TheNormie 0 points ago +1 / -1

You have an absolute loser mentality and that's why you are stuck where you are.

My mentality is because I see clearly.

I came from nothing, I know how far I've come.

Yeah, I doubt that and even if you did manage to luck out and advance in life it would have been under much different circumstances than I am forced to deal with.

Be something so you can make a difference in someone else's life.

Can't "be something" without money and connections to start with.

Live for something, don't just exist

I'm denied anything to live for, I can't start a family because I can't attract a woman because women aren't forced to settle and I can't get a decent job, even if I did get a woman she'd probably leave anyway since there's nothing making her stay loyal.

You're afraid of taking risks, and that's going to keep you right where you want to be

I just don't want to fuck my life over worse than it already is, and there's nothing I can do with a high chance of success. I don't want to bother with spending money to learn any marketable skills because I'd be unlikely to be able to get a job in that field and then I'd just end up worse off than I was before.