TrappinAtSubway 2 points ago +2 / -0

AHAHAHAAHA I smell fear. Worried about Trump appointing people who are loyal in high places.LOL

TrappinAtSubway 1 point ago +1 / -0

For a couple of reasons I think. Yes, they committed the crimes live on national television and I think he'll reveal everything they've done to the normies that had no idea they were watching a crime being committed some time after the 20th most likely, but I believe that Trump waiting and being silent is to also keep the left on their toes, then he'll close this out with a crescendo at the enth hour where there is little time for the left to improvise and respond.

Also, people in high up roles are resigning left and right because of whats going on and will need to be replaced as well as the house reps and senators that were involved in this once they go to prison. I have no idea what that process will look like and it needs to be fleshed out as smoothly as possible to avoid panic so that could also take some time. Might be by way of special elections? I'm not sure. These are insane times, but planning something like that out even in 3-4 years seems lightening fast to me compared to how fast the wheels of government typically move.

TrappinAtSubway 1 point ago +2 / -1

It read "Charter Communications has issued A REQUIRED WEEKLY TEST for the following counties or areas: Coweta, Haralson, Heard, Meriwether, GA; at 12:01AM on JAN 12, 2021 Effective until 12:16 AM. Message from NWNGACHA.

Sounds like it might be a regular standard test idk.

TrappinAtSubway 1 point ago +1 / -0

Also what does NWNGACHA stand for? It said at the bottom, message from NWNGACHA,

TrappinAtSubway 0 points ago +2 / -2

This is concerning. FEMA is bad business..

TrappinAtSubway 3 points ago +3 / -0

At that point, we have to grow a spine. We will never be a communist country.

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