Zhou-BaiDan 1 point ago +1 / -0

Fuck China and it's Chinese Proverbs.

China is asshoe!

You want to talk about liars? Deal with Mainland Chinese. It is the country of liars. I have first hand experience in regard to that.

Fuck off wumao

Love, faux President Zhou BaiDen

Zhou-BaiDan 2 points ago +2 / -0

Fair enough. Yes it has been hard for me to get through all of them.

I understand what you're saying but here is an example of what I am trying to understand, why would the DS Demafrauds go along with even having a fake Senate impeachment and why would Trump go along with the show of being impeached?

Zhou-BaiDan 1 point ago +1 / -0

How so when the Senate just confirmed his fucking new Secretary of Defense?!

Zhou-BaiDan 2 points ago +2 / -0

I agree. Next month for now is my cut-off date. I don't think I can ride this rollercoaster of conflicting information/misinformation between their side and ours till March 5.

Zhou-BaiDan 1 point ago +1 / -0

Sure, that one lines up. Are we believing that The House and Senate are both just falsely operating off of a movie set as well. What about if/when they impeach Trump in the Senate as early as next week perhaps? We are still to believe it is fiction?

I want to believe still trust me and please don't accuse me of being a shill by asking. I am trying to sort this out, how the plan is still in operation.

Zhou-BaiDan 1 point ago +1 / -0

P.S. Patriot Streetfighter Steve MacKay told me and all other patriots to stick together and not beat the shit out of each other. Those that do are weak pussy soyboys.

Zhou-BaiDan 1 point ago +1 / -0

I am? The shill is faux President Zhou Bai Dan who I make fun of here and everywhere starting with my profile name. He is the CCP and DS cuck.

And certainly not. This is floating around and someone even said CNN debunked it which means there has to be some truth to it. So I am asking other QAnons if there has been any talk of it.

It would support why some Republican Governors are calling their Ng back. It would how it looks like The House and Senate are actually in operation right now. It would support why/how that cunt Pelosiis moving forward with the impeachment in Senate.

All moot point if the new Republic is just certain States and Trump is the President of the New Republic.

Now shills are just going to fight with you or call you names back. I am not one.

Zhou-BaiDan 1 point ago +1 / -0

No worries. I finished watching The Fall of The Cabal, I know the Cabal/DS is real, I just do not know that Patriots are in charge at this time. As we all do hear, I hope so. There is misinformation everywhere.

I read one thing saying the house was sent home and then I do a search and I find the house has been back in order. I read one thing saying FEMA is in charge with 24,000+ troops and in the next I am reading Republican Governor's saying they want their NG's home. So confusing.

Zhou-BaiDan 2 points ago +2 / -0

Right, I just wondered if this was tied to the Republican led states of Florida and Texas suddenly demanding their NG return home and calling out Pelosi, saying they are not her servants.

My confusion is I thought the NG was here under FEMA as per orders from Trump. Not there to protect Biden. Doesn't that go again what we're being told 'The Plan' is?

Zhou-BaiDan 3 points ago +3 / -0

Right, I'm Canadian not American but we're at grave risk as well if the DS isn't taken down. Trudope and his right hand idiot Freeloader are tied to the DS. Freeloader is Soros' bestie.

So my hope was that The Plan is still a new Republic minus DC. 28 States leaving that is some Mainland Civil War shit, not good for any of us.

Zhou-BaiDan 3 points ago +3 / -0

Then that would suggest real hope that it is accurate, Ha

Zhou-BaiDan 5 points ago +5 / -0

No friend. I am not a disinformation spreader, which is why I asked and am asking in a polite and any take this is real sense.

I understand why the guard is up, I am simply trying to weed through the disinformation to only find the information. Which is why I asked the fellow QAnons in here.

Zhou-BaiDan 1 point ago +1 / -0

Unfortunately this came from my brother who is big into The Great Awakening but he didn't say where. I will ask him.

Zhou-BaiDan 3 points ago +3 / -0

But it seems now that the National Guard were not there under FEMA for Trump but for Biden?

Doesn't this prove even more that "The Plan" is not real? I'm confused. We keep getting told that the military is in charge. That all 24,000+ there were for Trump and to arrest the DS traitors. Why then are Republican Governors calling their National Guard back home and saying things like they are not Pelosi's servants?

I'm not saying Q or The Plan is fake, but everyday there is a move that counters what everyone here and Q is saying.

Even over on Patriot.win they are mocking us on the 10 days of pain/silence.

Zhou-BaiDan 1 point ago +1 / -0

"Come, On Man". You can do better than a post like this!

~ President Bai Dan

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