WinterSoldier82 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'm going to cally bank to ensure the safety of my account and privacy which if it's against the law I will reach out to my attorney.

WinterSoldier82 3 points ago +3 / -0

They care less about how Americans are trying their best to survive this Mess in which they created and more on bringing us down.

WinterSoldier82 3 points ago +3 / -0

BREAKING: Israel Troops are making way to GAZA now. Shits about to get serious there!

WinterSoldier82 3 points ago +3 / -0

Right! Showing only the after math to display their deceptive narrative to confuse people from the truth as we the Patriots know their playbook all too well.

WinterSoldier82 3 points ago +3 / -0

his Rino just lied to US ALL, again! Let me reiterate what you just said Lankford on the integrity of OUR VOTES; how did this work out for Trump just 5 months ago?? Wouldn't he be the President NOW if your statement would be True? What would occur if this happened to YOU by your conglomerate Democratic Party?

Cheating and Mail in ballots is NOT how we do things in Oklahoma nor America and we are NOT GOING TO TAKE IT, ANYMORE!! As a matter of fact, dont even use Trump as a reference of thought or advocacy; we know what YOU really did to our REAL President that should have been in Office NOW!

Let me advise you Lankford that there are 28 more Senators of this state and the PEOPLE / PATRIOTS that back them are watching YOUR every move and we are Anticipating the AZ Audit Results to come in very soon which could determine your fate in office.

Trump 2020 and Beyond!

WinterSoldier82 1 point ago +1 / -0

They have so many plans on Cheating their way through; at the end they will stand against each other; fighting for the scraps the Gov / Big Corp tosses their way.

WinterSoldier82 2 points ago +2 / -0

AHhhaa!! Its such a relief to release 'em big ones, aint it! =)

WinterSoldier82 2 points ago +2 / -0

Right On! This State is great but does have its flaws which can be easily overcome by spreading the Truth to the Kin Folks here which are not very well informed about what is really going on around here. We need all Senators to be aware and dismantle the corrupt Dems that are snaking their way through our Lands to impose their Dracronian lifestyle here.

Your right! The only drawback here is the COVID on the elders which all believe this will kill them which is could make them sicker (no doubt about that). This puts US ALL in a bind of tug of war scenario.

WinterSoldier82 2 points ago +2 / -0

This is True and I will tell you why he is not as good as Desantis: Half of Okla is Owned By the Native Americans and the 5 Tribes which 3 are on our side (for now), while the other 2 are sucking Liberal Cock at the GOP.

Not easy being the Boss of a State that has to deal with stuff like this!

BTW the 2 tribes Im talking about are currently persuading the other 3 to implement their Jurisdiction with the USA. This will manifest a spew of Red Flag Laws & False Flags to impose Taxes etc. as the Deep State has planned since pre 1900's era.


WinterSoldier82 2 points ago +2 / -0

I really dont know! Heck nobody really knows who's this Global Company that started in Sept which Pentagon allowed them to buy these many IPs on the 20th of Jan right before Trump left the white house. This all I got from the article.

Here's a Redit article I haven't fully read yet:


WinterSoldier82 3 points ago +3 / -0

The article stated that the DoD & FBI has had vulnerable hotspots for Hackers to easily get in. i believe Trump saved us from this vulnerability by letting this company from FLA (40 min from (Mara A Lago) take control.

WinterSoldier82 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yep! My Fiance and I are not reconsidering having Children from knowing what they do in Hospitals which we will have to have have Home-births and Home Schooled. However, we have stronger and better feeling living here in Okla vs Chicago which we moved out from last May.

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