Anyone know what happened?
Just when you thought things could not get more absurd, they do.
And yes, the homeowner needs to work on his aim.
Sorry it's Faux News:
I was too lazy to look harder for the story.
But wouldn't it be great? Live streaming. Drunk, weaving Pelosi lifts up a fragile fist and tries to hit Trump. If she actually succeeds, would Trump even feel it? Would he start doing that dance thing he does?
I wrote a post earlier about a child trafficking ring that has been exposed. A Democrat operative recruits supposed "trans and gay" children by encouraging them to run away from home and be under the care of a "queer friendly" guardian. This is paid for by the Democrat party.
My earlier article:
The article published by Luke Rosiak:
Luke Rosiak was the one who broke the story about rapes by a "trans" in Loudoun County Schools.
The information has been turned over to Virginia Attorney General Jason Miyares, who has been actually enforcing laws since taking office in January. That is a weird and new thing in Virginia.
It has not been turned over to local law enforcement because they are controlled, for instance, in Fairfax County by a Soros prosecutor.
Videos are available at the following link (sorry about the Google link. That's what the undercover person used):
These zoom session videos at first do not seem incriminating, but they show the bearded pedo guy luring children to his cause. He is in a zoom call with children, and seems totally reasonable, persuading them they are part of a political cause, which included the walkout of 12,000 high school students to protest Governor Youngkin's new policy that parents need to know everything about their children, including anything "trans." You actually see him grooming. It is very subtle and very scary. He is carefully messing with these young people's minds.
Thanks for your research in the comments to the previous article. I will forward it to the right people. Also feel free to forward anything to the Virginia Attorney General.
What is needed right now is getting out the link to the Rosiak article in a massive way, so the parents in Northern Virginia know about this and watch their kids more closely. So far, it does not look like any kid has disappeared. We need to move fast so it doesn't happen.
Also, any research is appreciated, as this just opened up yesterday because of an undercover person.
I do point out that this could be the last nail in the Democrat coffin, but we need to concentrate on the safety of the kids.
Stay strong!
The Wokes are going to cover this up, and most media in Northern Virginia is Fake News. But you are the news.
A group called the Pride Liberation Project organized a walk-out of 12,000 high schoolers in Northern Virginia in protest of Governor Youngkin's new policy of parents being in charge with the "trans" issue. ( His draft policy also includes "sports that are separated by sex will be separated by biological sex."
The walkout created quite a stir. But what was really behind the Pride Liberation Project has just come out today.
They are a child trafficking ring who are manipulating children who think they are trans or gay into running away from their parents and placed with new “Queer friendly” guardians. They will DISAPPEAR from their parents. They are being groomed right now.
The plan is for the children to be coerced and kidnapped into child trafficking rings. The one running this shit show is "Aaryan Rawal, a college student who worked for a Virginia Democrat state lawmaker."
The Daily Wire has internal communications proving all this, including an internal message board and video.
"The group, which raises money using the Democrat platform ActBlue, said it can also provide significant money to youth who want to leave their parents. 'We can pay for Ubers, Lyfts, and other passes if you need to leave immediately. Some students or adults may also be able to come get you individually,' Rawal wrote."
ActBlue? What a surprise, huh?
YOU CAN STOP THIS. You are the news. Spread this information everywhere. It is not clear yet whether any children have been coerced into disappearing yet. YOU CAN PREVENT IT FROM HAPPENING. If people know about this, especially parents, it is way less likely to happen.
The author, Luke Rosiak, is the person who first published the article about the rapes in Loudoun County, VA schools. That article circulated on the national independent press (which you are), and people in Northern Virginia all heard about it. Let's do it again.
I love you guys. I know you will come through.
I have heard this most about Republican parties in densely populated areas. Some people have attended meetings, finding out that the board members wouldn't know an HTML code if it bit them in the butt, and moving on. But this is a problem! We have to beat the Democrats big everywhere at every level! (And the RINOs too. Turtle can kiss my butt.)
I have heard this crowd running some local Republican parties referred to as "Fox News Republicans" and they tend to be over 50. Sometimes WAY over 50. Not that that's a problem in itself, but I suspect the computer illiteracy problem increases with age some.
How many political campaigns have been run with door knocking via a mobile and an app like Campaign Sidekick, so that Android and Apple and the FBI can track Trump supporters? Hmmm, what could go wrong with that? ESPECIALLY if the volunteer is way over 50.
Also, leaving aside technology, there seems to be no sense of organizing tasks for a project, with databases or with paper.
Your input would be greatly appreciated. I have no idea how widespread this problem is.
At the house where the Satanists were planning their ceremony, the security wasn't all that strong:
"They knew that their fellow citizens, in this brave new century, chose to be unaware of them, to consign their master and them to the realm of myth. No one would come looking for them because no one believed in their existence."
When Odd Thomas spies on the Satanists gathering, he sees "a well-known film actor, a United States senator, and a couple other faces that were familiar but that I couldn't identify."
"...they were protected by their master, the rebel angel who was the prince of this world, to whom they had pledged everything. He said that they were untouchable. And perhaps they trusted one another not to steal and not to betray them with video on the Internet because when they had joined the dark-siders, they had surrendered their free will and no longer had the capacity to change their minds and betray the cult. A satanic society, after all, would operate as the ultimate totalitarianism."
Not that this story has anything to do with real life. Nah!
If you are intrigued, happy reading!
I keep hearing about Democrats throughout the country avoiding debates. Has any agreed to one, or are they all avoiding it? It would be a hot ticket to watch, if such a debate exists.
I wonder if they are scared of having a MacAuliffe moment, like what happened last year in Virginia, and losing the election because of being an idiot.
"As Democrats voice growing confidence about their midterm election prospects,"
Where is that coming from? The "massive audience" that are attracted to Biden rallies, CNN, and the J6 hearings?
If you guys have been trolling Democrat pollsters, it would really be funny. If not, get to it.
"Here is the video that was deleted off every platform after 32 minutes." After watching it, I don't doubt it.
I just ran across this:
And Snopes has "debunked" it, which increases the likelihood that it is true:
Other stories:
(As an aside: the scientific term for Wokes is wokis retardis. Just to broaden your education.)
So, we had the Cold War disappearing, and nothing for the military-industrial complex and the big bankers to do. At that time, Islam was NOT associated with terrorism. That was more of an Irish thing. In fact, "terrorism" wasn't really on the radar yet.
Then, all of a sudden we have the "evil Islamic empire" and "Islamic terrorism" showing up in the Fake News. Convenient, no?
How much money went to those "Islamic leaders" to rile up young Muslims? After all, Muslim countries had been controlled by outside powers for a long time and had legitimate complaints. Easy material to use. Heck, if the globos can invent CRT and trannies, they can certainly handle riling up young Muslims.
What was all that money to Iran about anyway?
Then we have 9/11, Iraq and the weapons of mass delusion, and Afghanistan, with the U.S. occupying other countries and BEING the bad guy. It's a giant shit storm that makes the military-industrial complex and big bankers rub their hands together in glee.
Maybe we are going to see much MORE come out than an attempted coup against Trump.
I couldn't find a way to use the term "Adolf Sniffer" in this post. Darn. Oh wait! I just did!
PLEASE help with the MAGA campaigns and keeping the elections honest. It is getting old living in a Monty Python movie.
So, looking back. Let's say Trump gets extremely pissed off at 9/11. For Trump's opinion on 9/11 AT THE TIME, see
He was not seen as a political threat to the globos at that time.
Let's say white hats in the government, and there are many more of those than most people realize, approached him about kicking globo butt. However, this was not easy because, as some people might not remember, the mass media had far more control over people's minds than they do now. Much as we complain about censorship on the internet, and rightly, the situation was much much worse before the internet or in the early days of the internet. The three networks plus cable plus kiss-up newspapers controlled ALL THOUGHT.
Move on to 2016, which Cankles was supposed to win via voter fraud to continue the march to a world dictatorship, but that didn't happen. Much of the voter fraud must have been stopped, and Trump won, which set up a fury of illegal activity to take him down in some way, no doubt including many assassination attempts. But this whole thing had been planned for a long time, and Trump was ready for it.
He disrupts their plan, but he cannot alone, by being president, take down the globos. The president does not have but so much legal power, and globos controlled so much of the country and the world. The ones that had to take them down were us, the American people. WE are the force he had to let loose.
So he achieved amazing things in a few short years, making his predecessors look like the lying crooks that they are. AND he was cruising to a very easy re-election.
Course then you also had the Q thing going on, and a massive number of people catching onto everything. People get a little worked up about who Q is and what does it mean. The important thing was that the public started catching on to the globohomo plot going on around them.
Well, globos have to globe, and they knew that a second term was WAY bad news for them. So they whipped up their recipe for COVID and let the bullshit start flying, planning to shut down the WORLD for YEARS.
Trump trumped them, and made the vaccine and opening up a way faster thing, never requiring anyone to take it. A voluntary thing, like experimental medicines. THEN he and his team needed to let people know that elections were fixed, and had been for a long time.
SO, I believe he let the midterms be stolen, but made sure that it was so outrageous that it was caught. In the past, we had "Democrat" and "Republican" candidates both picked out by the globos, and the most they had to do was minor election fixing every once in a while. With Adolf Sniffer running, they had to go whole hog and cheat like hell in every possible way. And it wasn't like there was anyone among the Democrat candidates that was any better.
The problem wasn't their candidates. The problem was the Great Awakening had started to happen. EVEN OBAMA, who used to draw crowds, couldn't attract enough to fill a coffee shop to a Biden rally during the campaign. Their NARRATIVE had failed. Who buys it anymore? The ten thousand people who signed up for CNN Plus? The other ten thousand who watched the January 6 hearings? They have totally lost control of the narrative, a control that they had for decades, and they had no idea what to do.
Look at carefully what Trump did. He started riling up a massive MAGA versus RINO effort for midterm primaries, which was a huge success, I think well over 90 percent.
We are coming closer to the general election. What happens next? Coincidence? The glowies raid Trump's house. Now, look at that. If there were really some Top Secret important stuff, why didn't they raid it 18 months earlier? It makes no sense, except from the point of view of Trump setting up a sting. Also, there is the problem that Trump could and did declassify anything he wanted to.
So, say he knows there is a glowie among his staff, and he makes sure the glowie thinks there is some top secret stuff there. Better yet would be evidence against the globos about the Russia hoax and/or the Iran deal. Then the glowies, dumb shits that they are, come barreling in, creating a worldwide news story.
NOW, see what happened on 9/11. There is always info on 9/11 conspiracy theories every year, but I noticed this time it was extremely hyped up, as though by design a lot of people would suddenly find out the truth about 9/11. Why this is even better than the truth about COVID is that there is some time lapse and some perspective. Some normies are having trouble absorbing COVID reality. But relooking at something that happened some time ago is a bit easier.
And look at what the American people and many state and local governments have been doing. MANY honest people have stepped up to run for office, some doing a better job than others, but it is an impressive line-up overall. A huge number of people are involved in election integrity, with fights and victories at the state and local level all over the country, such as the recent arrest of an election official ( Thousands of honest Americans are working for candidates, staffing elections, poll watching elections, and giving state and local officials hell when they screw up anything. Gregg Phillips, the Beard Man, has something interesting going on. Of course, many of us wish he would tell us what the hell it is, but he gained enormous credibility with 2000 Mules.
Do not forget that in the past no one really knew about voter fraud, and now everyone talks about it, whether they are denying it or acknowledging it. Before 2020, it wasn't on the radar.
What do the globos do? They put their dictatorship out in the open, with Adolf Sniffer making speeches. They aren't even TRYING to bullshit people anymore, and are really desperate.
Trump is loudly telling us to save our country. To work for the honest candidates and work for election integrity. This is our moment. Do we KNOW what is going to happen? No. But we have to go for it anyhow.
God bless you all.
I keep looking around but don't find them. And they seem to get funnier every week.
"The mysterious Patriot Front group marched in Indianapolis today for Labor Day. The boys were out in the khakis and blue T-shirts again. They were all wearing masks.
"The group invested in several flags for today’s march. It would be interesting to discover who paid for the travel, the flags and the uniforms. The group marched in downtown Indianapolis."
Why do they keep doing this shit? Everyone caught on a long time ago.
At least this time the glowies aren't wearing Melania's clothes. Oh wait, that's a meme.
The Ukraine Current Thing has totally disappeared. As did the protests against Roe v. Wade overturned (remember those?). Climate Change ain't working. The "forgiveness" of student loans was only worth a day's coverage. The Orange Mad Bad/Trump Raid ain't working. COVID is pretty much forgotten. Everyone laughed at Monkey Pox.
And early voting is about to start. What is your guess of what the next hot fake headline will be?
I have been pushing for the fake space aliens for ages, but Deep State just won't listen. Jeez!
I saw this and had to share.
They will eventually steal money from the taxpayers to pay interest on all the money they owe taxpayers. Figure that one out.
If you contact your congress critter about this, you are required to sign some sort of privacy waiver, whatever the heck that is, for them to help you.
IRS ain't talking to anybody.
They do this, not providing people THEIR OWN MONEY, while gas and food prices soar.
Swamp critters everywhere. FIGHT TO WIN THE MIDTERMS!!! Work for good candidates. Work as poll watchers, poll greeters, or election workers.
Look at it from a strategic point of view. Now Trump looks like a hero to even more people, with Deep State doing something so obvious. And we were already facing a "Red Wave." This would only make it stronger.
So, WHY did the globohomos do this? They were so much more subtle and devious in the past, so behind the scenes that most people didn't know they existed.
Can they be so confident in their voter fraud? We have made major strides in combatting it, with poll watchers and constant coverage. This led to MAGA wins in the primaries and the wins last year in Virginia.
My guess is that the globohomos are really really desperate. They know that if they lose, they will all be in prison. They just don't have that many cards to play anymore. And it is their standard procedure to try to intimidate people with legal stuff to get them to comply. Quite a mistake, though, to try that strategy with Trump.
(And why the hell don't they just go ahead and whip up the fake space aliens! Jeez!)
Globalists will globe.
I miss the crazy comedy of the past, Blazing Saddles, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, and the like. But then I started thinking about how funny this site is. Just today I remember seeing a screenshot in which the screen name was "Hunter Biden's Coke Dealer." I thought that definitely KEK worthy. And the memes are often priceless.
Do the serious stuff. But never forget the funny stuff.
Please spread the word quickly online and in person.
I am seeing a serious problem.
Many naive or RINO people are running campaigns in a way that is not safe for volunteers. Most are probably simply naive, computer illiterate, and more than a bit stupid, but we need to do something about it anyhow.
They are requiring volunteers who are naive enough to do this to install apps on their phones to do door knocking, such as Sidekick. The volunteers are tracked just like the bad guys were tracked in 2000 Mules, but this time the bad guys are tracking the good guys. It doesn't matter what the app developer says. Deep State owns both mobile operating systems. Door knocking can easily be done by using the voter databases, typically Comma Separated Variable files, and importing them into a database or using OpenOffice to generate printed lists. Anyone who says that door knocking did not exist before mobile phones is a liar.
These people walking around as Republican volunteers might easily be attacked by Antifa. Many times they are senior citizens. Or the volunteers could be locked up in jail like the January 6 crowd, or have their bank accounts frozen. None of this is new.
Antifa attacks Republicans on a regular basis. Here is a list from some time ago: Look online. There are a huge number of attacks.
Sometimes campaign organizers also use Google apps to do organizing work, just handing Patriot data to Deep State.
It is July. We don't have much time. Find out if your area's Republican campaigns are doing this stupid stuff, and raise hell. Totally ignoring basic cybersecurity precautions is a very very bad idea and very dangerous to Patriots.
This is a war. Why is security being ignored?
And please spread the word on this.