I’ve seen several testimonies of vials having a luminosity. I’ve also see the same with recipients of the injection showing luminosity of their veins and injection site under a black light.
I’ve also seen all over the web the strange street lights going in. I thought it was BS or malfunctioning lights until they started popping up in my area. They are a harsh purple and give off a very unpleasant “light”. They almost make it harder to see. This is happening in parallel with the Five Gee towers popping up everywhere in these areas. Is this the ground work being built for the coming stage?...
Can you find me a Christian cross in Washington DC? Specifically, on any monument or government building?
Now, can you find me an ancient deity in the same place?
Which one is more prevalent?
11 = K, 3 = C
King Charles, he is next in line. 11.3 marker
(Credit X22)
Weird, cryptic video allegedly rooting from 2016 up to 2019 hinting at our future...
Take a watch, what do you think?