anonuk 0 points ago +1 / -1

Agree with pretty much all of that, except the new account thing. I've been a lurker for a good while, didn’t create an account as didn’t want to get drawn into arguments with shills, and everything I needed from this place could be had without one. That gave me more time to research, easily hundreds of hours; and although I am still researching, much of it is done, so I can slow down, have some more time with my family, and create an account here for interaction with like-minded peers.

Doesn’t matter that I am in the U.K. as this is a global problem; it doesn’t matter about all these people coming in talking crap, calling us idiots for following something we have researched and see evidence of truth in. They haven’t done the research, they feel superior now as they believe they are right; you can bet when things turn around they won’t come back here to apologise.

As for new accounts, maybe have them vetted a bit more closely within the first week or so. IDK, I just know I was late to create mine for the reasons above, and I am glad I was still able to.

anonuk 2 points ago +2 / -0

So you obviously didn’t bother to even take a look at the evidence out there over the last few months? If you had, you would know there were lots of video/audio recordings showing fraud, as well as all the affidavits, etc. If you had followed it all the way through you would also have seen how big tech was complicit and went to serious efforts to remove/hide/discredit evidence.

The amount of removed video evidence I had in one of my YT playlist is ridiculous; even worse you don’t get to see the name of the vid they removed, just lots and lots of [Deleted Video]....

Luckily there are backups, and I'm sure the legal team has copies of everything. Unfortunately, it doesn’t matter how much evidence you have if the court refuses to actually hear/see it, based on technicalities...

It matters not whether you believe it, or me, I have seen it, all the doubters and mockers will eventually see. I don’t know the time-scale of it all, but feel free to check back here in 6 months and we can see if I am as deluded as you mockers seem to think.

anonuk 1 point ago +2 / -1

When both sides lie (the bad because they are natural liars, the good because they know the need for disinfo in intel ops) then weirdness/chaos is a natural outcome, no?

Hold the line; were we not told previously (weeks ago) about the deliberate need for disinfo? It seems obvious both sides would be doing it, trying to steer the narrative their way. Military operations really do look to be going on; when something more significant and obvious will be released to show progress IDK, but it can’t be too long of a wait.

Could be Jan or Feb or March, who knows, I can hold until then, probably longer; but won’t wait indefinitely.

anonuk 20 points ago +21 / -1

I'm from the U.K. (not proudly ATM I might add); many (but not a majority) of us here know it was stolen, it was blatantly obvious (perhaps that was part of 'their intent' - demoralisation, etc.).

Our mainstream media/news lies to us extensively, probably as much or more than yours does over there. I have no doubt many here go along with the main narrative and believe Trump was/is bad, and somehow Biden will be better. Just know many of us see through their lies.

I'm still sharing info, leaks, etc. with people around me, some are listening, some think I have gone off the deep-end. Still holding the line, this is bigger than Trump, bigger than the US. This is a worldwide issue of we the people against these sick, twisted, cabalistic, mentally-ill and self-appointed 'elites'; and those that go along with them (mainstream media/news).

This is not just our battle; some may not believe in God or forces of good, doesn't mean they aren't there helping. I'm not what many would call a religious man, but I have my faith, have been guided in unusual ways, and will continue to hold the line. It's sad to see the despair and doubt here and the many other places and groups I have been lurking in, that’s why I have finally bothered to create an account; this despair and doubt needs dealing with, there is still hope.