPDATE: What is the truth? Russell L. Blaylock Published online 2022 Apr 22. doi: 10.25259/SNI_150_2022

The COVID-19 pandemic is one of the most manipulated infectious disease events in history, characterized by official lies in an unending stream lead by government bureaucracies, medical associations, medical boards, the media, and international agencies.[3,6,57] We have witnessed a long list of unprecedented intrusions into medical practice, including attacks on medical experts, destruction of medical careers among doctors refusing to participate in killing their patients and a massive regimentation of health care, led by non-qualified individuals with enormous wealth, power and influence.

For the first time in American history a president, governors, mayors, hospital administrators and federal bureaucrats are determining medical treatments based not on accurate scientifically based or even experience based information, but rather to force the acceptance of special forms of care and “prevention”—including remdesivir, use of respirators and ultimately a series of essentially untested messenger RNA vaccines. For the first time in history medical treatment, protocols are not being formulated based on the experience of the physicians treating the largest number of patients successfully, but rather individuals and bureaucracies that have never treated a single patient—including Anthony Fauci, Bill Gates, EcoHealth Alliance, the CDC, WHO, state public health officers and hospital administrators.[23,38]

The media (TV, newspapers, magazines, etc), medical societies, state medical boards and the owners of social media have appointed themselves to be the sole source of information concerning this so-called “pandemic”. Websites have been removed, highly credentialed and experienced clinical doctors and scientific experts in the field of infectious diseases have been demonized, careers have been destroyed and all dissenting information has been labeled “misinformation” and “dangerous lies”, even when sourced from top experts in the fields of virology, infectious diseases, pulmonary critical care, and epidemiology. These blackouts of truth occur even when this information is backed by extensive scientific citations from some of the most qualified medical specialists in the world.[23] Incredibly, even individuals, such as Dr. Michael Yeadon, a retired ex-Chief Scientist, and vice-president for the science division of Pfizer Pharmaceutical company in the UK, who charged the company with making an extremely dangerous vaccine, is ignored and demonized. Further, he, along with other highly qualified scientists have stated that no one should take this vaccine.

Dr. Peter McCullough, one of the most cited experts in his field, who has successfully treated over 2000 COVID patients by using a protocol of early treatment (which the so-called experts completely ignored), has been the victim of a particularly vicious assault by those benefiting financially from the vaccines. He has published his results in peer reviewed journals, reporting an 80% reduction in hospitalizations and a 75% reduction in deaths by using early treatment.[44] Despite this, he is under an unrelenting series of attacks by the information controllers, none of which have treated a single patient.

Neither Anthony Fauci, the CDC, WHO nor any medical governmental establishment has ever offered any early treatment other than Tylenol, hydration and call an ambulance once you have difficulty breathing. This is unprecedented in the entire history of medical care as early treatment of infections is critical to saving lives and preventing severe complications. Not only have these medical organizations and federal lapdogs not even suggested early treatment, they attacked anyone who attempted to initiate such treatment with all the weapons at their disposal—loss of license, removal of hospital privileges, shaming, destruction of reputations and even arrest.[2]

MORE: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9062939/




MRTRUTHBOMB https://www.bitchute.com/video/4PZwI8wtpVBt/

In this series we will look at the on-going investigation by John ‘The Bull’ Durham as he investigates the fake Russian hoax perpetrated by the Globalist Deep State to attack the MAGA King, President Donald Trump.

HELP FIGHT THE DEEP STATE BY SUPPORTING: X22Report - https://x22report.com Brian Cates - https://t.me/drawandstrikechannel TECHNO FOG - https://substack.com/profile/26447884-techno-fog Stormy Patriot Joe - https://t.me/stormypatriotjoe21 Red Pill Pharmacist Chat - https://t.me/RedPillPharmacist_Chat EyeDropMedia - https://www.eyedropmedia.com Kashs Corner - theepochtimes.com/c-kashs-corner

SOURCE MATERIAL: https://technofog.substack.com/p/the-clinton-campaign-is-about-to?s=w https://redstate.com/bonchie/2022/02/12/john-durham-drops-a-shock-and-awe-filing-about-spying-on-donald-trump-n521239 https://taibbi.substack.com/p/russiagate-is-wmd-times-a-million?s=r https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/02/excellent-summary-durham-investigation-date-will-durham-destroy-national-security-state-just-hillary-clinton/ https://www.foxnews.com/opinion/durham-probe-hillary-clinton-donald-trump-russia-jason-chaffetz https://thefederalist.com/2022/01/26/6-new-revelations-from-the-john-durham-spygate-probe/ https://resistthemainstream.org/former-dni-john-ratcliffe-makes-a-prediction-on-durham-probe/?utm_source=telegram https://www.zerohedge.com/political/john-durham-getting-close-jugular

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Video of Oath Keepers Rescuing 16 Police Officers Deflates Jan. 6 Sedition Narrative, Attorneys Say By Joseph M. Hanneman May 10, 2022

A video widely circulated in 2021 that showed a Capitol Police lieutenant asking members of the Oath Keepers for rescue help at the U.S. Capitol blows a hole in the seditious conspiracy charges brought against the group by federal prosecutors, two defense attorneys say.

In the video, Lt. Tarik Khalid Johnson asks a group of men to help him get more than a dozen trapped Capitol Police officers out of the Capitol and through a tightly packed crowd of protesters on the building’s east steps.

It was widely reported in January 2021 that Johnson wore a red Make America Great Again cap on Jan. 6 as a ruse to “trick” supporters of President Donald J. Trump into helping him rescue fellow officers from the Capitol. He was later suspended for wearing the MAGA cap. Johnson is a registered Democrat, according to online records.

The men who answered the call to help were members of the Oath Keepers, a nationwide group of current and former military, law enforcement, and first responders who have been targeted by federal prosecutors for allegedly conspiring to attack the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021.

Epoch Times Photo Lt. Tarik Johnson talks to a group of Oath Keepers about police officers trapped in the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021. (Rico La Starza, Archive.org/Screenshot via The Epoch Times) The video is at least the second example showing the Oath Keepers coming to the aid of Capitol Police inside the building on that day.

Would a group of men seditiously plotting an attack on the Capitol, allegedly to prevent certification of Electoral College votes, rush into the building to extract police trapped inside—all while being followed by a filmmaker?

‘More Holes Than Swiss Cheese’ “The prosecutors’ narrative has more holes than Swiss cheese, but it [the video] does directly refute their claim,” said Jonathon Moseley, who previously represented Florida Oath Keepers leader Kelly Meggs.

Prosecutors “just keep ignoring the self-contradictions in their stories,” Moseley said.

The video was shot by part-time filmmaker Rico La Starza. One of several versions of the video posted online includes an introduction by La Starza. He said the video shows “me helping a group of Oath Keepers help Capitol Police get out. They looked scared and tired.”

Attorney Brad Geyer said the video should open a lot of eyes about the Oath Keepers.

“America would probably find it surprising, based on how the Oath Keepers had been framed in these now seven superseding indictments,” said Geyer, who represents Oath Keepers member Kenneth Harrelson. “But as far as reality is concerned, this is just another day at doing security details.”

more: https://www.theepochtimes.com/video-of-oath-keepers-rescuing-16-police-officers-deflates-jan-6-sedition-narrative-attorneys-say_4456393.html?utm_source=News&utm_campaign=breaking-2022-05-11-2&utm_medium=email&est=IHVBr9S%2FpMR0YEt3TZpMjPmMe5pc4jjoAtMHk91u5f9%2FzqmnR%2FD0DKMgfrz2TDw6zLtq


[Nonprofit Watchdog Uncovers $350 Million In Secret Payments To Fauci, Collins, Others At NIH- Authored by Mark Tapscott via The Epoch Times,](Nonprofit Watchdog Uncovers $350 Million In Secret Payments To Fauci, Collins, Others At NIH- Authored by Mark Tapscott via The Epoch Times,)

An estimated $350 million in undisclosed royalties were paid to the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and hundreds of its scientists, including the agency’s recently departed director, Dr. Francis Collins, and Dr. Anthony Fauci, according to a nonprofit government watchdog.

“We estimate that up to $350 million in royalties from third parties were paid to NIH scientists during the fiscal years between 2010 and 2020,” Open the Books CEO Adam Andrzejewski told reporters in a telephone news conference on May 9.

“We draw that conclusion because, in the first five years, there has been $134 million that we have been able to quantify of top-line numbers that flowed from third-party payers, meaning pharmaceutical companies or other payers, to NIH scientists.”

The first five years, from 2010 to 2014, constitute 40 percent of the total, he said.

“We now know that there are 1,675 scientists that received payments during that period, at least one payment. In fiscal year 2014, for instance, $36 million was paid out and that is on average $21,100 per scientist,” Andrzejewski said.

“We also find that during this period, leadership at NIH was involved in receiving third-party payments. For instance, Francis Collins, the immediate past director of NIH, received 14 payments. Dr. Anthony Fauci received 23 payments and his deputy, Clifford Lane, received eight payments.”

Collins resigned as NIH director in December 2021 after 12 years of leading the world’s largest public health agency. Fauci is the longtime head of NIH’s National Institute for Allergies and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), as well as chief medical adviser to President Joe Biden. Lane is the deputy director of NIAID, under Fauci.



Slate Was Asking Fusion GPS For Edits On Hit-Piece Targeting Trump

(TheLibertyRevolution.com)- According to a publicly filed exhibit in the U.S. prosecution against Democratic attorney Michael Sussmann, a writer for Slate sent a draft of an article concerning Donald Trump and Russia to employees of Fusion GPS, the research firm hired by the Hillary Clinton campaign to study her Republican competitor.

According to one of the emails filed by Special Counsel John Durham as an exhibit to a motion this week, Franklin Foer forwarded the story to Fusion’s Peter Fritsch and Jake Berkowitz, titled “Manchuriancandidate.foer” as an attachment. According to the Washington Examiner, the exhibit, including some of the Fusion GPS emails to reporters, was unredacted for a while before being sealed again by Tuesday.

According to an email on June 28, 2016, Foer said he turned in a rough draft of the story. He apologized for the lack of editing. He asked that they check it for flaws and omissions. He also wanted assurances that they wouldn’t use it to prod the competition.

He thanked them for their assistance.

Fritsch responded shortly after saying that “it’s fantastic.” as your editor should remark… Jake and I will take a closer look at the material and offer some comments.”

More: https://thelibertyrevolution.com/slate-was-asking-fusion-gps-for-edits-on-hit-piece-targeting-trump/


Food Chain Reaction Food Security Exercise Nov. 9, 2015'

A Collection of Short Videos from the "Game"

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-_HHVMVFlX4&t=154s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dOIbuEYelvc

*The global food system is under increasing stress. To address population growth in Africa and Asia and changing consumption patterns, agricultural production will need to substantially increase by 2050. This increase must occur despite a shrinking rural labor force, limited availability of new farmland, growing water stress, and increasing risks from climate change. Numerous demographic, political and social, economic and trade, energy, environmental, and national security and diplomacy factors present significant challenges and opportunities to ensuring global food security for the next 10 years and beyond.

On November 9-10, 2015, more than forty players representing key national, international, and private sector decision makers met in Washington, D.C. for the Food Chain Reaction simulation. The two-day event aimed to examine how to prepare for and mitigate against long-term and deepening disruption of the global food system.

Before game play began, players watched this dramatization of a fictional news cast from the year 2020 about the state of the world's food system.*


Food Chain Reaction crisis simulation ends with global carbon tax Climate, hunger, civil unrest and spiking food prices came together at the Food Chain Reaction game in Washington DC this week. Cooperation mostly won the day. November 12, 2015 On Monday and Tuesday, 65 international policymakers, academics, business and thought leaders gathered at the World Wildlife Fund’s headquarters in Washington DC to game out how the world would respond to a future food crisis.

**The game took the players from the year 2020 to 2030. As it was projected, the decade brought two major food crises, with prices approaching 400 percent of the long term average; a raft of climate-related extreme weather events; governments toppling in Pakistan and Ukraine; and famine and refugee crises in Bangladesh, Myanmar, Chad and Sudan. ** inpage-food-chain-reaction Climate, hunger, civil unrest and spiking food prices came together at the Food Chain Reaction game in Washington DC this week. Cooperation mostly won the day. Along with WWF, the Center for American Progress and the Center for Naval Analyses, Cargill was one of Food Chain Reaction’s organizers. The company was represented in the game by Corporate Vice President Joe Stone.

More: https://www.cargill.com/story/food-chain-reaction-simulation-ends-with-global-carbon-tax


[Food Chain Reaction: What Our Food Supply Will Look Like in 2020] from 2015' (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f03OtxEKXXY) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f03OtxEKXXY

*The global food system is under increasing stress. To address population growth in Africa and Asia and changing consumption patterns, agricultural production will need to substantially increase by 2050. This increase must occur despite a shrinking rural labor force, limited availability of new farmland, growing water stress, and increasing risks from climate change. Numerous demographic, political and social, economic and trade, energy, environmental, and national security and diplomacy factors present significant challenges and opportunities to ensuring global food security for the next 10 years and beyond.

On November 9-10, 2015, more than forty players representing key national, international, and private sector decision makers met in Washington, D.C. for the Food Chain Reaction simulation. The two-day event aimed to examine how to prepare for and mitigate against long-term and deepening disruption of the global food system.

Before game play began, players watched this dramatization of a fictional news cast from the year 2020 about the state of the world's food system.*


Food Chain Reaction crisis simulation ends with global carbon tax Climate, hunger, civil unrest and spiking food prices came together at the Food Chain Reaction game in Washington DC this week. Cooperation mostly won the day. November 12, 2015 On Monday and Tuesday, 65 international policymakers, academics, business and thought leaders gathered at the World Wildlife Fund’s headquarters in Washington DC to game out how the world would respond to a future food crisis.

**The game took the players from the year 2020 to 2030. As it was projected, the decade brought two major food crises, with prices approaching 400 percent of the long term average; a raft of climate-related extreme weather events; governments toppling in Pakistan and Ukraine; and famine and refugee crises in Bangladesh, Myanmar, Chad and Sudan. ** inpage-food-chain-reaction Climate, hunger, civil unrest and spiking food prices came together at the Food Chain Reaction game in Washington DC this week. Cooperation mostly won the day. Along with WWF, the Center for American Progress and the Center for Naval Analyses, Cargill was one of Food Chain Reaction’s organizers. The company was represented in the game by Corporate Vice President Joe Stone.

More: https://www.cargill.com/story/food-chain-reaction-simulation-ends-with-global-carbon-tax


*Pentagon’s Research Arm is Experimenting on Hacking Human Minds as Globalists Rejoice (Video)

Most Americans do not realize that their tax dollars are being used to fund programs that can lead to the enslavement of humanity in ways that have never before been imagined.

The U.S. government’s Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) has launched a research program to analyze individuals ‘ “preconscious brain signals” to determine people’s thoughts and feelings. Dr. Yuval Noah Harari, the Chief Advisor to the World Economic Forum’s leader, Klaus Schwab, and other futurists have often warned that humans would soon be hackable. Nevertheless, governments and unelected globalists’ ambitions to reshape humanity and gain control over every aspect of our lives and bodies are making successful strides.

Under the guise of identifying soldiers at risk of depression and suicide, the Pentagon’s Research Arm, DARPA, launched the Neural Evidence Aggregation Tool (NEAT) program, which focuses on “aggregating preconscious brain signals to determine what someone believes to be true.”

According to DARPA’s press release, “NEAT aims to develop a new cognitive science tool that identifies people at risk of suicide by using preconscious brain signals rather than asking questions and waiting for consciously filtered responses.”

NEAT will achieve its goals by “bringing together recent advances in cognitive science, neuroscience, physiological sensors, data science, and machine learning.” Connecting the human brain to machines has been a longtime goal of all globalists and their organizations.

The United States’ new tool will give governments, corporations, and supranational organizations, such as the World Economic Forum, the ability to hack human beings on the preconscious level.

Futurologist Oskar Villani 2014 Interview As early as 2014, futurologist Dr. Oskar Villani said it was possible to monitor people with barely visible computer chips. These tiny chips are called “Smart Dust.” Hundreds of them can be “transferred” to a person with a simple handshake. DARPA was significantly involved in its development and had been funding other similar projects since 1990. They also found a way to use Smart Dust to monitor and read our brain waves and signals, potentially exposing unexpressed thoughts and moods.

It is possible to transfer tiny chips, which are hardly visible to the naked eye, to other people with a handshake – it is no longer necessary to implant microchips to monitor people.

On July 1, 2014, the futurologist Oskar Villani was a guest on German television program “Heute Konkret”. The nearly 5-minute interview begins with Villani shaking hands with presenter Claudia Reiterer and then telling her that he has transferred several hundred microchips to her. The chips can monitor her for up to 14 days and read a wide variety of data.

Watch the following Interview with Dr. Oskar Villani that has been translated by RAIR Foundation USA here:


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