Tomorrow a whole new crew takes over in Virginia. (https://www.youngkininauguration.com/inaugural-ceremony)

(Sticky please please please, Mods!)

Republicans won Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Attorney General, and the House of Delegates. They start work TOMORROW.

These ain't RINOs either. I will explain why.

This election was the result of a statewide effort of Patriots who got out the vote, spread the word about the truth of the Democrat Party, and, most of all, GUARDED the elections. A huge number of Patriots trained and volunteered to be poll watchers, and kept an eye on everything the Democrats were trying to do. They stopped some of the fraud as it happened. (https://www.foxnews.com/politics/virginia-county-is-violating-election-law-amid-governor-race-lawsuit-claims)

Patriots in Virginia PROVED that it is possible to overcome voter fraud. Everyone else needs to study and follow the game plan.

Some had doubts about Youngkin, the newly elected governor, because of his former role in the Carlyle Group, an investment firm with a swamp stink about it. This was understandable. However, not everyone is corrupted everywhere. Think about how many Patriots work for the federal government, including the military, and what is more corrupted than the federal government?

Some reasons not to doubt Youngkin:

He came to life in the second debate with McAuliffe, standing up to him and knowing his facts about his future job.

He KNOWS that a massive organization of Patriots is behind his win, and if he doesn't do what he says he will do, he will be strung up. He'd need a tall tree, though. Pretty tall dude.

He did an impressive rally-across-the-state thing before the elections, which lazy corrupt politicians never seem to do.

He has put, in his Day One plan, "Ending Runaway Property Taxes by Requiring Voter Approval for Increases." Swamp creatures never say anything like that.

Seeming small but very conclusive, he just made Elizabeth Schultz the Assistant Superintendent of Public Instruction. Okay, so who is that and why should we care? Schultz was on the Fairfax County (Swamp Central in Virginia) School Board for eight years, one of the few Republicans, until the Wokes got rid of her at the end of 2019 (voter fraud, anyone?). While there, she was the Wokes' worst enemy, standing up against them at every turn. (https://fairfaxgop.org/elizabeth-schultz-named-as-virginias-assistant-superintendent-of-public-instruction/, https://www.dailywire.com/news/exclusive-virginias-youngkin-appointing-anti-crt-firebrand-to-key-education-role) Look carefully at what this woman has done, the "Anti-CRT Firebrand." A RINO would have NEVER nominated such a person. In fact, to me, this is the real conclusive evidence that Youngkin is a Patriot, not a RINO.

So what's ahead? Here is the Day One Plan: https://www.youngkinforgovernor.com/game-plan

How in the hell did MAGA win in Virginia?

It was a huge network of volunteers coordinating their efforts. This strategy needs to be duplicated everywhere. At its core are the individual Republican parties at the county or city level. Here is a list: https://virginia.gop/find-your-local-gop/

There are also individual Republican Women's Groups organized under one umbrella organization: https://www.vfrw.org/

There are certain nonprofits that made a huge difference: Family Foundation (https://www.familyfoundation.org/) and Virginia Project (https://virginiaproject.com/). (I recommend being on their email lists.)

Also Second Amendment groups and more. The state Republican party doesn't have its act together yet, though.

All these people coordinated their efforts and kicked the commies the hell out of Virginia, in one of the most amazing battles ever seen.

And tomorrow MAGA Virginia begins.

EDIT: I knew this post would attract the doomer anti-Trump trolls, and it did. Consider that they focus on Youngkin, not on what just happened across the state with all candidates, and the ground-level organization involved. And people have said about Trump exactly what they say now about Youngkin: He's faking it, a rich dude who is part of the elite, and he is just leading us on. We are a Constitutional republic run by the people. Keep your eye on the ball, and think for yourself. Think about who is really "glowing" here.


I have been reporting to you on this race for a while now, and how it could create a huge red wave:






I read all about the big win, but NO information about how it happened. You are about to learn that right here. I didn't say anything earlier because I didn't want to tip off the Democrats.

How it happened was that a massive organization was put together in Virginia to both have great candidates and stop voter fraud.

And Virginia was considered a pilot program so that everyone else could imitate it, starting next year.

THIS WAS ALL DELIBERATE!! It did not just "happen."

Here are the entities that created the Red Tsunami:

The candidates themselves. They were amazing.

The local Republican parties. Local Republicans in Virginia used to be pretty much comatose. Over the last few years, that has changed, with individuals working long volunteer hours to get the local parties' acts together. They have put together databases to get volunteers at the polls, and were a major force in getting trained poll watchers at the polls, which scared the hell out of the election workers. Fear is a good thing. The local parties were also the people putting the heat on local government officials, leaving the crooks in Nadler mode when it came to voter fraud.

The Republican Party of Virginia, which was in a total coma until very recently but has come to life because of pressure from the local parties and other organizations.

Organizations such as the Republican Women's groups, Virginia Constitutional Conservatives, gun rights groups, and Family Foundation.

Also, another organization, Virginia Project, has been behind the scenes organizing the whole time, including making sure that there were 99 candidates for the 100 House of Delegates seats, and having a statewide election integrity effort. This included poll watcher training and getting deadwood off the voter rolls. The group has a pretty low-key presence with its web site, and Democrats probably didn't take it seriously. But here is the text from a recent email from the organization, and you can see what was really going on (from October 13, 2021):

Democrats are running scared

The rats have been cornered.

They have no way out.

A nightmare scenario is unfolding before them and all the means and methods they could once rely on now fail - often instantaneously.

This isn't how things were supposed to go! 

  • Remember November 2019?

Remember November 2019? The Republican Party of Virginia was all but finished as a going concern. Democrats swept statewide offices, and - surprising even them - gained full control of the legislature as well.

The Republican Party of Virginia was at an all-time low, after over a decade of dysfunction and failure. Republicans had no remaining power over Virginia's government. Democrats controlled it all.

The conventional wisdom immediately became that Virginia would turn "permanently blue" and the best Republicans could ever hope for is to accommodate themselves to that outcome. Just a fact of life, the "transition" to forever-Democrat government.

On these dimmest of days for the people in Virginia, one light emerged from the darkness: a realistic path forward, one that could end the threat posed by the Democrats and the radical agenda which we knew they would enact with their newfound power, one that could heal the RPV and give it renewed life and purpose.

That light was the Virginia Project. 

  • Making life hard for Democrats

It's just a few weeks out from Election Day, and early voting has already begun.

Where is the easy glide for Terry McAuliffe and continuance of the Democrat majority in the House of Delegates? They're locked into the wrong side of every hot issue, everything that would move a voter who can be moved.

Even with money advantage, the political environment is outright hostile.

Education is the biggest state-level issue in the campaign, public safety is not far behind, and Democrats are locked in to the wrong side of both.

In the House of Delegates, they now face 99 GOP candidates. They are having to funnel money into races that were not supposed to have a GOP candidate at all, and certainly not expected to be competitive.

Cheating is going to be harder than it has ever been - the pool of false registrations from which to draw from, cut in half; voter precinct-level data coming out of key Central Absentee Precincts; thousands of GOP observers, trained and scheduled in the deep Democrat strongholds where they could formerly act at will; lawyers at the ready to enforce election rights.

Suddenly, out of nowhere it must have seemed, the GOP is serious about election integrity and not playing Democrat games or taking excuses. Even the RNC, against all expectations, stepped up with big money for election integrity.

If things weren't bad enough, the Biden administration has been an active rolling disaster, making this election in no small part a referendum on its unraveling of the nation. Merrick Garland calling for parents to be treated as domestic terrorists sure didn't help... and that's just what went wrong for Dems in the past week. 

  • Poised for Victory

These dramatic changes in Virginia's political environment didn't happen by themselves.

These are the direct result of the work done by the Virginia Project - our relentless communications, investigations, support systems, exhortations and leadership, to patch the Republican Party in Virginia back up into fighting shape, to break down and render ineffective the means by which the Democrat Party had made its gains.

We have done it. The Republican Party of Virginia is positioned to sweep back all the statewide positions AND control of the General Assembly, something no one else even thought possible, two years ago.

It's possible now.

Now it's time to finish the job.

If you are able contribute financially - please do! We are the miracle you have been praying for - be part of our movement and lend us your strength! DONATE Join us

If you are an election skeptic, we want you! Sign up as an election worker or poll watcher.

View our election integrity education/training series here.

For those working on schools issues, view our Critical Race Theory education, the event that started a national uprising against that ideology, here.


Your job is to research exactly how the Virginia win happened, and set up the same thing in your state.

Freedom is not handed to you. You have to fight for it.


I have been reporting to you folks about the possible breakthrough governor's race (and other races) in Virginia.

Patriots in Virginia may have discovered the solution to the Catch 22: How do you end voter fraud when the crooks who got in with voter fraud control law enforcement?

The answer: You run good candidates, and stop voter fraud BEFORE it happens.

An advantage that Virginia has is that one crooked voting machine company does not control the whole state. Counties individually decided on voting systems.

Here is what the Patriots have done:

Recruited shit-tons of trained poll watchers to watch the early voting, election day, mail-in ballot, and adjudicated ballot operations. Word is that the election workers are scared of them. Good.

Got rid of a lot of deadwood from the voter rolls.

Had Patriots jump in with legal action any time someone does something the least bit crooked. For instance, a Patriot in the Fairfax County election office saw election workers processing mail-in ballot applications that were not legal. They did not have the last four digits of the social security number. The Patriot reported it to the Virginia voter fraud hotline. This report went to a team of lawyers who filed a lawsuit (https://publicinterestlegal.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/Complaint_20211020_0001Fairfaxed.pdf). An article about what happened is here: https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2021/10/20/public-interest-legal-foundation-files-lawsuit-over-illegal-absentee-ballots-in-fairfax-county-in-advance-of-va-gubernatorial-election/

In general, raised awareness among the public and with election workers about voting laws and that they had better damn be followed.

Arranged to have 99 candidates for the 100 seats open in the House of Delegates. This was no small trick, and took enormous organizing.

As to McAuliffe being an idiot:

Glenn Youngkin (Republican) and Terry McAuliffe (Demoncrat) are competing in the governor's race. There are also races for Lieutenant Governor and Attorney General, with Republicans having some good candidates. And the House of Delegates.

McAuliffe is a low-life asshole who hangs out with the Clintons but, fortunately, is not smart enough to pretend not to be an asshole. The campaign was not getting attention until McAuliffe, in the second debate, said that parents should not be involved in what happens in schools. This blew up into a monster dumpster fire that keeps on burning. He continued to do stupid thing after stupid thing.

The latest, and boy this is funny. Here is a McAuliffe rally: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/10/campaign-democrat-virginia-governor-candidate-mcauliffe-no-enthusiasm-crowds-almost-small-bidens/ I've seen more people waiting in line for a bathroom.

There was another McAuliffe rally with a lot of people, but they broke out into a chant of "We want Trump." Hmm, my guess not McAuliffe supporters.

Biden has the lowest popularity possible, but the McAuliffe campaign had a giant brain fart and brought him in to rally for McAuliffe. (https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/10/pathetic-joe-biden-mentioned-trump-24-times-campaigning-virginia-video/)

The campaign keeps talking about Trump. They are too stupid to realize that Trump is enormously popular in Virginia, just like everywhere else.

And if you object to CRT indoctrination, you are a racist: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/10/democrat-terry-mcauliffe-smears-virginia-parents-calling-concerns-critical-race-theory-racist-video/

Spread the word about this whole situation!

I have also seen that the governor's race in New Jersey is competitive.

Now--what does it mean if Youngkin wins?

It means we know how to beat them. We take control of the elections and make sure voter fraud doesn't happen. We do this in every state, and use Virginia as a template.

If he loses, we lose one battle and continue the war.

Let's go Brandon!


I've been posting about this incredible Deep State versus Patriots showdown going on right now, in one of the two statewide races going on this election. The battle includes Patriots acting in unison to stop voter fraud from happening.

Catch up with my earlier posts:



So the question is: Can McAuliffe act even more stupid and alienate even more voters? The answer is YES!

Desperate as hell, apparently, his campaign ad uses the "very fine people" fake news from a while back. I shit you not. https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2021/10/22/democrat-terry-mcauliffe-uses-very-fine-people-hoax-in-campaign-ad-attacking-youngkin/

AND changes his mind about whether Governor Blackface did something racist: https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2021/10/22/mcauliffe-defended-northams-blackface-photo-as-dumb-mistake-months-after-publicly-condemning-it-as-racist-inexcusable/

AND says women CEOs won't bring a company to a state that bans abortions. The same ole thing about what women really really want is to be able to kill their babies: https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2021/10/22/terry-mcauliffe-denies-existence-of-pro-life-women-ceos-in-america/ No supply chain shortage of baby parts if McAuliffe is in charge! Hail Satan!

If he acted even sorta normal he would have a better chance. I can't quite get how globalists, who were smart enough to take over the world, would do something this stupid.

Now, do you want in on this action? If you live in Virginia, volunteer to work as a poll watcher and catch the crooks in the act, or just scare them good. Contact your local Republican party. You can also work as a greeter handing out Republican sample ballots, also through the local Republican party.

If not in Virginia, here is something else to do. And it's fun.

Read through the article and the lawsuit (above) about Fairfax County committing voter fraud but getting caught. (Also here: https://thevirginiastar.com/2021/10/23/lawsuit-filed-against-fairfax-county-over-absentee-and-mail-in-ballots/) The reason that Fairfax County is so important is that it has 1.1 million people in a state with 8 million people, by far the largest jurisdiction and crawling with crooked Democrats. All the mail-in ballots are going to one building. TURN UP THE HEAT PATRIOTS!!!!

On Monday, call and email the critters "in charge," taking appropriate precautions with your personal contact info. Just express your views of this shitshow. This should get interesting. Here they are:

Office of Elections 703-222-0776 [email protected], Scott O. Konopasek, Director of the Office of Elections & General Registrar; Eric L. Spicer, Election Manager

Chairman of the Electoral Board Stephen Hunt (RINO) [email protected]

Electoral Board member Katherine Hanley (Demoncrat) [email protected]

Electoral Board member Bettina Lawton (Demoncrat) [email protected]

Clerk to the Electoral Board Beth Methfessel [email protected]

This is from https://www.fairfaxcounty.gov/elections/electoral-board/members

While you're at it, the nine Demoncrat county board members are also crooked as hell, and voted to send a letter to Governor Blackface to stop requiring a witness signature on the mail-in ballot. (https://thefederalist.com/2021/10/20/virginia-dems-push-to-ditch-witness-requirement-for-absentee-ballots-as-youngkin-gains-ground/) What do you think of that? Don't be shy. The louder you protest, the more scared they will be to carry out more voter fraud. They never got caught before. They never even were challenged before.

Jeff McKay (Demoncrat) 703-324-2321 [email protected]

Penny Gross (Demoncrat) 703-256-7717 [email protected]

James Walkinshaw (Demoncrat) 703-425-9300 [email protected]

John Foust (Demoncrat) 703-356-0551 [email protected]

Walter Alcom (Demoncrat) 703-478-0283 [email protected]

Rodney Lusk (Demoncrat) 703-971-6262 [email protected]

Dan Storck (Demoncrat) 703-780-7518 [email protected]

Dalia Palchik (Demoncrat) 703-560-6946 [email protected]

Kathy Smith (Demoncrat) 703-814-7100 [email protected]

The lone Republican voted against the stupid letter.

Have fun, Patriots!

Let's go Brandon!


For Nancy and Maxine. A full mask that covers the top of the face too.

Hmm, Nadler too. And Schumer.

See? Masks aren't such a bad thing.


To get caught up on what is happening with the governor's race in Virginia, read my earlier post:


Okay, now get out your popcorn.

Virginia Patriots have people planted all over the place within elections to watch for voter fraud. One Patriot in Democrat-controlled Fairfax County spotted it happening: Virginia law requires that mail-in ballots are only sent out if the application has the last four digits of the social security number, but employees of the Office of Elections were ignoring this law and ready to send out mail-in ballots like candy. They were planning to send out 339 mail-in ballots to "voters" with no partial social security number on the application.

A Patriot in the office saw this and reported it to the Virginia voter fraud hotline (I'm not sure what it is--I looked but didn't find it easily). This report went to a team of lawyers who filed a lawsuit yesterday (https://publicinterestlegal.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/Complaint_20211020_0001Fairfaxed.pdf). An article about what happened is here: https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2021/10/20/public-interest-legal-foundation-files-lawsuit-over-illegal-absentee-ballots-in-fairfax-county-in-advance-of-va-gubernatorial-election/

This is after the nine Democrats on the county board faced blowback when they voted to send a letter to Governor Blackface saying he should not require a witness signature on ballots (https://www.insidenova.com/headlines/fairfax-board-asks-northam-to-waive-witness-requirement-for-absentee-ballots/article_b84ee54a-2763-11ec-a19c-e7c27f4e8ad7.html). This created a shitstorm that should keep the no-witness thing from happening.

The pre-crime mode is working, folks. If Virginia Patriots win next month, the methods developed can be used throughout the country.

Let's go Brandon!


Here is my original post: https://greatawakening.win/p/13zgbpTXOq/pedes-watch-the-virginia-governo/

I just saw this about the rape scandal in Virginia: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/10/ag-garland-says-not-familiar-loudoun-county-sexual-assault-scandal-video/

Garland is going after parents who speak up at school board meetings, but turns a blind eye to the rape of children that they are complaining about.

Pedes! Unite in Virginia and kick these assholes out. Anyone in Virginia: Please vote and please volunteer to be a poll watcher via your friendly neighborhood Republican Party.


Terry McAuliffe (D and asshole) and Glenn Youngkin (R) are battling it out for the November election. This is one of only two states with statewide elections this year. In addition, there are elections for Lieutenant Governor, Attorney General, and 100 seats in the House of Delegates.

For a while, there was little coverage of the race. Then McAuliffe, being a complete dumbass, said that parents shouldn't tell the schools how to educate kids (https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/09/va-dem-gov-candidate-terry-mcauliffe-dont-think-parents-telling-schools-teach-video/) This went, as they say, viral, and suddenly the race has nationwide attention.

Some people on this board have been saying "So what? Democrats will cheat again." If you think that, you haven't looked very hard at what is going on. Unlike other states, one voting machine company doesn't control all the voting machines. There are different voting methods for different counties.

In addition, Patriots on the ground have been hard at work tightening up election security. A lot of deadwood on the registration lists have been thrown out. There are many many Patriot poll watchers everywhere. Heat is on local governments, who run the elections. It is far easier for Patriots to put heat on local and state officials. Feds are far more insulated. A lot of loopholes have been closed, including all workers having to leave polls at the same time in at least some counties.

Also, Patriots on the ground have arranged for 99 candidates for the 100 House of Delegate seats. This has never been seen before. Some of the candidates are stronger than others, but not all are really needed.

And there's more! If you order by midnight tonight!

Democrats have the shittiest candidate since Biden. And a major Democrat scandal is rocking the state. Democrats running Loudoun county covered up the rape of a public school student by a tranny in a bathroom, leading to another rape. The first girl's father was arrested during a Loudoun County school board meeting, and all hell broke lose. (https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/10/sickening-loudoun-county-schools-covered-rape-14-year-old-girl-prosecuted-father-protect-male-transgender-student-permitted-use-ladies-bathrooms/) I am using Gateway Pundit links because they are easy to find, but the news went everywhere in the independent press.

And what does McAuliffe do? Him and his campaign just keep acting stupid:









So, pedes, think: What if there is a Republican win in Virginia?

A whole new ball game. This would be proof that a state can overcome voter fraud. Other states can copy what Virginia did and kill off voter fraud there. And voter fraud, is, of course, the only thing keeping Democrats in business.

And Virginia becomes the next Florida. Even if Youngkin isn't necessarily another DeSantis, millions of pedes will keep him on the straight and narrow.

There is a whole Patriot underground in Virginia just like there is everywhere else. The moment of glory might be really really soon. Or not.

Then it is a lost battle and the war continues. We never never never give up.

UPDATE: See https://greatawakening.win/p/13zgbqaq7k/update-to-earlier-post-about-the/

UPDATE: https://greatawakening.win/p/13zgbrkss8/hopium-alert-patriots-just-stopp/ Patriots just stopped voter fraud in progress.


Slap yourself in the head. Why aren't you watching Virginia? It is one of two states with statewide elections going on right now. Republican Glenn Youngkin versus extreme dirtbag Clinton buddy Terry McAuliffe. Go research McAuliffe. Deep State doesn't get any deeper.

Democrats know they are in trouble. Even Northern Virginia, the major population area and traditionally blue, is truly pissed. Forced vaccination on federal employees and school employees has created that pissed off effect. Add the desertion of Americans in Afghanistan and the killing of 13 members of the military. A huge number of people in Northern Virginia spend time stationed overseas. Then top it off with totally screwed up public schools.

The rest of the state was pretty much red already with a few exceptions.

So what do the Democrats do? They plan a massive cheat in Fairfax County and probably elsewhere. This is how they are doing it.

They suddenly introduce in the polling places (early voting started last Friday) a NEW GADGET. No one knew about it ahead of time. Hmmm, wonder what that could be for. It is supposedly to mark ballots. You touch the candidates' names on the touch screen and then it prints off a ballot. You then put it in the other voting machine that counts it. The Democrat scumbags added it because...

There is no reason. Other than voter fraud.

Voters can easily miss that the wrong votes were cast. And what keeps the Democrats from printing out ballots after hours? Nothing.

But there's more, if you order by midnight tonight...

The Democrats have a special arrangement by which they hire "temporary" employees to work at the early voting polls. No one can apply for these jobs. It is only the special few who get selected in some mysterious way. Hmmm...add that to the new gadget...

But voting has just started, and word got out quickly when people saw the new gadget and wondered what the hell was going on.

McAuliffe is not campaigning much at all. He is counting on the voter fraud thing just like Hillary did.

Catch the bad guys BEFORE they do the voter fraud. That is our new motto.

Watch for them everywhere. They are very tricky.

Arizona is only the beginning.


So, we now know that there is massive voter fraud, and has been FOR A LONG TIME. That means, via voter fraud, The Hildebeast would have won. But someone stopped that from happening. They undid the voter fraud.

So, why didn't the same someone stop the voter fraud from happening this last time? BECAUSE THEY WANTED IT TO HAPPEN. There is no other possible explanation. They wanted massive shit to hit the fan.

Which means there is a damn plan. And look at the communication from Flynn, right there on the right side of this web site--GET INVOLVED.

WE are the plan. There is probably some secret stuff going on, and I certainly hope it all gets spicy, but WE are the plan. The control of the United States is supposed to be turned back over to us, the people. That is the whole point of the thing.

Local and state governments run and control elections. This is where we need to step up and kick some commie butt.


Run for office or work on the campaigns of those MAGA Republicans who do.

Work as Election Officers and watch those elections like a hawk.

Start separating you and your family from the globalist economy. If we keep feeding them money, they will never die. Live simply, maybe do the survivalist thing, and try to buy only from companies who are not owned by assholes. Try not to work for them either. It is tricky to do 100%. Whatever you can do makes a big difference collectively.

Fight for home school co-ops and private schools. Get involved with them in any way you can.

Start up local independent news sites so local governments are under constant scrutiny.

Anytime you start dooming a bit, remember:


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