brownguy 1 point ago +1 / -0

I have faith in God almighty carrying out his plan.

On a side note: I love the positivity in here. Nobody turning on each other, so nice to see.

brownguy 2 points ago +2 / -0

I love TDW and I'm there most of the time. But I really appreciate the discussions here, especially right now. Thanks, bros.

brownguy 2 points ago +2 / -0

Heads: you're fucked.

Tails: you're fucked.

brownguy 2 points ago +2 / -0

I think that when people think of a leader sent by God, we generally think of a "holy" looking dude without a single blemish on his record.

Instead, God sent Trump lol.

To say that God works in mysterious ways is an understatement, for sure. Donald Trump is probably the complete opposite of what we expected. Yet, when you really begin to look at what he's done for our country, you see that he IS doing God's work.

I believe 100% with my entire heart and soul that there is a fight between good and evil happening right now. BIGGER than most people think. I don't fully understand it all, but I know there a reason why the deep state hates Donald Trump so much.

brownguy 14 points ago +15 / -1

Hi, bros. I'm usually over at TD.W but have been coming around here more often lately. Trump's answer here is EXACTLY why I've been keeping an open mind about Q related stuff. It gets so old and tiring to hear people, even on TD.W, being so negative and dismissive of anything that can possibly be remotely related to Q. I never knew a whole lot regarding Q but it has totally been a Streisand Effect thing for me. While I can't say I fully understand or agree with everything, you'd have to be a damn fool to not at the very least consider things and keep an open mind. I mean, what's the harm? If Q is all "LARP" or bullshit or whatever they say.. then so what?? Like Trump said: is it supposed to be a bad thing??

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