bookmobile0 1 point ago +1 / -0

I am not talking about Fauci or mrna. I am talking about common sense and the Johnson and Johnson shot. Or Sputnik V. Or Novavax. Or any of the million other conventional vaccines.

bookmobile0 1 point ago +1 / -0

Just one free Johnson and Johnson shoot from the grocery store is much easier than hunting down ivermectin and taking every day.

bookmobile0 1 point ago +1 / -0

Okay. Tanzanian cannibals don't get vaccinated while the civilized world does. Just don't be surprised when America becomes a shit whole country from people acting like Tanzanians.

bookmobile0 2 points ago +2 / -0

Oh. I understand. When one can get a Johnson and Johnson vaccine, one is taking risks for the virus that is just a cold. For over 25% of people, including those with comorbidities, it is just like a cold. But when it comes to ivermectin, covid is somehow the deadly pandemic libtards say it is, thus one should take it every day like a prophylactic. You are the one who does not understand. George Washington (a man you probably never heard of) made his troops take a small pox inoculation that was dangerous for real. You don't understand history, politics, health, math, authority, religion... Rejecting all the possible vaccines one could take over what a few podcasters say is foolish. You are the one who doesn't understand, thus should not participate in discussions. Do some research.

bookmobile0 1 point ago +2 / -1

No. A real moron chooses to take ivermectin every day to avoid covid rather than getting a Johnson and Johnson vaccine once. I'd say all the tin foil hat types dying from covid will collectively raise America's IQ score, but you are more likely to get brain damage from covid than die. Then you will have an excuse for being the one who is a moron.

bookmobile0 0 points ago +1 / -1

Most died before February 2021. I know of at least one vaccinated person who died of covid.

bookmobile0 -8 points ago +2 / -10

People want to hype both the vaccines and the viruses. My county has 270 covid deaths and 1 vaccine death. A place where far more people had the vaccine than the infection. Among the vaccinated people I know, the symptoms were somewhere between a day of flu like and nothing at all. I also knew people who had covid. It was worse than the flu for them, but they recovered. There are only two things that might keep you from getting covid: 1. You were already infected. 2. You got vaccinated. Those two things don't guarantee you will not get it, but they diminish how problematic it can be. Don't listen to some random bitch you never heard of before. Talk to your doctor.