Use cash.
For assets, Use high interest crypto & practice good cybersecurity.
(pick cryptos that are not supported by the WEF. Do not use cardano).
Only use debit to make online purchases at direct vendors.
Use local banks & credit unions.
Leave corporate banks, leave corporate asset funds.
We all must do this.
Economic programs ONLY succeed if YOU support them with your money.
And on that note; you're not a patriot if you still use facebook and instagram, (heads of state being the only exception as they have to reach an audience).
"Thank you @RepBoebert for cosponsoring @RepMattGaetz 's ABOLISH THE ATF ACT (H.R. 374)!
It's time for the ATF's tyranny to end! "
"Today, I announced an initiative to make protections against coercive biomedical policies permanent including prohibiting:
- COVID vax passports
- COVID vax & mask requirements to attend any school
- Any COVID mask requirements
- All discrimination based on vax or booster status"
4:34 PM · Jan 17, 2023 · 2.4M Views
Greta Thunberg detained by police during protest in Germany
This organization, with local chapters in your city, is key to the success of the WEF.
If you want to stop the WEF, stop these people from ever gaining power. Stop their efforts.
Local action, national impact.
nanotech has been here longer than you think.
This started ten years ago.
of course, the elderly or disabled are the 'gateway' to mass adoption.
Must be stopped, banned, or at least boycotted. Ensure your friends dont buy this.
From the article:
The White House has published a legal framework for engaging with bitcoin and cryptocurrencies in the U.S. following a “whole of government” executive order (E.O.) from President Joe Biden earlier this year, per an official press release.
Finally, Biden’s administration has developed “Policies for a U.S. CBDC System,” which details the government’s priorities as it relates to the release of a digital dollar. However, the release states that “further research is needed”.
Goes into effect by the end of this year or early 2023, according to lawyers.
This needs to be ammended or stopped or overturned.
Jordan Petersons Message:
Has anyone heard of this? I'm not affiliated with this link. Just sharing.
regarding CBDC
Many recognize that the deliberate destabilization of the USA and all nations of the world during the covid campaign was a skillful, calculated psychological warfare operation that not only induced mass fear of illness (hypochondria) but also included layered operations to intentionally disrupt the social fabric of society.
BlackRock's Larry Fink, who oversees $10 trillion, says Russia-Ukraine war is ending globalization Larry Fink, CEO and chairman of the world's biggest asset manager, BlackRock, said Russia's invasion of Ukraine has ended globalization.
There is no 'gay' gene. It doesn't exist.
Many, many links and articles also confirm this.
The entire gay movement is based on a false premise.
Constitutionally, ALL people are given equal fair treatment in the eyes of the law.
But the push to 'make everything gay' based on the idea that 'homosexuality is not a choice' is based on a false premise.
There is no gay gene. There never was.
Vaccine shedding is real.
If you spend time with vaccinated people and feel weird and get a physical reaction, you're not imagining it.
Trump and Operation Warp Speed.... Something doesn't make sense.
Trump did a lot of good for this country, first and foremost.
But the vaccine was the single worst thing that has been done to the human race in decades. The gene pool is now permanently polluted, and we all know this.
I understand; there were reasons. Enormous public pressure, threats from all sides, etc.
I suspect that the vaccine was rolled out in such a way that it was less fatal than it was intended to be, but still quite harmful.
And I also suspect that the way it was rolled out kicked the table out from underneath the original plan that leftists had to permanently lockdown and force mandate everyone (thank god that failed, for the time being).
But my question is this:
If trump could use the military to roll out the vaccine
Why didn't he mobilize the military to tell everyone to go f*ck themselves (in nicer terms) and roll out ivermectin? Or actual medicine? Or literally any other treatment?
Or why not a vaccine that contains actual medicine instead of the mRNA?
Why did he go along with it?
Honest question.
Again; he used the military. They are under his command. So..... what's going on?
I understand being the president is the single most difficult political job with hundreds of millions of competing opinions, but still.
He commanded the military. They obeyed. He could have altered course.
His twitter posts repeatedly show him with entire swarms of soldiers supporting his every move. Why did he give into the vaccine?
Birds are falling dead from the sky due to pollution caused heatwave
People, and animals, are dropping DEAD due to pollution-caused heatwaves.
The climate change issue is a tough one.
On the right; pundits shill for oil and pretend nothing is wrong, and lie saying solar panels are not effective.
On the left, they use climate change as a narrative to crush personal freedom.
And as usual they are both wrong.
The threat of pollution, and its effects, is real. You blanket the earth in ashen clouds, everything underneath it gets hotter. Just like a volcano. Its basic, basic, high school science.
The weather does not care about you. It will kill you all the same.
Florida at times gets so hot that people's skin gets scorched in minutes. This is well beyond mere sunburn. Its getting worse. Arguing over temperature stats is not the point.
Buy a solar panel. Burn one paycheck and do it. It costs the same as a laptop to power your whole home. AND you stop paying an electric bill. Whats the problem?Why The arguing? Just do it.
In a grid down situation, your diesel fuel generator will only last so long.
God will not save you from making stupid decisions. He gave you free will. If you smoke, or suck on a tailpipe, you made that choice.
If you smoke, you die. If you pollute your drinking water, you cannot drink and you die. If you pollute the skies it effects animals, plantlife, and our food and we die or live like half-zombies due to lack of nutrients. If you kill off animals, ecology collapses and we die.
Louis CK: If you believe God gave you the earth, why would you not want to take care of it? Why are so many Christians oil lovers?
Nikola Tesla's Work
Graphene & Bicycle powered electricity (peddle a bike for one hour, get 24 hours of electricity for your home)
Thorium Not suppressed as much but not widespread.
GRAPHENE ended up being used as a POISON in the jab.
In spite of the high production value and great action scenes, the central thesis of the show as presented by Dr Halsey is that "humanity is bad, needs to become machine".
I guess they don't have psychologists, pastors, and yogi's in space?
Must have forgotten to put that in the defense budget....
The same tired propaganda line used by transhumanists is put in full force here "This is the next stage of human evolution" (man becoming machine).
And as per typical of transhumanists, they COMPLETELY IGNORE personal development, spiritual growth, psychological growth, self-awareness, etc which allows us to control our instincts (we already have this ability, its part of the journey of life).
Cortana is portrayed as much more innocent (similar to her early days in the video game), but nonetheless the human characters are not.
The show also completely destroys the master chief's heroic, aspirational character.
Humans spend more time fighting each other than they do the covenant aliens. This is written intentionally to support the shows thesis "Humans are bad".
The level of conflict and drama, as is typical with the 'aaron sorkin' school of screenwriting is ratcheted up to ridiculous levels.
In real life, do people really argue this much?
The show also depicts child murder and attempted rape.
Breaks canon multiple types and ignores/changes aspects of the core story and character.
And subtle wokeism, commander keys is needlessly recast as a black guy, meanwhile Sergeant Major Avery Junior Johnson is absent.