WJF8711 1 point ago +2 / -1

He doesn’t go by jr . When his dad was murdered he dropped the jr . There was a video of him nodding his head when a user asked if jfk jr was alive he nodded no because there isn’t a jfk jr . It’s just John f Kennedy now . Idk I’ve heard he’s alive and there’s videos circulating and the dude from revolution radio said he was alive earlier to day when he spoke to a source . I think it’s a waiting game with that but also wouldn’t surprise if that tweet came from Somewhere no one expected it would cause less uproar and catch the enemy (deepstate) off guard because we know they have also infiltrated as decoys looking for info . Maybe I’m wrong this is my first post but I trust in god and good over evil and I know the plan is in full swing

WJF8711 1 point ago +3 / -2

He never said he wasn’t part of Q. From what I have seen is they asked if JFK JR was alive and said no . But the wrong question was asked if should have been was jfk alive ? When his dad was murdered he was no longer jr . That’s what I have read.