WildBurguer 5 points ago +5 / -0

Kekmosis I (Son of Kek)

I once heard the following statement: Whether Satan exists is a matter of belief, but we do know that Satanists do exist. It is not difficult to believe that Satanists would be in the highest political positions. And it is impossible to believe that good and honest people would not fight against them. Qanon, in my view, is a blessing from God.

I follow a channel of a person who has certain knowledge about the occult and secret societies, and he always says "follow the white rabbit". And even though I'm quite skeptical, every time I start researching these things I end up getting more and more into the rabbit hole. But if you notice they make you get used to certain ideas using movies, series, books, etc., so that when you discover certain proofs or loose ends you end up doubting what you see and what you think. So you end up restricting yourself not to follow the white rabbit.

The selfie with the mask?

WildBurguer 6 points ago +6 / -0

Part 2:

Donald John Trump = 1287

Tree Of Knowledge = 1287

The Return Of Christ As The Lion = 1287

Heavens Lord On Earth = 1287

I Love Honey = 1287

WildBurguer 6 points ago +6 / -0

Today was the first time I heard about Gematria, I tried and ended up being surprised by this coincidence. Perhaps the goal of using Gematria as code is to convey a more general feeling than an accurate message.

WildBurguer 7 points ago +7 / -0

Going welI, I think! Thank you to all. LOVE!!! = 2998

All Corrupt Japhethians Shall Suffer Along Side The Gentile For Their Defiance = 2998

Confucianism Must Be Removed In The World = 2998

He Is The Son Of David Our Redeemer Jesus Christ = 2998