Torts19 1 point ago +1 / -0

I’m new to this board and think this is my first time on it? However, like so many of you I’ve read and watched so much over the last couple of months I don’t recall what sites or boards I’ve been on or what I have read already. I’ll try to make this as short as I can and forgive me if you don’t agree. I’ve always voted Republican since I was first able to vote in 2000. Whoever was on this ticket was my candidate and win or lose, I stuck with the party. I voted for Trump in 2016, wasn’t a question of that because he was from my party, I did the same thing this year. As all of us have gone through this craziness I’ve learned more about politics as I’m sure we all have. I know I’ve read or heard about the military taking over back in 2016, but the short and sweet of it is I don’t see anyone capable of overcoming the swamp other than Donald J. Trump. I can’t imagine anyone else at this time being the guy other than him. So I feel it’s Trump or bust!