bOObs 2 points ago +2 / -0

even here in Poland ( probably whole EU) big workplaces are being invaded with the ‘dr’ Mengele’s minions willing to jab You as of last couple of days

bOObs 1 point ago +1 / -0

My exact thoughts. Some vaxines migh be a weapon, not just this current killshot.

Why is it mandatory (at least here in Europe and at least in some US states) that every baby gets a dozen of injections these days?

Why there’s was such a strong pro-vax propaganda and censorship of criticism in recent years?

bOObs 2 points ago +2 / -0

Vitamin C allegedly helps. Mike Adams made a video on how to help those who got 1st shot; some say if it’s only a first dose, One still has a chance.

If I was that guy I’d wait, since this bs and ban on travel will end one day.

bOObs 2 points ago +2 / -0

And if nothing works, simply beg them not to take it. Since they are seniors, they may want to listen to this senior Austrian women talking about Nazism, including T4 ‘merciful death’ program, and how she would never let ant state know (now US) in case she was to become disabled. https://www.brighteon.com/57fc8746-c8d0-46f1-aa8e-fb156bcf419b

bOObs 2 points ago +2 / -0

show them how people feel betrayed after suffering from the serious side effects (not all side effects neither deaths are addressed on this forum though):


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