Not sure if it’s statewide, but CA or at least LA County hasn’t had drop off mail bins for years now. They’re either removed or they’re welded sealed shut. They DO however have MAKE SHIFT BALLOT DROP BOXES. And made of NOT steel. Brightly colored. And in its own category of parcel. You can’t drop mail into it. Period. Only ballot boxes. OF COURSE you may mail out via post man. But the boxes, they know are LOADED with ballots. Prime picking to do what they want with them. That’s a large % of ballots. And they know most of them will be voting their ways. This is a bulk fraud if I’ve ever seen one. Not regulated by any federal agency. Only theirs. It’s almost like it’s not apart of our legal voting system, and a system all of their own to do what they please unregulated and unsupervised. EYES ON 👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀

It’s normal in animal and reptile world. They’re easy to catch. All the reptilian talk and this and that…it would make sense that another species would do that instead. I don’t think the ones who do that are human.

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