Trump Dance, please post here. It'll be fun.
An Irish man trying to understand. Please explain this to me.
Just a though, as it seems here in Ireland some of the sheep are waking up, lots of protests in our capital about illegals and refugees.
How are things going for ye in yer own areas?
Have a blessed day.
If we hear nothing about the military stepping in frens, I think we're done for........
This is complete BS.
Polls show at least 75% of ppl are not satisfied with the way the country is heading and these DemoRATS still manage to get a huge amount of votes.
Again this is total BS.
Fake or real frens?
The last one was presumed fake, i believe.
Hey Frens.
What videos would ye recommend watching....
Too many to choose from, yer expertise would be greatly appreciated.
Hey Patriots, My beautiful Internet family. What videos would ye recommended for me to try and introduce a few of my newely found friends to the Q board. I tried to talk to them, but i can't seem to articulate what i know in my heart. I'm not a great teacher or speaker, Anything would be great to wake them up. I'm looking for beginner videos and whatever ye think would help.
Love ye beautiful fucks, Cheers, Your Fren.
Hey Pedes, here in Ireland kids require an antigen test to play sports, my daughter is fighting in her first boxing match this weekend and is required to take the test. I can't seem to find any proper info on what's on the tip of this swab, her coach said he talked to the doc and he said it's just cotton wool. If anyone has any knowledge on these tests I'd appreciate it. If there's any substance on it I won't allow her to fight......
Fucking hate this clown world we live in.
They changed their name because they think we won't hear from President Trump for awhile, cunts cucked out.