This seems to be a right assessment considering the amount of support for Israel from the GOP Rinos and other so called America first candidates.
Anyone suggesting immediate support for Israel without investigating how hamas was even able to get into the most secure country on the planet…. Is definitely not an America first advocate.
My two cents in the matter are : I see two things happening, either Joe and the Hoe prevent the election by starting a war, and using that as the excuse… or they cheat their asses off and that starts a civil war and we end up with two presidents until there is a victor. The us progress towards socialism each day. The left has nothing right, and the right has nothing left.
My takeaway from the interview is exactly what I already knew. Texas is filled with uniparty fags… mostly all “conservatives” in office in Texas are Rinos… this is why it took so long for constitutional carry, and this is why the left is gaining insane amounts of seats and positions in the Texas government. Paxton was impeached for trying to end voter fraud in Texas…. The lone star State will be the next California, if nothing is done about this bs… and so far it looks like the only man doing anything about it, was severely retaliated against.
I have been thinking about the increasing stupidity in government, and the ever increasing willingness of the masses to comply with stupid government. We as champions of freedom and liberty must understand this fundamental principle. Stupid people have free will too… What does this mean? Well, just like we have a right to not live oppressed, if we do desire, the not so bright also have a right to be in chains if that is what they created for themselves out of their own free will. Unfortunately I think the best solution is to split the country up, or we will end up like China, where the majority of stupid people allowed the tyranny to take complete control. If we split based on our core values and principles, at least the majority of freedom lovers will still have a place to call home and raise a family. The conservatives for the most part have a moral compass, naturally this allows for more tolerance than the lefts mentality of “no matter the cost” for their goal achieving. This is not a Doom post, this is an analytical observation of how we can preserve freedom without allowing the erosion by just standing idle and waiting for the enemy to strike first. Some of you are willing to die in a civil war, but I say that is the worst case scenario. What will stop an adversary like China from advancing on the US incase of a civil war? Or even worst and most likely, China siding with the left and helping them eliminate the right completely, and eventually taking over the entire county. The current state of affairs has the majority of people being abused by the government and kept in a state of perpetual financial slavery, while the left is complicit and equally miserable, the right keeps putting the limit higher and higher. Bottleneck will eventually happen and violence becomes the only alternative, too many people, too much frustration. My question to you is how do we preserve freedom without limiting stupid peoples free will to be stupid and live the life they desire? While also allowing ourselves life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.