One of the best voices in country..
This eye opening in many was.. I knew Hefner was horrible… I found out we was evil to the core.. You will some of the usual suspects… Cosby, Jim Brown, Polanski and like scum. I remembered feminist have morals and values and wanted better things for women. I got a further understanding of cognitive dissonance, brainwashing and going along to get along and the power of blackmail. I got a better understanding of illusion and power. I am still not done watching.
This awoke me up at 2 am. Malignant virtue signaling is dangerous, and it is time to call it out every time you see it. Quite frankly I’m done worrying about hurting someone feelings. It is killing people.
I go back to Jonestown,, I was 7… I knew something was not right.. lately that has been eating at me…
It was chess, poker and now fishing. Methods were vibrating devices ( chess and poker) lead weights ( fishing) . I think there may be some coms that I am missing.