antiapophenia 2 points ago +2 / -0

Who are these esteemed government scientists? Where can I read their paper with these results? There's no reason to hide this, in fact it's better to be publicly known (it's all already known by DS you can be sure).

Byrne does like writing fiction. He's just not all that good at it.

antiapophenia 3 points ago +3 / -0

From what I learned about Q posts, him "losing" is part of the plan.

That is one interpretation of Q's drops, yes. There are others.

antiapophenia 1 point ago +1 / -0

Eric Madsen certainly has an active legal imagination, you have to give him that. But for me anyway he doesn't inspire any confidence that he understands the actual process of establishing legal interpretation, filing cases and making arguments before a court. Or maybe he does, and that's why he doesn't expose his theory to that kind of scrutiny: any competent judge would conclude what is obvious, that the plain meaning and intent of the Organic Act of 1871 was to reorganize the government of the District of Columbia, full stop.

antiapophenia 1 point ago +1 / -0

Started with Q drops 15, 25, 26. Oct 27 and Nov 1 2017. Drop 15 said "11.3 - Podesta indicted". Drop 25 said military action to commence "once 11.3 verifies as 1st marker". Drop 26 said "Proof to begin 11.3."

Naturally in that context 11.3 referred to November 3 2017.

But Podesta wasn't indicted on Nov 3 2017. No military sweep, nothing.

So 11.3 was reinterpreted in various ways. Election day November 3 2020? Podesta still not indicted, etc. Section 3 of Chapter 11 of the DoD Law of War Manual? 11.3 covers "END OF OCCUPATION AND DURATION OF GC OBLIGATIONS". "OCCUPATION" there refers to belligerent occupation; "GC" is Geneva Conventions. Most folks who know that document think it is inapplicable to US Military action against US Deep State. And now Paul's letter to the Romans 11:3.

So I turn the question back to you. Don't follow blindly. What do you think?

antiapophenia 0 points ago +2 / -2

The US as a corporation, with the constitution being the corporate charter, originates with the Founders. The major advance was thinking of the charter as being granted by We the People, instead of a king. From the beginning. 1871 didn't change anything.

Do better research please.

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