Do we promote this? Should we? What is best for uniting the country? I know there is a plan, but whst is that plan regarding trumps running mate? Is it the peoples choice?? It should be. What if we picked the best choice to complete and unite the vision of our fellow Americans?

I know this idea has been brought up before and RFK himself has said no. How much power do we have as anons?


Just casually mention "catsfive" in a convo.

You will then know if they read the front page of this site.


GA.W will not accept this as a link post. Which is odd because of this post.

This whole FTX thing keeps feeling more and more like the that should go to jail over this are the people who are "investigating" it.


They were told day one that they were caught, and all of the info was saved, and going to be used against them. They simply just can't admit it, because of the people that control them. The rothchilds and soros' of the world weren't specifically told and also have no intention of letting go of the power they wield. They keep making the decisions. The people they control, Biden/Pelosi/Obama, are not allowed to stop this charade.. They HAVE to keep pretending this is "real". The problem for the "elites" is that they have always lived with knowing the truth and having just a little bit of it spill over the buckets edge, before they turn the faucet off.

They are used to filling up a new bucket after that, with new false info, further misleading the population. Now though, people are watching, seeing what is happening. Not being as easily misled. Some still believe the lies of course, but in a way we need them at this point. The "elite" need to think things are still going to plan, they need to keep digging this hole.

NONE OF THEM can say the truth. It gives EVERYONE else away. It is literally a movie when you see it this way. The best they can do is try to make it stop, which sucks, but not as much as it would if they did have power. They have already failed and it is glorious.


and all the other possible outcomes.. miscarriage and whatever else.

I didn't save the link when I read it.


Lets just say we are where we are. We had an obvious sham election. Most of the country knows it. Trump was just in office, now he just "guides from the sidelines."

Okay. Now what? Could it be that the best military strategy is to let the world think that the USA has just continued on with the problematic government that has been operating in it? Let the world just expose itself? The military is obviously watching. The Jan 20/21 date is a law of war rule.. Just not a needed actionable timestamp. More of a time frame. A beginning point. Lets start from here and see the military act now. Or we can just all give up and go home.


The difference is that Caesar used his own gold to supply the economy. We are not on a "gold standard" any longer. Its more of a labor based fiat currency. You get paid from your labor, sans billionaires. In America the money system was built up by the wealth of the nation. The individual wealth of the nation. The money belongs to the PEOPLE. Not the GOV'T. They do not own it, therefore the idea that we need to "give them what is theres" is entirely correct. They are not OWED taxes. We pay taxes so that someone else, that we also care about, is ready at the moment your neighbors house catches on fire and is there to put the fire out. And other similar things. The money is ours to do what we want to with a nation.

The CAESAR argument DOES NOT APPLY TO AMERICA~ We, as the people, OWN OUR MONEY,. The government owns nothing, and they should be happy about it. The government only owns the DEBT they took out of the Federal Reserve. The money is ours. We could take it back.


Q post.

89736 The 'CURE' will spread WW. Have FAITH, Patriot. Q


I don't have this figured out yet, but I am thinking we will need a farmers market style UNVAXXED Co-Op for our local communities. Doctors and nurses plus food and anything else. Cobblers, Carpenters, Mechanics, Linemen.. Whatever, knowledge is knowledge. A new economy. We should be organizing these now, some of us are already in need and have the skills and knowledge that our community is paying those who are against freedom for. We have a community, lets use it.

I was thinking we use our own money, then I had the thought that we just write "UV" or "PB" on the physical bills to show where it is to be used. If needed it can still be used to pay rent or mortgage then. We need to support each other.

I hope it doesn't get as bad as I think its going to get, however I think we can get ahead of it.

Cool Hat! (
posted ago by atomchurch ago by atomchurch

Both were stolen in the same fashion. Turns out Q just proved, in the same month, that this is a GLOBAL awakening. The deep digs might need to get a little bit wider. They have always been "wide", but are some ideas meant to start outside of American areas?

High fives and actual handshakes to the pedes that research to all the countries outside of America. All the info is needed. Thank Q to all.


Larry said he didn't think the election was stolen. Then he changed his tune.

Trump is staying out of it for the most part. Larry is left on his own.

Now he is a "black white supremacist" that is going to be the DJT Gov of Cali.

Joe Biden calls him the "A clone of Donald Trump".

As much as DJT has been all in for, and endorsing other candidates, he has completely left CA alone. Our movement has been the one to say "watch CA." The fraud that has been happening, is being called out and more in the open than it has ever been before. The people who just read the headlines would never see what is going if Trump had endorsed Larry and gave the media all the firepower of using his name against Larry.


A lot of people have been claiming Ivermectin might cure cancer. Joe said he would... A more obscure clip.. Same "promise".

Is it possible Ivermectin might have been the solution this whole time? The goal from their side? "The new cure."? Why can a sitting (dementia ridden) [p]Resident claim these things and not be called out? Why can pharma just duplicate what is already out there?

Just a few thoughts before rest.

Their game is a long game. Ours should be also.. Maybe starting around 16.45 years ago.


Did he also sign an NDA agreement to have them produce a product on his timeframe? Was it, by chance, the same contract that other countries and groups had to sign? Where they can't talk negatively about it publicly? He has said he "personally" got the vaccine approved. Would that mean he can't say negative things about it legally? Just kinda not talk about it and let everyone do their own research first? Once everyone has made up their minds, then he comes out and says "good things" about it, therefore never being able to be legally liable and still getting the outcome he wants? Why do we need some convoluted reason why? He had a plan, and possibly the only way was to sign a contract where he can't talk bad about it. So he just waited a few months and the rest of us saw how bad it was and shared the info also. Just another theory I guess.

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