Those of you who don't have X.
No longer protected class.
Fear mongering has been the hallmark of fake news for long time now. I believe someone once told me in the Bible, God and angels told human, "Do not fear" at least 3000+ times.
I am thinking it in that way. Yes. Need to think a little more.
Yes. I know it. I calculated the damn thing and it's cheaper for me to pay out of pocket.
There's a ton of those dogturds.
I am already there. I canceled my dental insurance. They are bunch of scams.
The Minnesota House just voted on a bill which would require doctors give medical life-saving care to babies who are born alive after botched abortions.
Black horseman. I understand.
Sickening. I used to support them. I am so sorry.
Nice talking to you. What is your handle mean? Tetartos_Ippeas
I don't care what they called me. We just keep doing the right thing.
Now. Takes some guts to move.
Oregon too. I used to live in WA. I know.
Aah, thank you. Watch Ashland Dog also. He brought lots of great info here too.
I think they are doing that. Around my area, the apartments have recently in the last several months empty by 90%.
Have a good laugh.
Someone said, If she wins I’m shoving a Tesla up my ass
You meant collapsing the whole temple? You know how many pillars of that temple has been destroyed since Covid? I knew some of those pillars because I saw it from working in hospitals since 16. I also know about school because my mom was teacher assistant.
Now, government, fake news, child trafficking....etc no idea. It's good to finally see.
I will try to get you a nitter thread but right now, nitter not working
How does a foreign student at a college that costs $93,000 a year, still manage to afford 19 lawyers that cost $1,000 an hour each?
Hence I am brain-dead because I am a night owl. Howls.